Friday, May 15, 2009

Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes Start The IVF Rumors

I have always thought of the Tom Cruise media campaigns kind of like those politicians use. They throw out a little idea to a couple of people who pass it along disguised as a leak or source and it can't be traced back to the top person. Well, I think Tom is doing this with the whole baby making thing. Over the past year or so, the rumors have been that Tom was waiting, and that he wasn't waiting. They tried the story that Katie was ready, and then she wasn't ready because her career was taking off, but the one thing they kept doing the entire time is mentioning the name Suri and how she needs siblings. The subtle part to that whole thing was to remind people that Tom fathered this child and that all those nasty rumors about fertility should just be thrown out the window. When the time was right they would have another child and have no problems.

Well, In Touch (through Celebitchy) is reporting on the latest Tom Cruise trial balloon. This one is that the couple could pregnant and have kids no problem. I mean Tom has Xenu sperm. BUT, to make things easier on Katie they want to just have one more pregnancy. The problem is they both want at least two more kids. What to do? How about IVF? This way they have a great shot at twins, and Katie only has to go through one more pregnancy.

Wow, Tom. Great idea. The IVF isn't because of any fertility problems. Tom can still make them the old fashioned way. No, this is all about making things easier on Katie so she doesn't have to be pregnant twice more. Isn't that damn thoughtful of Tom?


  1. that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard, for many reasons.

    just how dumb do these people think we are?

  2. I wish they would all just fly away on their spaceship already.

  3. That is one of the dumber things I have ever heard of, if it's true. OK, Tom. You can do it the old fashioned way but you would rather put your wife through hormone injections from hell, and subject her to a potentially high risk pregnancy - to make it EASIER on her? Please. Get a clue.

  4. Why not just use a surragote like SJP?

  5. Or, if those rumors from the other day are true, this is an interesting way for Tom to try to derail the breach of contract tactic.

  6. Remember, during Katie's first pregnancy, he said they had an ultrasound machine in their home so they could monitor her often. Tommyboy has no idea how dangerous or intrusive these procedures can be.

  7. Why are we surprised? He bought a $2 million dollar 3D Sonogram machine when Katie was pregnant with Suri....The dude has control issues!!!

    Besides, when your a gay male the last thing you want to do is have sex all the time with a female trying to make a baby. IVF sounds convenient for him, not her!

  8. Meanwhile, gay couples can't adopt children.

  9. Except in Finland, it just got legalized there!


    When they colour co-ordinate and look spiffy like that, it's kind of a major sign lol... Old picture though. No new photo ops? Interesting.

    OT: Oh GMD, when will you learn...

  11. What I find interesting in this are the references to potential fertility issues on Tom's part. I know he's gay but I thought that was the only reason why they might have problems conceiving. Naive me.

  12. Audrey - He's sterile. His first wife said so in interviews (it was the reason they couldn't have children. That, and he was training to be a priest/monk so he didn't have to have sex with his

  13. Forgot to add - it's thought to be due to a birth defect/genetic disorder that affects fertility. There are a few telling physical signs that lead to this 'diagnosis'.

  14. The whole Hollywood press/media manipulation is ridiculous. I can't believe there are people in this world who honestly buy this crap, and I can't believe I reguarly encounter tons of people who do.

  15. Actually, I remember Tommy boy saying in an interview years ago that he couldn't have kids because he had had mumps once and was sterile because of the attending high fever.


  17. Stiffkittens, that rings a bell, I seem to remember reading that his lovely white chicklet teefs are also a sign of whatever syndrome it is that affects has fertility. There is no physical manifestation of whatever it is that affects his grasp on reality, unfortunately.
    Nice picture of him though, you can hardly see his stilts.

  18. "..Tom has Xenu sperm."!!! enty, STOP! (you're really en pointe today!).

  19. I can remember Mimi saying that the reason she didn't get preg. wasn't SHE was too old, it was that she'd have to have him touch her first and he wasn't interested.

    I can remember my brother-in-law saying how dumb Tom was to be married to Mimi R. and sleep on the floor.

    Well Tommy is related to Suri. Isn't his cousin her biological?

  20. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I fucking hate people. Seriously. Planning twins through IVF? Go to hell.

  21. Subtle, Tom, like a sodding sledgehammer but whatever, let the strange people who believe you're straight and sane buy this BS.

  22. Anonymous4:47 PM

    BTW, the blind item circuit is saying Katie has filed for divorce. We'll see what happens.

  23. Well, part of the trouble with Katie's last pregnancy was having to fake still being pregnant the last 5 months or so. I'd think this time around, Katie wouldn't have to be pregnant for a year and a half.

  24. Felicia - can you by any chance remember where you read that?
    Has anyone, ever, confronted him with the fact that he couldnt have children before and that he can now? Cause I would think that would be kind of an obvious quesion...
    Whole_lotto_lov - I have searched and I havent really found a good page that show how Katie was pregnant for so long... Do you have any links?

  25. linnea - Here's a photo timeline:

    It's thought she used a 'decoy Katie' during a part of the last months:

    Worth it for the comments:

    Here's a search option for more links:

  26. stiffkittens - i LOVE you! i will spent the night frolocking in conspiracy rumors... amazing!

  27. Another conspiracty theory I believe is that one reason they didn't show Suri for weeks after she was born was because she had a big birthmark on her forehead, and they wanted to get it removed before anyone saw her.

  28. I think Tommy has a chemical imbalance in his brain.
