Tuesday, March 31, 2009

15 People Fired For Looking At Octo-Mom's Hospital Records

15 people over at Kaiser have lost their jobs and another 8 were disciplined for looking through Nadya Suleman's medical file. The sad thing is they probably could have got just as much information from reading the internet or watching the news. It doesn't appear that anyone sold anything to the tabloids. I can't believe none of them thought about selling the information. They knew they would be fired for looking if they were caught, so you might as well get something in return. It isn't like you will ever get another job in a hospital. It probably doesn't look very good to go to any employer, let a lone another hospital and when they ask why you were fired you reply that you were snooping through private medical records.

I understand human nature is a very curious thing, but to lose your job over her just seems pointless. Apparently the hospital knew in advance that their employees would be curious and actually held training sessions and reminded them daily about patient confidentiality. I understand why they were fired. I just wish if they were going to be nosy and get fired they could have picked someone other than Octo-Mom to file snoop. How about Tom Cruise or Suri or whether Pamela Anderson has just been making up this whole Hepatitis thing for the past few years.


  1. I agre with Enty- who would risk their livelihood for this skank?

  2. I doubt Pam A is making up the hepatitis, if anything she's probably keeping secret some things.

    I also agree that it's a total waste to lose your job over octo-mom of all people. I can't imagine anything in her file that we don't already know, and if we don't it probably is nothing we would care about, like needing to increase her calcium intake. Ooh, how exciting! *yawn*

  3. I thought they were looking at her records to see if the baby's father was named? With that sort of information, they could have made some money off a tabloid.

    But, it's just wrong to violate people's privacy and snoop in their medical records. I don't care if the person is famous or not. Would those same employees want their medical files photocopied and posted around their neighborhood?

  4. Not just wrong, but against the law. HIPPA stands for the Healthcare Information Portability and Protection Act and basically means you can't even give info over the phone to someone claiming to be the patient, unless you have a way of verifying that the person IS the patient.

    That said, what idiots. Every hospital monitors who looks at whose records and even Jessica Simpson would be able to figure out that Kaiser was monitoring Octo-mommy's.

    Maybe they can go work for her as nannies. I hear she doesn't mind a little publicity every now and then.

  5. That's just plain stupid on their part. Eventually everything about her should surface, so did it really pay for them to lose theur jobs, especially in this economy?

  6. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Under the HIPPA law, you can also be fined up to $25,000 for each disclosure. And because it would be a crime, I think any money earned by disclosing would be forfeit in addition to the fine. Is that how it works? I'm no lawyer.

  7. Kaiser now has electronic medical files. You have to be logged in to see them, and naturally that would leave a nice little record of everyone stupid enough to have checked without proper authorization.

  8. Its actually HIPAA... Health Information Portability and Accountability Act.
    Sorry, I know, big deal. We all have our pet peeves, and dealing with the damn HIPAA laws, that's one of mine.
    Carry on! :)

  9. I'm not the least bit surprised, it's Kaiser! They're basically just one tiny step up from the County hospital.

  10. Who were these employees that were fired? Rn's, orderlie's, office pool? I agree, why risk your job over this skank, she is not worth it. They must not have been too bright in the first place.

    Like Tom C would be going to Kaiser.

  11. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Wonder if these employees going to run into Gloria Allred lol.

  12. L.A. morning news said they were trying to find the identity of the father. Not that that's an excuse. They deserved to be fired.

  13. i wish i could afford a hollister shirt
