Thursday, May 07, 2009

Paula Abdul Is Out Of Her Mind

Yes, I know. Two Paula Abdul stories today. It can't be helped. Remember that very detailed and lengthy interview she gave to Ladies Home Journal? Remember how she said in it she was addicted to pills and had been for 12 years and gave the reasons why she was addicted and which pills she took? Remember how she said she went to rehab at Thanksgiving? Well now she says none of that is true and it was all completely taken out of context. Uh huh.

This is Ladies Home Journal we are talking about here. They are not exactly a tabloid rag that needs to make stuff up or go scandalous to sell magazines. Plus, that article was extremely detailed and there were lengthy direct quotes, and so I'm guessing Paula doesn't remember giving the interview or she was on pain killers when she gave it. Maybe she is afraid that she will have to talk about it everyday now because she will be doing press for her new record. Oh, and I say record in the absolute possible loosest terms. I was in a hurry before when posting the video, but I hope that she had to pay for everything on her own. I hope the record label didn't deprive however many new artists their spot because Paula wanted to make a record.

It was awful. The performance was awful. She moved like a 50 year old who has been injured a lot in her life. That being said, why couldn't she just stand there and lip synch. Was she trying to distract us from how bad she was? Just stand in one place, turn off the backing track and sing. If she can't do that then I don't think she is qualified to judge other singers.

Simon probably can't sing, but he is judging on the basis of being a record executive. Randy can sing, but doesn't have to, because his role is to judge based on being a producer and having been in bands. Paula on the other hand is there because she was a singer. The thing is she can't sing herself so why should anyone listen to her?


  1. Oh, Paula. All you've done is convince us that the only part that was "out of context" is when you said that you had quit the drugs.

  2. Wow - I must have been pretty drunk, because - again - I thought the dancing was pretty good for a woman her age who has been on pain meds for 14 years, and hasn't danced a lick in about the same amount of time.

  3. Also, I was wavering, but at this point I'm about 99% convinced Paula is MV. If Enty says that she "can't sing" one more time, it'll be at 100%.

  4. LHJ pulls out the audio recordings of the interview in 3...2...

  5. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I always thought of Paula more as a dancer than a singer.

  6. I just went back and watched the video. It's like she's trying to be Brit. I don't get that at all. There is no talent at all.

  7. i thought she was a choreographer for some top people more than she was ever a singer.
    the performance was embarrassing, IMO. i don't like her, never have and don't see why anyone cares one thing about her. i have no idea why she's even on AI, but i assume simon wants her or she wouldn't be there.
    i'm not nuts about the 4th judge but she's got more qualifications to BE a judge than paula.

  8. Well I guess she can judge who has no talent then because obviously ...

  9. ^yeah. what ardeleigh said.

  10. She was on one of the radio stations this morning (Kidd Craddick) She said that she's never been to rehab and the whole story is a lie. She mentioned a spa and said that's where she was.

  11. She must have changed her dosage.

    I still say (along with Stardust), at least she didn't fall off the stage last night.

  12. While I still think her singing is ridiculous, just it was twenty years ago when she first became a household name, the woman absolutely can move and has a very impressive resume to back it up. She has worked with some very talented people and is responsible for their choreography, so obviously she knows a thing or two about it. She wasn't trying to be Britney, more like the other way around. Neither of them can sing, but one of them was doing it while the other was in diapers.

    I hate when people are criticized because they have the audacity to age. She can dance, she did dance, and it was okay.

    As for the drug abuse? Something isn't right with her, that's for sure. When the album has lost its hype, she'll write a tell-all and keep the money train moving.

  13. @kat

    ...and now one is doing it while the other is in diapers?

  14. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Mooshki - I'm with you on Paula as MV, except that there was an update to the MV blind when the actual singer recovered from her cancer that a new album was being prepped. Way before Paula talked about doing a new one.

    Paula was able to make her album because she was a choreographer to start.

  15. MV was and always will be Britney to me. it alll adds up and bitch can't sing! Henry Rollins pretty much revealed this himself not long ago.

  16. I'm split on the MV with Brit and Paula. These latest posts have me thinking Paula is the more likelier of contenders, but the blind itself matches up with Spears very, very well. I have her albums, and that is not her for sure on "Circus."

    But it's her or Abdul. Look at enty's latest posts on both of them and their lip synching. I'm 55/45 Spears favored.

  17. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I never thought MV could be Brit or Paula. They're voices are too..."them". I always got the impression that the person who covered for MV actually had talent. Not a single Brit record or Paula record is sung by a talented lead.

    I always thought maybe Janet Jackson was the one.

  18. I don't think it's either Britney or Paula. Enty says that "S" is a "very good" singer. Whoever is singing on Britney's records (and there are a lot of singers on her records, it's not really a secret) and Paula's, is not a "very good" singer. Maybe enty and I simply have a different opinion of "very good", but it just doesn't add up to me.

  19. I don't think it's Janet Jackson either *L*. I do think her voice is enhanced, but you can still hear her speaking voice.

  20. I know it's an old blind, but didn't we think it was a more established singer like a Celine Dion-type? I know Jennifer Lopez was a popular guess too 'cuz she can't sing either.

  21. It is an open secret that Ashanti did most of Jlo's singing...

    Hence her record deal...

  22. She's a dancer who sings a bit. We all know this. I don't understand WHY she's recording again.
    Re MV: why would anyone hire a singer to sing badly?

  23. I don't think MV is either Britney or Paula, either. I always had the impression MV was a bit older, and the singing that Paula/Britney do is speak/singing. Heavily backed up and autotuned, for sure, but them. Even when that youtube clip of Britney singing badly to the back up tracks came out, it sounded like her songs, just ... like a cat being dragged through a gutter.

  24. What about the simpsons? No recordings and 'live' is crap for both sisters. Creepy Dad being the money whore.
    Other than that I took my baby sister to red rocks for her first concert to the mtv tour with Milli V.

  25. Paula doesn't really even "judge"...she just makes wierd comments about their appearance and "shopping in the ladies dept.". She's not offering any technical advice. That fits since she is/was a dancer/choreographer who wants to sing.

    And she's in total denial about everything,which was proven by her crazy reality show.

  26. What about Madonna? I just don't think J.Lo's lip synching would rock the music industry to its core. I know another popular guess was Beyonce. Man, that blind is classic, though. The one that introduced me to CDAN.

  27. Can't be Madonna, because she's not a charismatic singer. She's rather monotone, and her singing voice matches her speaking voice.

    When I saw Paula jump into the dancers' arms all I could think was how long will it be before she claims she hurt her back/neck with the trauma and she'll sue Idol/Fox because they "made" her perform?
