Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Madonna's Prospective Baby Has More Relatives Than I Do

I was reading an Associated Press report about Mercy James which, lets face it is a great name for a band, and everyone AP interviewed is a relative of Mercy. Previously, Madonna or her people or someone had said that the mother died during childbirth and no one had any idea where the dad was.

To me, that seems like a good person to adopt. Then, Madonna gets to Malawi and reporters start sniffing around and the next thing you know, grandma comes out of hiding yesterday and says her piece. Well, grandma isn't the only relative to speak out. Now it turns out Mercy has uncles who are involved in her life and her father does see her. The reason he doesn't see more of her is unclear, but one report suggested it is because he is off earning a living in a different part of the country, and is unable to afford to come back very often.

I am all for adoption and understand Mercy would have a much better chance of succeeding in life and living longer if she lived with Madonna. However, I also don't know about this taking a child from so many extended relatives who are there if Mercy needs them. This is such a tough concept and the frame of reference here in the west is just completely different.

Oh, and yesterday, Madonna confirmed she is trying to adopt. Umm, yeah, we kind of got that when you showed up in court before a judge, but thanks anyway for the heads up.


  1. While I am disgusted by Madonna treating Malawi like her own vision of an animal farm, I know I am not the only one laughing at her obvious attempt to at least pick a baby with no parents who can object, only to have other relatives come out of the woodwork and give her just as much trouble. What the hell does she want to do this for anyway? The way she is going about it makes it apparent she only sees the kids as some sort of ego filler and property at best, and not b/c she genuinely wants to raise them as her own.

  2. What surprises me is that Madonna would let this happen. Why couldnt she pay someone to make sure that a) the kid really is alone in this world or b) pay off the relatives that they found? How on earth could she think she would get away with it? Ah, the nerve!

  3. Madonna's an ASS.

    And Mercy James is a fantastic name for a band...

  4. i don't get why women like her go out and buy all these kids they aren't even going to take care of themselves. it's like an illness or something.
    i've always thought madonna is a depraved human being. i don't think she's good mommy material. but since she has money, she can handpick little africans to take home and tell herself what a wonderful person she is. and the kid will be sharing a couch at the shrink's office along with the other 2 kids she's got very soon.

  5. make that THREE kids. forgot about her spawn with richie.

  6. I have to agree with everyone--can't she at least find a kid with no known family?
    When she adopted David, he also left behind a father. I can't believe she is not able to locate a child with no attachments to any family.
    Unless oif course she just doesn't care.

  7. The woman will be 65 when that kid graduates from high school. I think she figures that kids are like facelifts--they keep people thinking you're young. But you'd think once burned, twice shy, as far as orphans that have messy entanglements go. Whatever. At this point in her life, you'd think she would just want to figure out how to keep a partner.

  8. Anonymous11:30 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Enty - I love your tag for this one. Why indeed.

    If the Malawi adoption people can't find a truly orphaned child, it'd probably be better to go somewhere else. Or hey, an American or British child, no need to go to Africa.

  10. Her cheek implants are freaking me out.

    Freaking me out more than usual, I mean.

  11. thanks Sporky i was trying to figure out why i couldn't recognize her anymore...it is the cheek implants and whatever else she has done. i have yet to recognize her in any media pics unless her name is underneath.

  12. sorry Madge, your BOGO expired. please make another selection.

  13. Anonymous12:26 PM

    This infuriates me beyond all reason. This woman doesn't want to take in a child and nurture and care for it, she wants something human to drape over her arm on her way in and out of Kabbalah meetings or services or classes or whatever it is that these wannabes hold. If she wasn't rich, she would have no chance, as she is a single mother with a job that requires her to travel, and three other children at home. It just sucks.

  14. "Mercy would have a much better chance of succeeding in life and living longer if she lived with Madonna."

    I strongly disagree. Madonna has the option of supporting her and not stealing this child from her family and her country. With all of the funds she is spending, making this spectacle, she could have supported every child at this orphanage through adulthood.

  15. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Why do these celebrities adopt if they don't have the time to be with them?

  16. The little girl was obviously hand picked by looks and personality and the details like if she had a family were disregarded. She was in an orphanage after all. Since her experience with David you would think she would be more careful this time. But Madonna gets, what Madonna wants regardless of anything else. It really upsets me that she gets away with this.

  17. Am wondering if this (because Mercy has known family) is why the judge postponed his/her decision until later this week.
    If M's using the US system, Mercy would need to be deemed an orphan, either because of death, abandonment, or some other termination of parental rights, in order for her to be adopted by a US citizen and for Mercy to become a US citizen. If she's not an orphan, there's no way even Madonna can get around USCIS/DHS rules.
    Children are not bought; that's illegal. The process has costs since government workers and services are not free. Ballpark estimate of the total is about the same as a birth + travel.
    Totally agree, CaptivaGirl.

  18. I don't understand all the fuss about this. If her extended family cared about her so much she wouldn't be living in an orphanage. If Madonna wasn't famous, I'm sure they would have no issues with the kid getting adopted...

  19. i think its the other way around - if she wasnt famous there is no way she would even be considered. malawi has really strict adoption rules - for example, you have to have lived in the country for two years.

  20. With most cases in third world countries, being placed in an orphanage has nothing to do with being wanted, and everything to do with poverty.
    Looking forward to hearing what the judge has to say.
