Friday, May 15, 2009

Josh Lucas Can Sell A Product

In most cases, celebrities who are paid for endorsing a product just show up one day and take some pictures and collect a paycheck. For the most part, they don't seem to really use the products they are trying to foist on all of us and sure as hell couldn't tell you anything about the company or even persuade you to buy it. The companies know this and just hope you love a person so damn much that based on their photo alone on an ad you are going to go out and purchase their product.

Enter Josh Lucas. Josh, who I will be the first to admit is a good looking guy and definitely Rachel McAdams worthy was doing an event yesterday for Dentyne. You know, the people who make the gum you used to buy about 20 years ago, but now put in the same category as Trident. If someone is offering you a piece you will chew it, but you are not going to go out of your way to buy it.

Well, Josh was asked about relationships and texting at this event, and I don't care if it was a PR set of talking points or if Josh came up with it on his own. He said he didn't really like to text during the initial stages of a relationship because,"If you don't end up sitting down and really having face time, and saying 'Hi, who are you, what are you about,' smelling their breath and seeing how they taste, it makes a huge difference."

See what I mean? That is the way to sell a pack of f**king chewing gum. Now, no amount of chewing gum is going to help my breath. What can I say, I enjoy garlic and onions. You don't think now that every woman or man so inclined doesn't want to sit down and get tasted by Josh Lucas? Brilliant.


  1. Mmmmm, did it just get really warm in here?????

  2. I like people who smell like garlic. It means they enjoy the finer things in life, like french food *L*

  3. Yuu-uuu-mmy!

    I bet this guy both smells and tastes very good. Everywhere.

    I'd probably get excited and bite too hard, though...

  4. I am going to Costco tonight and getting me some Dentyne!!!

  5. wow, josh lucas is quick on his feet. talk about a pr peep's dream. i think i'm in love.

  6. Good for him! Josh Lucas isn't just good looking. He's very nice and friendly to all of his fans. Very personable. Who wouldn't want to get some "face time" with him?

  7. I've had the chance to meet Josh at a few different events and he really is a great guy. Not into that entertainment business bs. It was no surprise to hear that he was dating Rachel McAdams who is someone else that is as sweet as she seems. Great couple!

  8. I bet that after that statement nobody's mind was on chewing gum though.

  9. He's good looking? Really? Regardless, he seems like a great guy and that's what's important, what will get him fans.

  10. Well Judi, he ain't ugly!

  11. Anonymous4:48 PM

    LOL dude should try out for Groundlings! What a quick thinker. So subtle, so cunning!

  12. Oh my good heavens - he is good looking! What a lucky girl that Rachel McAdams is.

  13. Guess I won't be offering anyone else to partake of my stash of trident...

  14. Now even time I see him, I am going to going to think of mint....and want gum...Dentyne.

  15. For a couple of years, I thought he and Matthew M were the same person, I swear. Sat throgh that whole Sweet home Alabama movie and still didnt catch on. Am I the only one?
