Monday, March 30, 2009

Today's Blind Items

Last week, I told you about the actress who was bulimic. Well, guess what. It turns out that bulimia is not limited to actresses. How can I describe this person without giving it all away? The problem is that he does everything in the business. Singer. Actor. Even more actually. While not A list at any of them, he definitely has B+/A- name recognition. You might not put the face with the name, but when you hear the name, you will have heard of him. That is a really long description, but a blind item like this deserves a nice build up.

This weekend our actor was at Katsuya. He goes there frequently, although this was only the second time our spy saw him. Our actor ordered 2 orders of the rock shrimp tempura. Here is where it gets interesting, and a little wasteful if you ask me. Our actor chews the shrimp, but never actually swallows them. Instead he chews them, and then spits them out into a cup. He is a nice guy though. The first time he did this there, he went to the back of the place and washed his own cup. Anyway, this time while he was there performing his ritual, he accidentally swallowed some of the shrimp, and immediately ran for the bathroom where he stayed for the next 20 minutes. He then returned to his seat and started chewing and spitting again.


  1. um...ewwwww...I really hope this isn't anybody I think is ruin a lot of fantasies....

  2. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I'll pin this one on Nick Lachey.

  3. My best friend used to do this. You do actually absorb some of the calories through saliva, though. She would spit in water bottles and I would look the other way. Sad.

  4. It's called being a 'taster' - where you chew the food to 'get the taste' and then spit it out (preferably not in public, but whatever.) That way you feel like your eating, and with the chewing your stomach wakes up and thinks it's being fed, and you actually feel full by the end. It's a sad little trick that's not quite bulimia nor anorexia, but somewhere in between.

    how do i know all this? I've been doing it for nearly 10yrs. ALWAYS in private. ALWAYS. It's pretty gross, i admit. I probably should get help for it, but it's hard.

    anyway, sorry no clue on who it is.

  5. Anonymous2:17 PM

    ShamWow man doesn't have B+\A- name recognition (unless you count "Shamwow man" LOL!!)

  6. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I was thinking Zac Efron until the won't put the face with the name.

    Cooper's mom - I don't want to be a nag, but the long term health effects of malnutrition associated with this kind of behavior are not good.

  7. how can he be an B+ actor and singer and we don't know his face?

  8. Well that's just effed up.

  9. why did i feel zac efron too?

  10. "even more"--does he maybe produce/direct?

  11. Billy Bob? People have talked about his manorexia for a while. he definitely is a multi-hyphenate including a musician.

  12. DN, i am aware, my husband is constantly telling me the same thing. unfortunately i have serious anxiety issues and i find it a great stress reliever also. I know i'm just making excuses but it's really difficult to stop. Though my biggest rule is to never let my boys see me do it.

  13. Shane West and Adam Brody are both in bands

  14. Jason Schwartzman? He is into music and acting, and has written some stuff. He seems like a nice enough guy. He just sort of popped into my head. Maybe not very recognizable unless you bring up the Wes Anderson movies he's done, or Marie Antoinette.

  15. If we don't know his face, he must be in animation. Seth McFarlane or Matt Groenig or someone like that?

  16. This sounds like Jesse McCartney. Definitely a B-List singer but you know SOME of his music. Not an A-List actor but you know his name from a project here and there. The "actually more" is his songwriting -- he co-wrote Leona Lewis' "Bleeding Love."

  17. I have no idea who this could be, but the idea of chewed-up-and-spit-out-scrimps is naaaasty. I'd rather just starve. 'Cause if it's going in my mouth, it's getting swallowed.

    Oh boy, I just re-read that last sentence and it took on a whole new meaning. Nevermind!


  19. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Brenalove, i think your train of thought. i was thinking of Seth McFarlane immediately because he has lost a lot of weight.

  20. My first instinct was Zac Efron--there were rumors of him being bulimic.

  21. I like the Jesse McCartney guess,and it would make sense

  22. There was an episode of A&E's Intervention about this recently. The woman hadn't swallowed ANYTHING in 15 years. She had a feeding tube in her stomach. It was so sad.

    Cooper's Mom--as someone who has struggled with anxiety/panic attacks, I can relate (though mine didn't manifest in this way). Please get help--it's so important-for you and your family.

  23. the jason schwartzman guess sounds spot on with his description. Jessee mccartney too. damn! oh, and yeah, super gross and super sad.

  24. I bet he never has dinner with the same person twice. I was thinking Ben stiller, altho singing to a ferret probably doesn't count.

  25. Sam Seder?

    Kiddin' .. it just Sam was the guy - "Letterman Lew" - in LA in the "Sex and the City" episode with guy who chewed his steak and spit it out.

    No clue .. but who ever it is .. really sad. Might be Chris Issak .. he is one freaky dude.

  26. cooper's mom-- i'm so sorry. i won't nag on you, because we all have issues. just keep yourself as healthy as you can for your boys.

    does affleck sing?

  27. Terrance Howard? That bitch ain't nice, even if he clean the regurgitation on his plate. After he defended Chris Brown, they found he beat his wife:

    I agree with the whole ambiguous how can he be B+/A- if you don't recognize his face. It's probably cause you don't see his face. I'm with Brendalove. Seth MacFarlane has an amazing singing voice, acts on his show, produces and writes for his show. Everyone knows about Family Guy.

    Seth ftw.

  28. Cooper's Mom:
    You say you don't do it in front of your children, so therefore they are somehow protected.
    I promise you, they already know. Maybe they haven't put 2 and 2 together yet, but they know something is up. Maybe it's because they see the way their father looks at you across the table when you talk about the food. Or how obsess over the importance of them cleaning their plates after every meal. Or how much the garbage smells. Or the arguments you and your husband have after they go to sleep.
    Whatever it is, they know something isn't right. The fact that you don't eat is still eating away at your family. You need to get help. That distrust is only going to grow as they get older. Can you imagine them not getting help for a health problem for more than 10 years and keeping it secret from you?
    Please get help.

  29. Kinda reaching, but my other guess would be Wayne Brady. Actor. TV host. Comedian. Singer (new album last year). Good name recognition but not A list by any means.

  30. Could he have more name recognition because he is half a famous couple? One of those supporting actors who looks familiar, but you don't connect with a name?

    My first thought was Kevin Federline, who has high name recognition but no talent. Has he lost that weight he put on?

  31. Is Seth MacFarlane actually known as a singer though? This makes it sound as if this person has put out their own music.

  32. I'd think Jason Schwartzman's face would be more familiar than his name. I'm voting Seth. Also a good guess for why Enty would have trouble deciding how to describe him - "creater of cartoons" would give it away instantly.

  33. seth mcfarlane is pretty good, but the thing is, he's not skinny.... but i have noticed he's lost weight though. damn how confusing and how sad....

  34. I think the singer part of the clue would indicate that this person would have had to have an album out. Or at the very least a single somewhere. Seth MacFarlane doesn't have any outside music projects to my knowledge.

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  36. Green Wave Gal, Bionic Bunny and Emily: thank you for your concern, i really mean that. I know it's totally not healthy and that i am an appaling example to my children. You're right, Emily, when you say that i would hate to see my children suffer through something for 10yrs without seeking help. I would hate to turn a blind eye, which is what my mother did to both my sister and i (my sister is bulimic, and a heroin addict...) I have to say if there is one person who can help me it is my husband. When we first met i wasn't eating anything, and using baby steps he helped me start to eat small regular meals. I think he's given up now, after all this time, but i do know if i asked for his help he'd give it in a heartbeat. I really never saw this 'tasting' thng as a real problem, but you guys are right. It's a massive problem with even bigger rammifications if i don't get help. i would hate to end up like my mother who has become my sister's biggest enabler.

  37. I would say Jared Leto, but that would seem to obvious.

  38. It doesn't say anything about producing albums, having tours, or music videos. It just says "singer". If you've ever watched a Family Guy, you'll understand that Seth MacFarlane's big into singing. He sings in an operatic voice whenever he gets the chance.

    As for Hugh Jackman, his face, I mean, his BODY ... nobody could forget his name. He hosted the Oscars, for crying out loud.

  39. I'm liking the Jarod Leto guess

  40. Cooper's mom - *hug*
    I have nothing to say I just wanted to give you that.


    Jared Leto leaving Katsuya last week.

  42. That was a quick solve! Boy does he have crazy eyes in those pics.

  43. jesse mccartney?? i don't know one thing about him. if that's A list name recognition, i'm soooo out of the loop.

  44. Seth Mcfarlane was trained by the same vocal teacher as Frank Sinatra Jr. He is a really good singer. I'm not sure I'd believe he's a bulemic but you never know.

  45. Just got home from running errands. More than anything else, I want to tell Cooper's Mom that your husband and your children love you unconditionally and that they deserve the wife and mother that you have inside of you. You are every bit as wonderful as they think you are--please keep working toward living for their sake, if not your own. I will hold you in my thoughts.

  46. Thanks guys for explaining the singing part of the Seth McFarlane guess better than I ever could. All you have to do is listen to "Brian" singing to know that, yeah, he qualifies as a singer.

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  48. if this is jared leto this one actually makes me really pissed.
    i remember him in that show with clarie danes back in the 90's and boy was he finnnneeee. He was solid everyhwere and just looked so healthy and gorgeous.
    i know this is a mental thing at this point probably but damn. WHY WOULD HE WANT TO BE SOME SCRAWNY ASS EMO DUDE WHEN HE WAS SOO MUCH MORE ATTRACIVE AS A LARGER MAN? i dont get it.

  49. Gladys, that is unbelievably sweet. Thank you. I remember when i first confessed to my best friend, and she actually recoiled in horror and exclaimed "(my name)!! That's disgusting! Urgh, i can't believe you do that." It made me feel like utter shit and probably contributed to me carrying on with a vengeance. I'm certainly not laying blame, the blame is all with me. But i realilse now how it has totally consumed my life. Every. Single. Day. It's amazing how these posts today have opened my eyes more so than anything else in the last decade. it's funny how sometimes the kindness of strangers makes more of an impact than your own family. i'm not trying to be melodramatic, but things have just clicked into place for me.

  50. I still dream about Jordan Catalano...

  51. That's so great, Cooper's Mom! The CDaN community is the best!

  52. Coopers Mom, just know that here is a large group of people who support you and wish you the best, and honestly I find telling things to strangers here is alot easier than dealing with the bs of issues.

    Ok my confession, I have been on a diet program for over a year, I have lost 43 pounds within that year. Now I am on my second year and I splurge on non diet foods right after I weigh in, and then it takes me 3 to 4 days to get back into the rhythm of this particular program (which I feel good on and I actually like). I am my own sabatoger darnit.

    We all have issues in one form or another, we are just not alone here!

  53. @ Cooper's Mom - Do NOT feel alone. So many people (self included) have anxiety issues that manifest themselves in different ways. The fact that your husband was able to get you to eat again to begin with is so beautiful. He so totally loves you for you :-) But coming back from something like this is so hard - among other things it is giving up control of the one thing in your life that you CAN control. Hang on to your hubby's hand, look at your kids' faces, and get some counseling. With that kind of ammunition you CAN do it.

  54. First off, big props to Cooper's mom for coming out. Just because it is somewhat anonymous doesn't make what you did today any easier. From the bottom of my heart, good luck!

    Secondly, I know it was a wild guess, but this is not Matt Groening. I used to be his lunch fetcher; he likes healthy stuff and he eats it all up :)

    I have no fricking clue who this is about. Just praying it's not Mos Def.

    - A completely different Cheryl than the one who posts here regularly

  55. Hugs to Coopers Mom. That's it, just hugs. Take care of yourself sister.

  56. Green Wave Gal, Molly sent you congratulations last week for your win on Trivia Pursuit. I don't know if you saw the message but I promised I'd pass it on the next time I saw one of your posts.

  57. Jordan Catalano was the best thing about My So-Called Life. Not into thin at all.
    Cooper's Mom, if you eat for one month, we will buy you Jordan Catalano.

  58. How about Ne-Yo-- that guy is everywhere tv, movies (I think) ALL over the radio..but someone has to announce/list him as "Ne-Yo" when on the red carpet or in interviews

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  60. It's okay, Molly, we know "not on my dollar" is one of your aliases, you don't have to play coy. :)

  61. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I must admit I've never heard of this disorder, but why exactly is "tasting" so terrible?

    Isn't it better than bingeing and swallowing or puking it back up?

  62. bawana--

    Mostly because sub-clinical disordered patterns are warning signs that person performing the act is in emotional pain. It's not so much that it's "better" or "worse" than a full-on clinical problem, it's just that toeing that fine line wracks the nerves and the emotional reserves of the person afflicted. Just the same as actually puking or starving. Another analogy would that "cutting" isn't as bad as actual "suicide" but in reality, it's difficult to measure one agony against the other and be able to say one is "better"

  63. PRINCE!

    ok, so it doesn't match up with name/face recognition but what about Prince?
    He's in the randoms and totally tiny...
    And he does EVERYTHING--sings, acts, writes all his own music, plays a zillion instruments and is a Jehova's Witness which is whacky in and of itself...
    maybe the name/face was to throw people off?

  64. Go Cooper's mom! I've flirted with this too, along with every other food issue you can name. Bulimia, anorexia, addiction to exercise, over eating and this. Rome wasn't built in a day and so remember that admitting the issue and being honest about the behavior is the first step. Even though you want to begin recovery don't hate yourself when/if you do this again, just know now you'll do it in conflict. Stay strong and remember to say to yourself everyday "I love you".

  65. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Thank you Ragdoll. I'm not so familiar with these things.

  66. GreenWaveGal- I saw the same Intervention episode and it was quite an education for me. I happen to like the Intervention show very much, I am fascinated by the true stories and i do learn so much about what others go through with addictions- and how their families deal with it and cope with it AND THE HEALING that comes out of it IS SO GREAT TOO!
    GO COOPERS MOM! There is so much healing and love, love for you, love from youself to yourself and others, on the other side of this! The intervention programs look really supportive. GOOD LUCK with whatever you chose to do! I support you and yours in Healing And Living a beautiful life!

  67. Wow, you guys are so fucking awesome. I never expected to receive such warmth, compassion and support when i posted this morning. It means heaps. I was only posting because i know what this guy is going through. I wasn't even aware that there was a name for this type of thing till years after i started.

    Enty, i want to thank you also for reaching out to me before. It really, truly means so much to me to know that i'm in all your thoughts. ** big hugs** to everyone!

  68. that is so sweet to be received with warmth. But I would definitely try to stop if I were you. I don't think I could ever do this. I'm not that strong.

  69. Guys. Seth was just on TMZ a coupe days ago. He did not know he was being filmed having lunch and he was eating AND swallowing his food while talking with friends. It's totally not him. While he's a good singer, ent would never describe him as one.

    My guess: Jared Leto. He's been known to go to extremes to keep his weight down.

  70. I don't think it's jared leto b/c enty says "you might not put the face with the name"... my guess is Alan Cumming.

  71. Now if you google Jared Leto and Katsuya, tons of different visits come up. None of the other names mentioned even really get a hit.

    But isn't Jared a strict vegetarian? If he's eating shrimp, then is he a pescetarian? Or is he spitting out the food because he doesn't want to actually "eat" the shrimp?

  72. For those of you who are struggling with diets and/ or eating disorders, I recommend, and especially the message boards. Learning about intuitive eating can and will heal your relationship with food. You will never diet again, but you will reach a healthy weight. Please don't go there to troll, it is run by really good people.

  73. Coopers Mom .. you want to stay his mom right, then you need to start taking care of yourself. I know of which I speak. At one point in my life, when my daughter were young, I weighed in at a whopping 90 lbs .. not good when you are 5'7" tall and big boned. Thank God I got pregnant again and was forced by my ob/gyn to seek counseling and realize that body image is a mirage that we make up in our heads, what we see and what others see when they look at us are two different things, entirely. Good luck and God Speed on finding your recovery method! Hugs!

  74. oh .. alan cumming is a great guess ...although Jared Leto does seem to have some "issues."

  75. Cooper's Mom...HUG!

  76. this can't be leto because it says "he is a nice guy though"

  77. Yeah, agree with bluedye33139. Apparently Jared Leto is not nice. And people actually know his name and face.

  78. and again we can connect sex and the city to real life... when the girls go to LA and Miranda's friend from NY was chewing steak and spitting it out...just reminded me of this.
    like someone else said, i see Seth on TMZ killin' food, no way its him. this dude sounds like he has a fear of food and Seth was def. not afraid in the clip from the other day.
    here is my problem, ENTY, when you say it may be hard to put the face to the name, would this be most people, or people like us who know celebrities pretty well?

  79. I don't think it's Seth MacFarlane anymore, but I don't think it's Jared Leto, either.

    I went to IMDb and found that Jared Leto was diagnosed with gout, which is a very painful disease. One of my really good friends has it, and he can't have any meat. After doing some research, it seems red meat and seafood are the worst to eat if you have gout.

    If the BI was Jared, it could be that he just wants to have the taste, but can't swallow if for health reasons. But I DOUBT he'd be willing to put his health at risk by chomping on something that would trigger the disease. I don't think it's him.

    On another note, please get better soon, Cooper's Mom! Just remember that your family and friends love you and want the best for you.

  80. Gotta be Tyrese. I've seen him there by himself. Strange dude.

  81. Cooper's Mom, I read your post yesterday and have been thinking about it ever since. I wanted to recommend both rehab and therapy to you. Both changed my life. (FYI: they have rehabs that are just dedicated to food disorders.) I can finally be present in my life with my family and friends.

  82. Harry Connick Jr....his wife was a model, could be a trick he learned from her...He sings and has been in movies, produced and composed. That is my guess and I am sticking with it!

  83. Usher actually popped into my head, but I suppose his face is pretty recognizable.
    Hmmm, this is an interesting one.
