Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Craigslist Killer Doesn't Look Like A Killer

When I first read about the Craigslist killer I thought he would be this guy who barely had any money and was trolling for hookers and escorts on Craigslist while using the free computer at the public library. Instead, he turned out to be the kind of guy you would find in a John Sandford novel. I mean look at the guy. This is the kind of guy who is the right answer when you read a mystery novel, but the one you never expect.

Can you imagine if he had not been caught and actually finished his medical degree and became a doctor? That turns into an entirely different kind of movie at that point.

His fiancee' is sticking by him today and saying he couldn't possibly have done the things he is accused of doing. I'm guessing he was Mr. Goody Boy around her and saved the crazy stuff for the women he met off the internet.

So far, Philip Markoff, has been charged with the April 14 fatal shooting of masseuse Julissa Brisman, 26, at Boston's Marriott Copley Hotel. He also is expected to be charged in the April 10 armed robbery and kidnapping of a woman who was tied up at the Westin Copley. She identified her attacker to police as a clean-cut, 6-foot-tall blond man who bound her with plastic cord.

You know there are probably others. There has to be. I wonder if something happened to him as a kid? Of course his friends are no help because they say the same thing whenever they know a murderer.

"He seemed like a nice guy, and he was a helpful, smart kid."

What about his fiancee'? She will get probably stop defending him pretty soon, but can you imagine in a few years when she is dating someone? They go to Google Megan McAllister and everything that comes up is about the Craigslist Killer. Yeah.


  1. The worst part is the comments on their engagement web page...people can be so horrible. this poor girl.

  2. *News flash*

    People are horrible, you simply have to read the comments on here to see that. Why is this shocking?

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    He not a killer.
    Philip markoff wedding ...
    Megan McAllister was poised for marriage with Phillip Markoff.No unexpected happened-arrest.The video from the scene:
    He not a killer

  4. Phillip Markoff, is that you?

  5. Not only has he not been convicted, but you guys are convicting her of guilt by association.

  6. Big news in all the East coast papers. Fiancee says it can't possibly be him - wouldn't hurt a fly. Whatever. He had gambling debts. Also, still in college pre-med. Not really med school.

  7. Sue Ellen Mishkey-

    Sucks that you've encountered so many horrible people in your life. I like to maintain that most people are actually good.

  8. Apparently they found evidence at his apartment today. A gun and the same exact items used in each robbery (and one murder). Not to mention the fact that they were able to tie his blackberry to the Craigslist postings in question, and he was seen in photos at scene of the crimes on said blackberry.

    Either these things are one hell of a coincidence or I am going to venture out and say he is guilty.

    sorry no link, I can't remember where I read that this morning.

  9. found it


  10. I feel sorry for her. Of course she doesn't think her fiance could have done it. Who would be engaged to someone they thought was capable of that? Now she will always be the girl who was engaged to the Craigslist Killer.

    I hope the evidence is incontrovertible and they can put him away (no death penalty here).

  11. That's funny! We just had our own "Craigslist Killer" here in Minnesota, who was a whacko loner, just like you'd expect, and John Sandford lives in St. Paul. I guess he doesn't get his inspiration from the locals. :)

  12. While I hate that the media convicts people before the fingerprint ink is dry, it does seem that evidence here is pretty strong. I hope they put him away, too.

    I'm with Dianne P. - I feel sorry for her, too. You are about to pledge the rest of your life to someone, only to find out that he is a killer. I would be messed up for a very long time.

  13. cancel the cake.

    look at the BTK killer guy. he was the pillar of his community. you just never really know what's inside someone's head or what they're capable of---not even his wife suspected a thing, and yet she was married for years to a serial rapist/killer.

    and i'm sick of people blasting the media for talking about the case and saying he's getting convicted in the press--we go through that every fucking time. this isn't a court room, and there's not one thing wrong with us discussing it. if they found those items in his apartment and can trace that blackberry, he did it and he'll be convicted of it.

  14. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Dumb bitch. Thought she'd caught herself a doctor and now refuses to believe the truth.

  15. nancer - I'm not talking about this forum, and I never suggested that there was anything wrong with us discussing it here.

    What I DID say, is that the MEDIA convicts most suspected criminals, sometimes before they've even been arrested. As I recall, we are all innocent until proven guilty. If he IS guilty, I hope to God he is nailed to the wall. But that responsibility rests with the courts, not the talking heads on the evening news. I don't know about you, but I don't want Katie Couric or her ilk deciding my legal fate.

  16. actually Bad Fish, she is 2 years older than him & currently in med school, so she was actually more on her way to being a doctor.

  17. Wow. I guess now I have to add extra safety plans to my dating anymore since I'm internet dating like crazy. Not Craigslist though.

    However I can see how this could happen on any dating site or any hook up site for that matter. Scary shit.

  18. yes...Dumb Bitch INDEED.

    Lutefisk...nicely done! LMAO

  19. the fiance is compeletely delusional.

    "just leave us alone,we are going to be married in August and have a wonderful life together!"

    she's claiming he was framed.
    ya that worked out well for Amber Frye before she worked with the police...

  20. Murderers/serial killers are notoriously charming and quite smart men. That is how they score their victims. Ted Bundy. That's all I got to say. I haven't read the stuff about the case so I have no clue about this shit. If the fiance really didn't know and I were her, I would be freaking out that I didn't see anything related to the murders. To be scammed like that must screw with your head big time.

  21. Ted Bundy didn't look like a killer either.

  22. i know Ror, who in their right mind would date a MURDERER???


  23. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I'm sorry Ror...don't you have a gun to be fishing out of a river?

  24. Jax, a C-list former indie actress might!!

  25. John Sandford is one of my favorite authors! No wonder this dang story is so intriguing. What a creep.

  26. It appears his intention was to rob these women who thought they wouldn't be able to go to the police about it. The murder was a robbery gone bad. Additional damning(sp?) evidence came out today and has already been mentioned (gun and ammo that matched, zip-ties that matched, etc). Some people are referring to him as a serial killer, which he doesn't appear to be. He was a predator for money and found a vunerable group to exploit.

  27. @ bad fish:
    but he'll never get the point.

  28. there was a case not to far away from here where a guy basically terrified a whole town by raping women and beating them up (i mean really badly, several almost died) over the case of 15 years. He raped many, many women, and they never seemed to be able to find him.

    And then they did - he was married, had two kids, they managed to nail him for most of the rapes and today, a couple of ears later, some people wanted to make a documentary about him but were almost stopped. By his wife. She is still married to him, stands by him, kept his last name and opposed the documentary cause it "could harm their kids"


  29. Sorry, I think he is a serial killer, not a serial robber. Besides, if he did it one time, he's going to enjoy doing it a second time. He's not going to stop at the hurt part, he wants to murder again. Why does he need money? Gambling? Please. he's a loser!

  30. Anybody who watches CSI MIami knows that Cell Phones can be traced 24 hours a day, AND Craigslist is not Anon to the police. They can trace everything.

    Thanks, Horatio!

  31. I agree with you JS.

    This case in new and we don't have all the info yet, but it sounds like the murder was a robbery gone bad.

  32. One more reason to love you, Enty! John Sandford, one of the best! Loves me some Lucas Davenport, and am growing very fond of the new character.

  33. What's the gang up on Ror about? I missed something big i take it?

  34. Does it matter if he's a serial killer or not?

    He is a predator and killed at least ONCE and that's enough

    He reminds me of Bundy

    I think the fiancee deserves a break...I'm sure this is a hard pill to swallow and has to sink in...

    Btw, What does a killer look like? Like a child molester? There really is no physical profile, you don't know what's on someone's mind or what they do in privacy

  35. Exactly, J. This girl didn't know. No one does until it's too late. Who cares what the press writes/says? It's what happens in Court that counts. If he's convicted, it'll be because of the evidence.

  36. What I would like to know is what IDIOT in their right mind would go to a high end hotel ( where the last victim was shot ) and commit murder KNOWING you are on surveillance at one point or another? ALL high end ( and many sleazy ) hotels have camera's at several angles. Not to mention most room keys are electronic and time of entry ( say if she met him in the lobby or had to go up the elevators with him which is what the camera appears to show ) will always be recorder. The guy was breaking every rule in the " how to get away with a crime " book by being completely traceable.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. * that was supposed to be recorded not recorder *

    and re-reading my comment LOL @ "right mind" .. I guess someone in their right mind would not be staling and killing women.. I retract the first part of my former statement/query

  39. Didn't Anne Rule write a book about Bundy where she stated she would never have believed her friend Ted was a serial killer?

    Wasn't Ted engaged too?

    Sometimes the incomprehensible fact is the killer IS the nice looking boy next door. Sometimes it is easier to accept people on the surface.

    His fiancee can be understood would you want to believe you were duped into loving (and being intimate)such a sick freaking twist. Who most likely thought of those victims when he was with you?

  40. Stiffkittens, you can read about it here, but you're going to need a strong stomach.

  41. stiffkittens said...

    What's the gang up on Ror about? I missed something big i take it?


    Yes, you missed quite a bit with that poster.

    A couple of weeks ago on the "Your Turn" feature, when readers were confessing to all sorts of criminal activities, that poster described grotesquely torturing a cat over a period of several days until it died. This poster also made an "anonymous" confession to murdering a man many years ago with his bare hands, but the tone and text of the post made it clear to any even semi-regular reader exactly who it was. Perhaps worst of all, this poster freely admitted to having absolutely no remorse over any of his actions.

    Several other posters castigated this person immediately, who in response only claimed that he had done nothing wrong whatsoever and was not sorry in any way. After several days of not posting, this poster has reappeared and has apparently come to embrace fully his status as a sick fuck. He posts hateful things about women, such as calling them "cunts" and "dumb bitches." For example, when Enty posted on April 13 about Phil Spector being found guilty of murdering Lana Clarkson, his response was "eh...that cunt had it coming."

    This poster has always been an attention whore, but at least he used to pretend that he was a witty, sociable guy. Now that he has been found out, so to speak, it has become more than clear that he is nothing more than a pathologically woman-hating sociopath with no hope for redemption. At least this is a site that never feeds the trolls, so I hope that he will be gone soon enough, as long as we continue to ignore him for being the sick fuck that he is.

    How interesting that I am providing all of this information about this particular poster in a post that discusses another (albeit unproven in court) sociopath...a case of "like attracts like," perhaps?

    I hope that helps. :) Much peace to you.

  42. Mooshki + Jax = FAIL WHALES.....
    I get so sick and tired of the two of you ganging up other bloggers. You both participated in Your Turn, and you both came away looking like douchebaguettes. Deal with it. I'm tired of the alpha female bullshit that drives the blog comments and forces others to leave, because of your pile on tactics. You don't know what is real, and what is not, you are only guessing..

  43. Moosh & blankprincess: Thanks for the info, and HOLY JESUS MOTHER OF FUCK!! The admittance to murder aside (i don't want to believe that someone would be so stupid as to brag about killing someone on the oh-so-traceable internet), anyone who tortures animals has some serious (and dangerous) mental problems. Even if they are just lying/joking, who the fuck makes that kind of thing up? Judging from how much of a sick fuck some people are, I actually believe they did it. That poor kitty! And that guy claims to own a dog WTF?!

    I hope that guy gets every moment of karma he so obviously deserves, preferably before he finds another moment of happiness. It’s scary to think that this innocent gossip blog has unearthed something like this (and I’m with you on the woman hating issues – I remember reading a comment from his a while ago about his ex-fiance/girlfriend or whatever, that sounded very bitter and messed up. Also that level of violence it takes to single handedly beat someone to a bloody pulp, along with the torture of an innocent animal….Someone needs to rot in jail, preferably before they kill again).

    BlackseatDriver: You’re kidding right? You think that people objecting to MURDER and ANIMAL TORTURE is a bad thing?! I hope that person never comes back, and if it’s largely because of Jax and Moosh, then they deserve to be commended for chasing off a dangerous psycho.
    This blog (like anywhere) needs some level of self-policing to keep it the benevolent and friendly (albeit sarcastic) place it is. Jax and Mooshki – among other regulars - do a great job of this, and it shows by the level of commentary that CDAN’s has (i.e. no ‘firsts’ etc). I think those that complain should go to Perez’s comment section or other places that don’t have anyone looking out for the welfare of the site, and see what a difference it makes. Hell, even Dlisted has policing, and most people here are familiar with how outrageous MK can be :)

    Sorry for rehashing any old issues (though they deserve to be brought up anytime Ror thinks it’s okay to post again here without backlash), i took a break from gossip sites (well, here and MK’s, with the occasional Lainey is where I go..) for a bit, and am just catching up on them.

    OT: I think ardleigh has a very valid point.
    Psychos that are capable of such crimes (though admittedly, this one seems as clever as a pile of rocks, or wanted to get caught) are almost always very intelligent, very deceptive, and have an uncanny ability to say/act in the manner that those they are charming either expects or desires (if Dexter has taught us anything…) The master of manipulation, if you will. It’s how those types of people survive, and are free to do the things they do (especially in our ever so present Big Brother society).
    It is no surprise that those that ‘get close’ to people like this do not suspect anything, and find it that hard to believe they are guilty before they are sentenced (my sympathy for those that have been betrayed ends when they stay with the killer/rapist/child abuser/general monster after they are proved to be guilty).

  44. thanks all for explaining more fully the 'ror experiance' that happened recently. the text was deleted probably by enty and many of us had not seen it and had no idea for the hostility. i second what stiffkittens said.
