Thursday, April 09, 2009

Rihanna Does Something Nice

Sure, the cynic in me wanted to say that Rihanna spending time with a leukemia patient was all for public sympathy and to make people like her again and talk about her without referring to the beating she suffered. But, the problem is after reading the article, it is pretty obvious that she really cared for the little girl with whom she spent time. Plus, she got People Magazine to write the article so you know it is going to be even more sappy and emotional. I think they put their best team of sympathy writers on the article.

Last week, when Rihanna left Hawaii to go to New York, it was specifically for the purpose of seeing this girl for one hour. One hour. That is crazy to fly all that way for just one hour. Well one hour turned into two which turned into three and would have been even longer but the girl fell asleep. When you read the article you can see the good Rihanna can do for a lot of girls and women who look up to her. Hopefully she will take advantage of that.


  1. To quote George Zimmer: I guaran-fucking-tee it, Rihanna WON'T do the right and appropriate thing with regard to her beating by the hands of that thug.

    Young girls WILL learn something, all right: that it's perfectly NORMAL to have your "cute" boyfriend smack the shit out of you.


  2. Regardless of the Chris Brown thing, I think this was very sweet of Rihanna. Maybe she's not as big of a diva as some insiders claim?

  3. aww, may little jasmina have a full recovery. poor little thing. :(

    and ever the positive thinker, here's to hoping rhianna realizes the greatness she can do by using her powers for good.

  4. Just proves that someone can have so much more compassion for someone else than for themselves. Even while giving to this girl, Rhianna neglected to take care of herself. Calling Dr. Drew--time for some therapy.

  5. the story of Rihanna with this fan suffering leukemia was known last year! but it's very nice!

  6. Wait -- this story was known about last year but just published now? I still think Rihanna is doing a great thing, but now I think the article is part of the PR engine to get everyone's attention away from the Chris Brown thing.

  7. @kellylyn:
    but it's the first time i see a photo in mag!

  8. She's known the little girl for a while..Rihanna first solicited bone marrow donors for her

    This was her first visit with the child

    GB Jasmina

  9. No. Rihana went to the hospital looking for sympathy. She was whining to a lot of people - I mean total strangers - and one of them was leukemia girl. How Rihana's PR people could spin such a trip into some charitable "my biggest fan" gimmick is beyond me.

    That Rihana is one self-centered hoodrat. Lyn

  10. What exactly happened @fromwembley?

  11. Yeah, this story smells kinda funny. Like Lemon Pledge. Someone's trying to polish a turd...

    Hopefully that little girl is happy, because that's what counts. But I still don't trust her motives. She's trying to up her likeability factor.

  12. J, fromwebley is a hateful bigot. Ignore anything he says.

  13. I don't think Rihanna did anything wrong. I just think her PR peeps are the ones emitting stink in this situation.

  14. Something's wrong with my nose then, because I'm smelling roses. When I saw Excess Hollywood show the pictures of the two of them, I thought this is something she really needs right now. Pull her head out of her ass.

    I hope this does help her realize she can do a lot of good things for others.

  15. Damn .. some of the bitchy comments. Can we remember she is still basically a teenager? Jesus .. if I had half the shit held against me I did when I was her age .. I would need several lifetimes to work off the .. what .. dirty aura .. sin .. bad karma?? .. in the slums of Calcutta before it would just start to turn grey.

    What ever the hell she did previous .. I really doubt she deserved to be beaten - diva or no. And who cares why she did what she did for this little girl. The point is the child is obviously in a dire situation and she was super happy for three hours to be with Rhianna.

    And do I need to go into the million and three gossip sites speculating about why she was in NYC then Hawaii then Miami or where ever the hell?

    Christ .. I am not a huge fan or anything - I think at 43, I am somewhat beyond her musics message - but damn. Walk a mile, huh?? Seems to a coupla folks everything she does is wrong as hell. I think the problem is them .. not her.

    Can I throw in my usual hope that she gets therapy?? Ya. I thought that was too much too! ; )
