Thursday, April 09, 2009

Billy Bob Needed Angelina To Call In To The Show

I know many of you have already seen the video of Billy Bob Thornton being a prick to a Canadian radio host this week. It is not just that he is an a-hole in the interview, but that he is a huge hypocrite at the same time. Billy Bob gets all ticked off at the host because the host mentioned Billy Bob's acting career when he apparently was only supposed to talk about music and how Billy Bob is a musician and not mention that it is a hobby, and blah blah blah.

Well at one point the host asks, "I'm happy to interview you guys as a band, but for the listeners I'm giving context to who you are. That's part of your trajectory isn't it?"

Billy Bob said, "Not really."

Oh really? Then why are you having two movies coming out this year? Are you making money as a musician? Hell no. If you don't want to be considered an actor, that's fine. Go do your Joaquin Phoenix thing, and only do music. Quit acting. Focus entirely on music. But you know what? He won't do that. He loves making money, having sex with as many women as possible and being treated like a star. Does he honestly think any radio station would be at all interested in interviewing a band that had sold as few records as Billy's band? Hell no. The only reason he is getting any interviews is because he is Billy Bob the actor. If he wants to be judged only on his music, then fine. Call himself Frank and release that same music and lets see how many radio stations want to talk to him. What an ass. If you haven't seen the video, it is worth your time.


  1. The whole band came off as complete humorless tools. I couldn't tell if Billy Bob was stoned or just the douchiest douche ever, or both.
    Props to the host for being really professional and cool without backing down. Of course his notoriety as an actor helps the band. I could see if all the host talked about was music or Jolie the whole time, but he only casually mentioned the acting in the intro then proceeded to interview all members about music.

  2. major kudos and APPLAUSE to the radio show host! CLASS ACT thru-out all BBT's drug-addled verbal vomit.

    omg, and poor bandmates. they looked so embarrassed, as if they didn't know what to respond or how to react. poor dudes. it must SUCK to have BBT onboard their team. i hope they lose him quick.

  3. Pretty sure that radio host is a dick himself. Karma. She's a bitch

  4. What a douchebag. Seriously. I am only 6 minutes into this and can barely watch.

  5. what a colossal prick he is. the host was infinitely more patient than i would have been.

    nobody would even know who this clown is if he hadn't acted. after hearing this interview, i really hate him. arrogant asshole.

  6. ...what nancer said...

  7. I agree. The host handled that interview with loads of class and professionalism.

    And as for this whole music career crap -- give it up! There are some good actors who make good singers and vice versa (Zooey Deschanel comes to mind), but Billy Bob isn't one of them.

  8. This interview and Billy Bob's reactions was so uncomfortable that I went over the edge of hate to loving him for it. Can't explain it. He's crazy.

  9. The DJ did a great job with this. And at the end I didn't feel it was so bad. But I wouldn't wake BB up at 6:30 in the morning. Wasn't that the time? I can see why he was barely coherent.

  10. the DJ was reading prepared copy in the intro, and the interview was shot with at least two cameras. Something's fishy. Sure BBT is an A1 douchebag, but I think there's more to this story yet to come. Is he trying to pull his own Joaquin-style scam?

  11. After first reading all the printed news about this, watching the video was a letdown. What's the big deal anyway? Hell, I was expecting a BritneyLindsay-ish tirade and instead I got some boring old guy mumbling. BFD.

    I'm glad he takes himself so seriously because nobody else does.

  12. I was a huge fan til this

    He was so rude, this was painful to watch

    His bandmates looked like they were ready to disband when the interview ended

    He is a TOTAL jerk

    Not only is he an actor, he's an Academy Award winning screenwriter, WTF?

    You wear all those hats so how is someone supposed to know when you're in "music" mode?


    btw, their band SUCKS!!!

  13. @Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors-

    Nothing fishy about it. The show is called 'Q' it's on CBC Radio, and they film the interviews for Q-TV (you can find it on youtube)

    I'm not a huge fan of 'the DJ' (a radio host named Jian Gohmeshi), but given the douchebaggery behaviour of BBT, I have to give him props for holding it together.

    Jian should be thanking BBT. This has turned into a ratings bonaza for his show.

  14. saw this yesterday, what an asshole.

  15. To answer some questions as I listen to this show pretty often.
    The show begins at 10:00am so no one knows why BBT said it was 6:30am. It wasn't.

    The two camera thing - Q has, for a while now, posted video of their interviews, performances's called QTV on youtube. That's the reason for cameras in the room.

    Jian G. - I'm not a huge fan of his but I applaud him for how he conducted himself during this interview. He gave BBT just enough rope to hang himself.
    I felt so bad for the other band members. Here they had a chance to promote themselves but BBT made it all about himself. I hope they had a secret band meeting after this and ousted the jerk.
    And nice job BBT of insulting the fans who you're trying to get to come out and see you.
    I read a review of the show online this morning. They said BBT's band played for half an hour. They were okay but nowhere near the legends they opened for (Willie Nelson and Ray Price).

  16. Awww, the Artiste was offended that his actual legitimate, money making career was mentioned. Billy Bob you're a pretentious asshat!

  17. btw - without the Sling Blade fans he wouldn't be able to indulge in this ridiculous whim

  18. Oh, poor Jian. While I'm not exactly his biggest fan (gawd, every single opening of the show, it's 'Well hi there...Happy *insert day*'. Every. Single. Day. CHANGE IT UP, WOULD YA?!?!), he showed incredible class and restraint through that interview.

    BBT, you sir, are no Tom Petty. A douchenozzle assclown with a serious entitlement complex, sure.

  19. I am SO bummed! I always loved him but seeing him in this light - Yuck - that's the only word that I can think of that encompasses what a complete tool he came off as. I'll never watch Bad Santa the same way again...

  20. It might have been 10am there, but apparently it wasn't yet dawn in coked out douche nozzle land.

  21. @allisonshine, @littleoleme - Thanks for the info. I'm obviously unfamiliar with this radio show.

  22. for Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors ...

    yeah, the network that airs Ghomeshi's show is the CBC & is our National Radio & Television Network (subsidized by the government we have other National networks that are privately run..)

  23. The most incredible part is that he didn't even play. Wanna be recognized for being in a band? Then PLAY with one. What a douche. Liked him before this. Quel dommage.

  24. I've always liked Jian Ghomeshi. He is a great interviewer, with humour, and unfailingly polite. In fact, Barbara Walters complimented Jian, telling him what a great interviewer he was, when she appeared on his show. She doesn't do that often.

    BBT is a tool. Now we know why he's been divorced five times.

  25. @Heather

    Yes! Bad Santa will NOT be the same

    Neither will Bandits or U-Turn

    He will forever be a d*ckwad in my eyes


  26. Believe it or not, but Jian's actually quite the ladies man. He's got the charm going on, one-on-one. I like him as a radio host, but I liked him more when he was part of the band Moxy Fruvous in the '90's. Their song "King of Spain" still sticks in my head whenever I hear it.

  27. @Nature Girl - DAMN YOU! Now I've got it stuck in MY head!

    "Once I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)..."

  28. BBT's an ass. Always was, always will be. It's just what he is. Off with his head.

  29. Thanks Nature Girl - because now I have My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors" in my head. Don't know why but that tune popped into my head instead.

  30. Oh my god. when i ready this and saw the video yesterday, i was hoping enty would so blog about this! YES!!! and of course, he said exactly what's on everyone's mind. BBT is a hypocrite, a douche, an a-hole. Whatever you call him it's exactly what he is. He's another jerkoff totally biting the hands that feed him....

  31. If you want to see total class AND an awesome Canadian gal giving not one, not two, but THREE live performances on this show, YouTube QTV/Serena Ryder. She is fricking amazing, and Jian gushes.

    Put that in yer hillbilly crackpipe and smoke it, Billy Boob.

  32. I've actually always been a fan of Jian, both from his Moxy Fruvous days and his CBC shows. Loved the National Playlist, til it got canned.

  33. Billy Bob looks to be SMACK dab in the middle of a heroin morning and the other band mates look scared shitless covering for him. Guess if I was on heroin the mention of my successful acting career would set me off too.Doesn't this answer one of Enty's previous blinds?
    I was on the fence about BBT since I loved Bad News Bears but disliked Bad Santa. Thank You soo much BBT for pushing me off that fence.

  34. "I grew up pretty much as a music historian." Is there a better word than douchebag? He is beyond the pale. What a fucking stupid thing to say.

    Those poor, poor musicians. And he insults them even more by not "knowing" how long the Box Masters have been together. Doesn't sound like he's really into this whole gig.

    And I don't get the sulky teenager - sorry - young child act. Jian clearly stated he is focussing on his music career right now. Dick needs to get over himself. He seemed more humane when he had some meat on him. Now he has meth craters in his brain. I am really incensed by this.

    I didn't know Jian was part of Moxy Fruvous. Knew a guy who was their "roadie" for a while. They kept promising to pay him. They never did.

  35. He really fucked up and lost his cred - too bad cuz he is talented.

  36. This very funny video by Jeremy Fisher explains why BBT and Jian Ghomeshi didn't seem to be communicating.

    If you know about Moxy Fruvous, you'll find this even funnier.
