Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson Has Died

Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett on the same day. Wow.

From TMZ

Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon and paramedics were unable to revive him. We're told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back.

Michael is survived by three children: Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr., Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince "Blanket" Michael Jackson II.

Jackson had 13 number one hits during his solo career.


  1. i saw the first bulletin and have been following it on TMZ.

    perez hilton said he was either faking or 'making himself sick' to get out of doing his shows. is perez having a bad week or what?

    anyway, i can't cry for michael jackson. i can for those kids though. who will raise those children?

  2. Holy shit, this is difficult to take in. I grew up listening to him and even though he'd become completely odd the last ten years or so I've always enjoyed his music. Pretty shocked.

    RIP MJ, and Farrah as well.

  3. One less pedo running around.

    As for the kids, better their mom's get them than his money grubbing family.

  4. I can't believe it. This is surreal.

    Michael Jackson WAS my childhood.

    :( :( :(

    There is a special place in hell for Perez.

  5. My radio just announced this and I came here to make sure it was true. I can't believe it. Farrah and Michael? Wow, two icons from my youth.

  6. I still danced to his music even when it wasn't cool.

  7. Wow. I'm kinda in shock, like most of you, i grew up listening to MJ, and even though he clearly had severe issues and i grew to dislike him immensely, i'm still stunned.

  8. Ed, Farrah & Michael.

    Yikes, things really DO happen in threes.


  9. Ryan O'Neil is going to be soooooo pissed.

  10. man, I have only seen TMZ as the source. CNN isn't reporting that he's dead.

  11. whoa. that's shocking.

  12. I wasn't surprised to hear about Fawcet, but I was shocked to hear about Michael Jackson.

  13. I wonder what will happen to the kids? Did they even know their Mother?

  14. Haven't seen any other news orgs confirm this. However, on CNN tv they are saying he went into cardiac arrest and if you don't get help within 3 minutes, you will die.

  15. wow...holy shit on all the deaths today

  16. I'm amazed that he's dead but not shocked, if that makes any sense?

    I also came here to check as it was on the radio station I was just listening to and the DJ reckoned it might've been BS. Clearly not.

  17. Now we'll find out who the biological father is of those kids.

  18. ok sooooo it hasn't been confirmed on tv yet but if enty says it is so then i will believe it.

  19. wow...just wow. jackson was my youth, this is sad. no matter what he did, it was always about the music for me. RIP.

  20. Holy. Crap. MJ was a weirdo but had unbelievable talent. RIP.

  21. Amh, the news where I live isn't reporting that he is dead either. They're only saying that he was taken to the hospital, and that he wasn't breathing.

    So sad.

  22. jesus. I just woke up, long night, and all this shit is happening. Surreal.

    Best to his children. Hope they find a stable home.

  23. He was a child toucher for sure, but the guy had a tragic life growing up. Hopefully, he finds peace in the afterlife.

  24. I can't believe it :(

  25. This makes me very sad. He was the king of pop and an incredible talent. I was never one that necessarily believed the stories about the kids. I just think he was a very eccentric man that people tried to take advantage of for cash. If this was an overdose/suicide as is being reported, then it's even sadder.
    RIP Michael.

  26. Cooper's Mom- I totally agree!
    Robert-His family is horrible. I hope the ex gets it all and the kids.

    I believe his father is a monster who ruined Michael from a young age. I saw a documentary a few years ago and it broke my heart. Not excusing the pedophile issue(which may or may not have happened-he still was a freak). May he finally find peace.

  27. TMZ obviously has a solid source (family, i'd think) but there's no official announcement yet. the hospital can't say but i imagine the family will soon.

    if you're home and found in full arrest, your chances are just really really bad.

    MSNBC is reporting that TMZ says he's dead---pointing out TMZ is half owned by time warner and is 'pretty credible.'

  28. What a day this turned out to be.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Michael Jackson was an UNBELIEVABLE talent, & will be missed in the music world, but I can't say RIP if the child molestation charges are true.

    Maybe now that he has passed, the truth will come out.

  31. This is so sad for his children. He was very strange and looney but I never believed that he was a child molester. Just an abused childstar who went mad. I hurt for his children.

  32. Rough week so far for Hollywood

  33. Perez truly is a dickwad, I saw his post before he edited it, fucking tosser. Although I was not a fan of MJ (was back in the day!) this is still very shocking news. I feel for the Jackson family, and his children. I really hope Debbie gets the older 2.

  34. His family is close and the kids will probably be raised by one of his brothers who has kids. I'm sure Michael made provisions.

  35. Truth is - I have missed MJ for many years - since he went nuts.

    What is scary is cardiac arrest at 50! Wow. I hope they discover he had some condition that led to this.

    I still think Farrah should get top billing - if only because she is much easier on the eyes.

  36. CNN is saying that he is in a coma (per LA Times). However, they are saying that TMZ and OK Magazine have confirmed it but they are saying that TMZ has been correct before...

    UPDATE: LA times confirms he has died.

  37. exactly!!! perez EDITED what he first wrote. coward.

    ok, he's officially dead. LA times reporting.

  38. He is not dead, he is in a coma. (according to

  39. Is it wrong to hope that Perez's career suffers an honorary 4th death?

  40. I'm really mad at Perez Hilton. Obviously he hasn't learned anything from the experience he had this week. I don't know why he has to make joke about this.

  41. Sorry, can't muster an iota of sympathy for this disgusting predator. I do feel bad for the kids and I hope Joe doesn't rip them off. But MJ? Burn in hell, pederast.

  42. Holy Moley, I remember when Thriller came out, in some way he seemed to define my generation, even if he did become a bit creepy when he got older. Damn.

    My news isn't reporting that he's dead either, but it sure doesn't sound good.

    Just ran it by my 17 year old, and her words described it exactly: He was a weirdo, but his music was crazy good. This is really upsetting. What else is there to say?

  43. Anonymous3:26 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Michael Jackson whether he was a pedophile or not he will always be the King of Pop.

    Regarding Perez for being so insensitive. I do hope his site goes down like fast.

  45. cnn just reported he's dead - such a loss. no matter what he's done he had one fucked up childhood and i hope he truly rests in peace now...

  46. Adding to above, just went to, they confirmed that he's died of cardiac arrest per the L.A. Times. Here's the link:

    Not to be flip, but how do they decide who gets top billing for this one?

    And not to be rude, but I imagine that the Ryan is going to be just a tad upset that Farrah isn't getting her own Death Day.

  47. Yes, the police just confirmed.

    I hope all ends up well for his kids.

  48. CNN has not yet confirmed, although they're reporting that the LA Times has confirmed. I've got gooseflesh right now. Spent almost my entire life listening to his music, and despised the adult he became (pedophile), but still sad about this.

    Prayers to his crazy family, though. And let's hope the kids get to be with their actual bio parents!

  49. I am stunned by this. My jaw dropped when I read it and I still can't wrap my head around it. This is a sucky day for those of us raised in the 70s.

  50. I hate Perez-Hypocrite. Fucking wanna be celebrity.

  51. I refuse to give him any page clicks and/or ad revenue, but would someone be kind enough to tell me what that fucktard Perez has done this time that everyone keeps talking about?

  52. R.I.P MJ.

    The thing about Perez is - everyone still goes to his site even though they hate him. I also hope his disgusting site goes down, but that won't happen until people stop reading him.

  53. Those poor kids. He has a big family so I'm sure they will be many of them wanting to take care of them. I wonder if MJ even had any money left though. There were so many rumors of him being broke. That would suck for those kids if they didn't have two dimes to rub together.

    Fairylights: I thought of Farrah too when I heard the news. Her death will just be shoved aside which does suck. She was an icon too but her death will be over shadowed by MJ's death. Plus, her death was expected and MJ's was out of left field.

    I was never a fan of MJ's. He always gave me the creeps. I do feel bad for his kids though. They are quite young to lose their dad. Let's just hope that the Jackson family doesn't fuck it up with those kids.

  54. Farrah and Michael.

    One dies of anal cancer, the other from being an anal prancer!

    Thank you thank you.

    I'll be here all week. Try the veal!

  55. @amber Perez has has 'cold feet or heart attack' written across Michaels picture. There must have been something else but I didn't get to see it.

  56. I hope his kids are taken care of.

    Wow. Really shocking. Everyone in the office admits to be being creeped out by the two major deaths in one day.

  57. For all of you who lack social decorum and a sense of decency, keep your mouth shut. He mattered to a lot of people. He was aquitted, and in the law that means something regardless of the fact that you disapprove. I don't give a rat's ass if you think otherwise. The man has died. NO ONE should speak ill of the dead. It's unnecessary amd tasteless much like you.

  58. I normally don't read him either amber but the comments here made me curious. He's since changed it but apparently when first reporting it he said something like it was a stunt like ones he's pulled before. The comments poeple left pretty much give the jist of what he said (that is until he pulls them)

  59. ambernyc,

    Perez said MJ probably got cold feet and faked because he didn't want to perform anymore. He called a stunt. And said something about people getting their tickets back.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. he used to be talented (should've prefaced that by just my opinion), but he turned into a creepy pederast. i don't have any other explanation for the things that went on at his house.
    although i know his kids are incredibly sad, i hope they get to eventually live a more normal life, away from the jackson family. but i doubt it. i feel for them, he didn't have much of an impact on me, except for the thriller album. that was cool.
    ed and farrah passing make me sad, though.

  62. rummer, I agree with you. This is a sad day. If people don't respect MJ, at least respect us here who care.

  63. Everyone has now confirmed.

  64. Ror.... speechless.

    Although I think MJ was a creepy guy, his music WAS my childhood and he had an awful lot of talent.

  65. I just said to the office ladies that Ryan O'Neal is going to be so pissed about this. I see others feel the same way.

    Something I read today and maybe the attorneys here could help...Debbie Rowe signed away any parental rights to the children and is not in line to take custody. Wouldn't a biological Mother have a right to her children?

  66. Ah, thanks for clueing me on, guys. Just hearing that makes me hate Perez even more... he's all [poor]style and no substance, and he's never witty or snarky. Just mean spirited and downright stupid. Like lux stated above, the best way to make him go the eff away is to avoid him at all costs, which I do.

    Why would I want to go to his subpar site when I have the awesomeness of both Enty and Michael K, anyway? :)

    And I agree with rummer. It's no secret that Michael had a very troubled life, and his transgressions are no big mystery either, but the man is dead now and deserves to rest in peace. Regardless of personal opinion, he was an icon, like it or not.

  67. Anonymous3:51 PM

    lux - I stopped going to Perez's site since the BEP incident. Hopefully some people with do the same. There are other good gossip sites to go to he isn't the only one. If people are smart enough to think that way.

  68. here's what perez first posted and then went back and changed:

    We knew something like this would happen!!

    Michael Jackson was taken by ambulance from his Holmby Hills home to a nearby Los Angeles hospital on Thursday afternoon!!

    Supposedly, the singer went into cardiac arrest and the paramedics had to administer CPR!!!

    His mother is even on the way to visit him!!!

    We are dubious!!

    Jacko pulled a similar stunt when he was getting ready for his big HBO special in '95 when he "collapsed" at rehearsal!

    He was dragging his heels on that just like his upcoming 50 date London residency at the 02 Arena, of which he already postponed the first few dates!!!

    Either he's lying or making himself sick, but we're curious to see if he's able to go on!!!

    Get your money back, ticket holders!!!!

  69. Yeah, but icon or not- you can't dictate personal opinion. Ror's 'joke' was fucked up but beyond that it appears that people are just stating their opinion and a lot of them noting that they are fans of his. *shrugs*

  70. Saying Perez is a douchebag is like saying water is wet.

  71. I knew Perez is a douche, but this week he has proven himself even worst that i ever imagined.

  72. so everyone here defending his acquittal would have been perfectly okay leaving their young male kids with him, unchaperoned?

  73. Wow, this is quite shocking. I feel deeply sorry for his young children who must be devastated.

    My curious nature would love to see a toxicological report and autopsy results, but I'm sure the family will quash it.

    MSNBC is saying he passed a physical for his upcoming tour just a month ago.

    This is Elvis all over again.

  74. True, it is very Elvis like. Elvis also had a dark side. Too bad Michael didn't have Neverland anymore for people to visit.

    I am going to guess that Michael stayed clean for his physical and once he passed he indulged.

    Drugs are bad.

  75. jesus christ, can you not incite the "if you have nothing to nice to say ,say nothing at all" on someones death date?

    if you don't like him fine, but why tempt fate by dancing on his fucking grave? have some respect for the deceased's loved ones if you can't muster it for the dead.

  76. Rather than respect for him, I have much more sympathy for his potential future victims. Let alone his past ones, frankly!

  77. Wow. I don't know what to say. What a horrible day in Hollywood.
    Love him or hate him, Michael Jackson was an iconic figure. I feel for his family.

  78. I'm old enough to remember hearing the news about Elvis, and the vibe to this story is almost identical. You're shocked to hear it, but in another way, not surprised.

    It feels like the end of an era.

  79. Wow, the family spokesman said to CNN "If you think Anna Nicole Smith was bad...". Said people were enabling him.

  80. I am proud to say that I loved the music of Michael Jackson. I grew up with his music and owned pretty much all of his records pre-Lisa Marie. After that he, and his music, got kinda odd.

  81. Wait...
    The family spokesperson is comparing him to Anna Nicole?

    Umm yeah. When I think of all the music and dance moves Michael offered up for our entertainment, wonderbra lush is the first thing that comes to mind.

  82. Just comparing their situation, I guess he was comparing the prescription drugs abuse.

  83. Rumor is that Jeff Goldblum has died -- can anyone confirm?

  84. RIP. :(

    may his troubled soul find rest.

  85. Ahh I see. Also both were known for their cosmetic surgeries, that couldn't have helped.
    Still kind of in shock he's dead. Sorry

  86. Nooo, Jeff Goldblum? Tell this is a joke!

  87. its not on TMZ Anonmom, and we now know there are news gold after today.

    hey- i never said i thought he was innocent, in fact i thought the whole trial was messed up and troubling. having said that, he's dead and gone..its not about his feelings, its about those who loved and respected him.
    that's pretty fucking basic.

  88. I have complete sympathy for his troubled soul. Sadly, he visited his own trauma on carefully chosen kids from a specific, looks-based demographic, and from underprivileged families who could be bought off, and passed that trouble down to future generations - not the legacy I imagine he would have wanted to leave.

  89. I am hearing about Jeff Goldblum too. I only found one link from but it seems to have crashed

  90. which one of us will stay up all night watching the news?

    **raises hand**

  91. A very long time ago, Michael Jackson was a great and talented entertainer.

    But more recently than that, a pedophile.

    I'd be very surprised if it was an intentional overdose. Very unlike someone with such a severe narcissistic personality.

  92. With his death, I'm sure we will be hearing from all those "boys" (now men) who were stripped of their childhood by this man-child who refused to "grow up."


  94. I checked Google News on Jeff Goldblum and there's two stories. I don't believe either.

  95. All celebrities need to get to the nearest church/mosque/synagogue/large rock.

  96. There is NO online confirmation but New Zealand Police are reporting that Jeff Goldblum has fallen to his death on the set of his new movie according to ...

  97. I read this was just a bad hoax. Let's just hope it's a hoax.

  98. Well, apparently that hyperbaric chamber he used to sleep in didn't help. Thought he was talented, especially with the moonwalk and his dancing, but thought his personal life was unusual.

    Bet Ryan ONeal is PISSED!! Today will always be known as the day both MJ and FF died, not just FF. Plus, look at all the press for MJ. Was at work when FF died, but I doubt there was as many people outside the hospital as the tv is showing.

  99. I don't know about you all, but when I heard of Michael Jackson's 50th birthday, I couldn't imagine him at 50. Maybe he couldn't imagine himself as old either. MJ never got the chance to do anything normal. His father should be thrown in jail for what he did to Michael as a boy. I can only think he's at peace now.

  100. Califblondy, once a birth parent signs away parental rights, that's it. This is why, in cases of domestic adoption, every state has a waiting period for a birth mom/dad to be sure they want to continue with any adoption plan they've made for a child.
    MJ's dad is horrible. I hate that man. I'm not sure any more about family issues and how they affected MJ will necessarily come out now that he's gone. And that's a shame. There is definitely one additional situation that was never reported to the press where MJ had to pay off a victim's family. Here in L.A. and in the industry, there was never any doubt that he was a pedo.
    Yet, he was one of the greatest entertainers. As a former dancer, he was huge for me. He change the business.

  101. I hope it's a hoax about Jeff Goldblum.

  102. Reading that Jeff Goldblum's current film is shooting in NYC. Thinking/hoping this is a hoax. And it's NOT FUNNY.

  103. Um I'm in NZ and haven't heard anything about Jeff Goldblum dying, sounds like a hoax to me.

    RIP Michael Jackson.

  104. In 2006, Tom Hanks was reported to have fallen from some cliffs in NZ. Last October, the same story was issued about Tom Cruise.
    Thinking it's b.s. about Goldblum.

  105. So sad. From Off the Wall on through the rest of his music, MJ raised the bar. He was a musical genius. And yes, he was strange. But a genius no less, and his music was and is an important part of my life and memories. RIP, MJ, and I hope you are at peace. Singing with the other musicians who were gone too soon.

    Condolences to his children who will now be without their daddy.

  106. I must apologize to the room for the following long outburst. But between Whatever Rivera and Perez, I need to blow. I need my 11 min & 42 sec. please.

    Like Elvis, MJ was one of greatest entertainers in my lifetime. I want to say-give the fucking body time to go cold before you start w/the drug use cause of death. He just compared MJ to Anna Nicole! Maybe I am wrong, but that is like comparing apples and oranges. The only common thing they have in common is they are both fruit. He has selective memory,,,,, that is like the pot calling the kettle black. Whatever Rivera, smdh as a father and a journalist w/30+ years, shame on you. Regardless of whatever facts and forensics that come about,that will not replace the reality that MJ will the rest with the best in entertainment heaven. Elvis OD'd -That is personal, so what! It does not negate Elvis's nor MJ's talent and impact on the industry.

    Perez just wasn't satisfied with the recent 6 pack of whoop ass to his eye. Random, immature comments like that may get him the entire case of kick ass.

    Because the events occured so quickly, he should have maybe checked his facts before typing. After all he is the blogger w/over 10million readers.
    His vocal diarrhea will land him in the world of trouble. He is just mean spirited. A real piece of work!

    I may start a blog aimed at this want-to-be-relevant-big-mouth-want-to-be-but-you-can't-ass-biting-wish-you-were-hot-but your not!-waste-of-space-double-dildo-wanting-asswipe! Now bark at the hole!

    Now that I've honored my feelings and told you what I really mean. I will retire to my room. Me, my Red Diamond and my MJ playlist.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Sorry - I hope hope Michael doesn't rest in peace. He screwed people/businesses out of a ton of money with no intention of ever making good. He basically told them all to fuck off when they came to collect. So to Michael - I hope in your afterlife you slave away to remotely pay off what you did on this earth.
    And Jax, I am sorry to have to disagree with you about only being respectful - even for his family..but where were they as he ruined others lives??
    Besides, if you cannot be completely honest as a somewhat anonymous commenter, when can you be?

  109. Wow just got home from work and saw the news feed from MSNBC, I can't believe it.

    MJ absolutely defined high school for me in the 80's.

    Hope he finds his peace now and blessings to his children.

  110. Rehearsals for the London shows were to begin at Staples Center tomorrow, once the Lakers' season was done. Then on July 3rd, rehearsals were to pick up again in London with shows opening a week later. These shows were supposed to happen.

  111. No worries. Jeff Goldblum is safe.

  112. NOT JEFF!! what a horrible day.

  113. IMDB has Jeff Goldblum's last two projects as Morning Glory and The Baster. Morning Glory is with Harrison Ford/Rachel McAdams filming in NYC, stills were released yesterday. Doesn't sound like a film involving New Zealand.

    The Baster is the Jennifer Aniston film that just finished shooting.

    Sounds like a hoax.

  114. I was in a five hour meeting, came to my computer and found this news. Completely shocked, especially to have two big names on the same day. While I haven't been a fan since all of the scandals and inappropriate behavior, his music was a big part of my childhood. I'm sure there will be many days/months ahead of stories, kind of like Anna Nicole Smith, which I am not looking forward to. I hope his kids will be cared for in a "normal" environment and have a shot at a decent life.

  115. Bits of Moxy, I hear you - but what do we know really? We don't know what he would tell his family. Certainly not up to them to bail him out of $ problems. They have no liability in this. Bottom line is that all creditors will now come forward to get their claims resolved.

  116. RIP MJ

    There will be only ONE Thriller!

    As for his personal life.. so tragic and hopefully he will have had enough $$ to provide for his children.

    The man died as obscurely as he lived.

    As for Perez..that's why I don't read his trite piece of blog soon as I saw the comments here I knew the following comments would be that he took down his previous posts. He is a pu**y and a freaking waste of space.

    RIP MJ

  117. E! is reporting that the Goldblum rumor is just that and nothing more.

  118. So sad for both MJ and FF and their families!

    The Jeff Goldblum story has to be a hoax.

  119. I'm pretty sure the jeff thing is a hoax. PHEW! according to this site its possibly a ploy by another website to get hits, cause there is another rumour going around that Harrison Ford has died.

  120. Ha! Found Perez original post( douchebag!!!! )


    We knew something like this would happen!!
    Michael Jackson was taken by ambulance from his Holmby Hills home to a nearby Los Angeles hospital on Thursday afternoon!! Supposedly, the singer went into cardiac arrest and the paramedics had to administer CPR!!!
    His mother is even on the way to visit him!!!

    We are dubious!!

    Jacko pulled a similar stunt when he was getting ready for his big HBO special in '95 when he "collapsed" at rehearsal! He was dragging his heels on that just like his upcoming 50 date London residency at the 02 Arena, of which he already postponed the first few dates!!! Either he's lying or making himself sick, but we're curious to see if he's able to go on!!! Get your money back, ticket holders!!!!

    Now people...lets boycott this UNORIGINAL loser once and for all!!

  121. Thriller came out when I was in jr high; I remember the first time I saw that video and was amazed. I don't think that recognizing that MJ was a revolutionary figure in pop music, and even enjoying his music means that I'm not disgusted by some of the things he was accused of or disturbed by an awful lot of his behavior.

    I think I've been mourning the old Michael Jackson for a long time anyway, and I feel sorry for his kids and the people who truly cared for him. That does NOT include his father, btw.

  122. oh crap..missed nancers comment

    ha ha well I am just *reposted* with out fully reading


    I am reiterating what a loser he is

    nice work nancer.. I suck lol!

  123. Judi,
    His family had to have some inkling what was happening. His one brother was his financial guy. I am not saying they should $ off his debts, but they should have intervened about his neglectful/bad behavior. What family. And good luck to the creditors - they can't collect jack. Besides, there probably isn't anything left. I am just tired of famous people getting the "poor family" treatment when the deceased lived their life not giving a flying leap about anyone else but themselves.
    I get heartburn over what will be said about Paris Hilton when she finally decides to do us all a favor and drops dead.

  124. For those of you interested on seeing the post of what Perez said, here's a twitpic from Pete Wentz:

    Fuck he's low.

  125. RE: Lux... Unless there is another rumor, the rumor isn't H Ford but Jeff Goldblum who is working on a H Ford movie.

    For MJ fans... take a moment and watch your favorite videos:



  127. For anyone that wants to see what Perez is posting but you don't want to get him ad-clicks.

    Use firefox with the following ad-ons:

    Adblock Plus
    Flash block

    If you want to download images and they deny it use: Inline Blocked Image View

    Redirect Remover and Colorful Tabs are also useful

    If you can script Greasemonkey and Platypus are great, with platypus you can use other peoples scripts.

  128. First of all, RIP.
    Second, I grew up listening to, and dancing to Thriller, Billie Jean, and many others.

    Now on to the (dirt) third of all...when do you think the drug rumors, and then facts will start coming out?

  129. Come to think of it this may not have been a surprise for his family. Remember we kept seeing him coming out of a clinic and rumors were that he was very ill.

    So while it is a shock to the public he may have been very sick for a long time.

    Just like Bernie Mac.

  130. Bits, if you, heaven forbid, pass, your family isn't responsible for your debts. Well, even living, they're not responsible. Family can talk until they'll blue, but they can't do anything else. Yes, reports are that he was $400M in debt and the Beatle catalog with other assets will probably be sold to pay off everyone - and creditors may not get paid back dollar for dollar, but they will get something.
    Yeah, he kept spending and spending. Completely stupid but not his family's problem.
    Not sure that anything will be left for his kids but they won't be destitute or homeless. They'll be cared for.

  131. Sorry - Family can talk until THEY'RE blue...

  132. Man, Perez IS having a bad week. GOOD! And good on pete wentz for posting that, even though I hate pete wentz!

    @robert yeah I used to sometimes visit his site with AdBlocker on but was worried my viewing his site would still count as a page view. which I don't want to give him.

  133. Pete Wentz and Perez were fighting via Twitter. hahaha

  134. His father said he had a heart attack.

  135. You know you're a douche when people are siding with Pete Wentz in an argument. Perez is such a fucking moron.

  136. His father's an idiot. Cardiac arrest isn't a heart attack. The man doesn't LISTEN.

  137. MJ's spokesperson just stated that "Once everything comes out, you will have never seen such enabling"....Wow. This is Elvis part II.
    I am reading all the comments and everyone is correct.MJ was an icon, dysfunctionaly/physical childhood, very dependent on RX drugs/alcohol (documented court records and visible behavior). He was also a shrewd often unfair business man who engaged unhealthy inappropriate relations w/little hairless boy.

    My question is, it is reported that high # of children who are abused grow up to then become abusers themselves: Assuming MJ was sexually abused (Never can say?),I wonder if the person who abused/corrupted MJ is still alive to see this chaos that I see on TV?

    What a nightmare this will be for those kids. God protect those 3 kids.

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

  139. LOL! I just logged on to twitter to see the pete wentz/perez fight and Kevin Spacey has left him (perez)a message telling him to 'stop spreading these stupid rumours' about jeff G. HA! perez got owned by Kevin Spacey. Awesome.

  140. @lyz someone else has posted it further up the comments

  141. Liked Micheal back in the early days [70s-early 80s].. not so much recently. The kid controversies kinda turned me off on the whole King of Pop thing. Sad he passed .. but given his life, surgeries and such .. amazed it hadn't happened before this.

    But .. uh .. WTF is up with the egomaniacal bent to his kids names?? Dayum!

    Truth be told .. more bummed about Farrah's spot light being stolen. It was the least she deserved the way she suffered.

    Godspeed to both of them...

  142. I'm sorry but I doubt "Ryan ONeal is PISSED"-he just lost the his partner and mother of his child.He is probably devastated. I doubt he is bummed about the "spotlight or news coverage of Farrah's death being diminished." How insensitive.

    "NO ONE should speak ill of the dead"-especially hours after he passed!
    "God protect those 3 kids"-nicely said,GoddessNow!

    **Boycott Perez**

  143. So what if her spotlight was stolen? She's dead, she won't miss this. So now maybe her family members can rest.

  144. Ummm, Enty please get rid of Max the Asshole who chose to use the N word to express his feelings.

  145. RIP MJ. You had so much talent, and we all hoped that you would one day find peace in this life. May you at least find peace now.

  146. ^^ Agree, NotOnMyDollar. Understand Max's sentiment but it could have been expressed differently. I'd like to know more about any prescription Rx abuse. Am wondering too if the kids can now come forward to tell their stories or if they're barred by a confidentiality K.

  147. I concur Dollar.
    I rebuke you!

  148. Ed
    It's the celebrity trifecta.
    I'm thinking Michael was framed for his $$$.
    BUT he was obviously a tortured soul.
    Pray for those children.
    STOP going to Perez Hilton's
    Let's make HIM dissapear!!!

  149. I hate perez hilton, even his webdsite name alone. Today, I am sad.

  150. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I am not a Perez fan at all, but I will defend him on this. It was my first thought as well.

    Just click on the MJ tag on this post, and look at the previous two posts on MJ - Enty speculated back then that MJ would have a "medical emergency" right before his concerts.)

    Yes, it's a loss, and yes it was insensitive, but it's not wrong to be suspicious with someone with a suspicious history.

    RIP Michael, you lived a tortured life, may you finally find peace.

  151. As for his being "framed", for years it was an open secret in LA that Jackson was a pedophile. He used to have to break out his checkbook quite often to buy the silence of his victims. It wasn't just THAT boy -- he was destroyed in public but he was just one victim.

    Nevertheless, Jackson was a victim in his own way. And a talented person. It's always sad for anyone to die at 50.

  152. Sorry if this has already been posted, but are we SURE that he's dead? He has a LOT of financial & legal problems, as well as connections to be able to "disappear".

    Just sayin'.

  153. Judi,
    I agree with your response (mostly :). You can talk until you're blue in the face.
    I guess in the long run, I think that family is so far beyond repair with self destructing behavior that hurt so many others - that I didn't agree with Jax in showing respect to the family of the dead (by speaking no ill will).
    I appreciate the back and forth - you made me think more about it.

  154. RIP, King of Pop.

    All I wanted for Christmas when I was 11 was the Thriller album. I got it then and I still treasure it now. The man was brilliant and troubled and completely fucked up, as most geniuses are.

    I pray for his children and hope that they can live their lives full of love and away from the media's glare.

  155. I think DNfromMN said it best, as I was suspicious at the first reports I saw of this.

    And someone else said it above, Ryan O'Neal has got to be pissed. I realize that's tacky of me, but really, I think he is.

    Some lawyer is yammering on tv as I type this, that MJ was overmedicated. He was 50. He was old enough to be making his own medical decisions; and if he was in fact impaired, why the heck wasn't someone else in charge of that?

    I never got into his music, but I know he was a talented performer.

  156. 1 - This IS tragic. All the 'weird' stuff about Michael Jackson, the surgeries, the trials, was just a tiny blip on the timeline of his career. The man was a legend and when it comes to songwriting and producing, he was a genius. He was a pop culture and musical icon. Since he was actually acquitted of the crimes he was charged with, I think it's fair to respect him and the impact he had on the music industry, as well as his family, and not waste our time with slander and useless bullshit. Unless, of course, we are Perez Hilton.

    Because -2- I agree with DN that making the assumption that the sudden illness was a media tactic was not out of line. However, Perez should have left that post up instead of changing it like a coward, but he is just that, a coward who doesn't want to take responsibility for his own actions.

    Remember when Natasha Richardson passed away? Well, she hadn't yet, but she was in the hospital, allegedly in a coma, but the NY Times (or Post) said she had died. Perez wrote the same and then, when it turned out Natasha was still alive at that point, he started blaming that news outlet for spreading false rumours, posting the names of their reporters and asking everyone to email them and complain. Not ever owning up to the fact that he as well had posted an unsubstantiated rumour. I think we are seeing the beginning of the end of the Perez phenomenon. I certainly hope so.

    Anyway. Rest in Peace, Michael Jackson. You leave behind a legacy of classic pop songs, to which we all say "I'm gonna moonwalk!", and then just walk backwards really slowly with a silly grin on our faces until we fall over.

    Keep up with the force, don't stop.

  157. Harriet, while I know what you're saying, I have to say I know what others are saying. From what I read, Natasha Richardson was an organ donor, so of course she was declared before the actual life support was removed. While I don't approve of Perez's reporting, or his retraction without accepting blame for a part of it, I understand where it comes from.

    I had a relative who was an organ donor. We didn't consider him "gone" even after the coroner appeared to look at brain scans and declare him. The hospital rep asked what we wanted any callers to know, and we opted for "no change in his condition." But since the coroner had been there, the media reported his death.

    It's not necessarily misreporting. It fux with family and friends. But it's not necessarily inaccurate.

  158. i dont know why but i need to type out my own feeling on both deaths. they were two of the biggest icons on my lifetime

    mj - i'm sorry but where they're is smoke there is fire. a music genius, yes. a fabulous entertainer, god yes. but sorry. i totally and completely feel he was a pedophile. maybe he was wacked in the head and needed something from those kids in not a sexual nature but he still, in my mind preyed on kids

    i mourn the loss of his genius but that was eons ago.

    farrah...oh farrah...i hope you find peace in your death as you had not enough in life. i'll leave it at that as it really doesnt matter what i thought about her son and the father of her son but i will say that my husband fondly remembers the place of honor that you graced on his wall and i had your hair for years.

    rest in peace ed mcmahon and farrah.

    mj? god. forgive me but please rot in hell

  159. I was in love with MJ since the first time I saw Thriller. I was a huge fan in jr. high. Still am. This makes me so sad. I do wonder who will get custody of his children.

  160. Holy man. Micheal Jackson. In junior high it was either you loved him, Culture Club or The Police. My grade 8 birthday party my dad rented a VCR and some tapes - one of them was the making of the Thriller music video. I watched him perform the moon walk to Billie Jean and was amazed at his huge talent. I even had a sparkly glove - gag gift but I still have the damn thing. For this generation he is Elvis.

    I hope he finds some peace finally - and I hope whomever he hurt on this earth can finally heal as well. I have to say my first thought was about Macauley Culkin.

    Much sympathy for his children and those that loved him.

  161. Rest in peace, Michael Jackson.

    Surgeries and scandals be damned, since I did not know the man personally, it was all about the music for me.

  162. The Drudge Report has a link to a story from The Sun. The story states that Jackson aides told paramedics that he was injected with Demerol,synthetic morphine, and shortly afterwards his breathing became very shallow and stopped, prompting the call to 911.

  163. Cheers, Bits. :-)

  164. For those that want to see what that piece of dog shit that is Perez wrote about the news (sorry if it's already been posted):

    Screen capped by Joel Madden.

  165. Michael Jackson was not God. (Clapton, however, was). Michael Jackson was not magic. He was not an artist. He wasn't even particularly talented. (They've been literally a thousand performers who were better than he was).

    No, Michael Jackson was a pedophile. With millions. Your support of this deranged freak enabled him to build his own private amusement park to lure young boys into his bed.

    No, Michael Jackson was a self hating African American song and dance man who liked to blow young boys. And paid dearly for the privilege. $23 million to Jordie Chandler, who he molested, for his silence. At the end, it cost him his career.

    So fuck Michael Jackson. It's time for the children among us who in their delusions honor him or idolize him. He liked to suck off young boys. Neverland was his own personal pickup bar. Only he served cotton candy instead of white wine.

    One of the more repulsive aspects of Amerika are the dumbasses who idolize psychopaths like Michael Jackson. And that they let him get away with it.

  166. what is the big deal? farrah fawcet died also today, her thunder was sure stealed. and she went out w/out any scandelous of child molestation.

    he was a child molester, i don't care how great an entertainer he was, he hurt a lot of families/children, lets not forget that part.

    why glorify a man like that? because he sang good? and wrote good songs? eff that.

    one less child molester in this world

  167. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  168. max- regardless of your personal *opinion*, you're speaking of a HUMAN BEING, a life lost. the man has passed away and is no longer capable of defending himself.

    what do you gain from bashing this man? nothing. and NOT A SINGLE PERSON HERE GIVES A FLYING FUCK WHAT YOU THINK, SO SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.


  169. You're preaching to the choir. No one here is glorifying MJ. Well, most aren't. It's part of life. And yes, there are also stories about Farrah that circulated in the 70s, but nothing that created the degree of victims that MJ did.
    Perez's first offensive post has been posted here several times.

  170. max, when you express your opinion THAT way, i can at least respect it. i share some of those feelings. i do separate the man from his music though and i disagree with you about that. i thought back in his heyday, his music was great.

    however, i'm not going to idolize michael jackson, the man. not any more than i'd idolize phil spector who was a musical genius because whatever else he was, he's still a murderer.

  171. Off with the PLASTIC USER!..LMFHO! @stone throwers w/out bones!
    MsLeigh very well written.

  172. max, lol... I'M ignorant, but you're the one using big words like the n word and slut, etc to get your point across.

    it's not about idolizing anyone, it's about the fact that there's nothing to gain by ripping him apart now. you've had 50 years, but you wait until he's dead. wow, makes sense.

    you must be a sociopath, in which case there's no penetrating your thick skull. i feel so sorry for you.

  173. I am so sad about this.

    No matter what you think of MJ, please know he was pure magic on stage. I was lucky enough to see him perform 5 times in my life. And each one was magic.

    Come on Max, we all know you are a pissy Perez! Be careful, someone will moonwalk on your ass!

  174. There is a difference between an evil person doing bad things because he wants/enjoys to, and a very disturbed or mentally ill person doing bad things. Jackson was clearly the latter, given his history.
    This doesn't absolve him from any crimes he committed, or make them any less wrong (and i would say this about anyone, not just a celeb). However someone who is mentally ill cannot stop/help themselves from doing wrong things. Would you hold someone with schizophrenia in such contempt?
    I've been reading a lot about psychopaths (I know MJ probably isn’t one) recently, and it's really made me see how ignorant i was to paint all 'monsters' with the same brush. It is truly not a 'one size fits all' kind of thing.

    I hope those children go to a good foster/adopted home away from the whole Jackson family madness. Fingers crossed that they will be able to live healthy, happy lives (and not be damaged by how they were raised).

  175. Farrah's poor father - a man in his 90s who has buried his wife and both his daughters. My heart goes out to him. RIP, Farrah and Michael Jackson.

  176. Ok night everyone...There goes the room! Peace!

  177. Max, I have a really big problem with you denigrading Ms Leigh. I also have a problem with you using the N word. Express your differing opinion, but please do it without using racial epithets or personal attacks against those whose opinion differs.

  178. whole_lotto_luv- hey thanks, i appreciate that a lot!

  179. listen micheal made good music once upon a time but that was a long time ago. since then hes shown us that hes a monster if for no other reason than how he insisted on raising his children. poor poor kids. even there names are nothing but a big self serving ego stroke. as far as perez goes. hes a fucking loser and i couldnt be happier that GLAAD have called him out. you can be gay and still hate gay people. also, didnt he say kind of the same thing about michael as he did about anna nicole smith when the new first broke about her overdose??

  180. Y'all, Max Gosoaus = Ror. Just check his Blogger profile for confirmation. We already know that Ror is a sociopathic sick fuck, so the best thing to do is just ignore him.

    Peace, everyone! :)

  181. I wonder if it is going to be a traditional burial or cremation. I am guessing cremation because I do not think his body is going to be able to burn.

    Jackson's death leaves behind a upcoming fiasco as everyone descends on his corpse to squeeze every last dollar they can from him.

    Expect to see book deals from former Neverland employers writing expose`s about the bizarre things that happened in Neverland true and not so true.

    Then there is the fight that will happen over Jackson's ownership of the Sony BMI song catalog including the Beatles songs.

  182. I always say that Michael Jackson taught me as a child how to dance. I loved him. Yeah, I know. Molester.

  183. Ror - You are as welcome here as Perez is. Troll somewhere else you sick fuck.

    blankprincess - Thanks for the heads up. I had an inkling, but didn't think he would be stupid enough to put his 'blog' up on both profiles. To think i thought him funny when he first started commenting (shows how little you can tell about a person over the internet - that is unless they start boasting about their murdering habits).
    Sorry about not heeding your advice. People like that get me too angry not to respond.

    Surely we can let MJ's body get cold before we start making jokes? I mean, really, where is the decorum?

  184. Thriller came out when I was in my junior year of college. I bought the cassette and played it on my Walkman (look it up, kids) at least 40,000 times while walking around campus.

    No music has, well, thrilled me like that, before or since. For that, I'm really grateful to MJ.

  185. No prob, stiffkittens! I knew you would definitely appreciate knowing the situation. :)

    And how can a person be THAT dumb, right?

  186. Ror - If all 'monsters' were mentally ill then they wouldn't need to prove insanity when being charged, you fuckwit.
    Some people are just evil without psychosis (probably you included - which is why i'm not surprised you fail to grasp this concept).

    People like you make me want to believe in hell. How dare you say such things about the people on here (let alone at all)?! Seriously, how do you sleep at night? Oh, i'm sure you're exhaused from all the random strangers you beat to a plup. That must take it out of one, mustnt it?

  187. max- i understand that you're a mentally ill person, whose probably had a very traumatic childhood, much like the person we're discussing, so i'm going to try to forgive you for the horrible pain you just wished on me & my child, because i know that regardless of what you think or say, hiding behind your computer screen, hurling insults at people over the internet who don't agree with you, as means to make yourself feel like someone important after the whole world has told you you aren't; i know that my child will be treated with as much love and care as i can possibly give him/her and i'm so sorry that you weren't given the same. i will pray for you, because you obviously need that so much more than the attention you're begging for by wishing harm on complete strangers unborn children.

    you poor thing.

  188. My first album was when i was 1 and 2 yrs old, respectively. They were Thriller and Like a Virgin. I will never forget your talent and I mourn (as I would with any troubled soul) a man who was lost amid the caous and died before making his peace with himself, or the world. Man in the Mirror is playing on repeat all night.
    RIP Michael, you were my first song I danced to in diapers, love you jas

  189. I can't believe no-one has called Max out on his other identity - Les Suckno ring a bell with anyone? Takes me right back to the bad old days of the CDAN message board...

  190. Truly, rest in peace. We may not have understood your world, but you added to ours in such an immense way. Bless you and your family and rest easy, the hard part is over.

  191. don't know if you guys have noticed yet but max/ror has posted word for word the exact same posts on other sites under different monikers.

    Kudos on the originality brah.

    copy and paste much?

  192. i will declare michael jackson the greatest talent ever to set foot on this planet, and a saint to boot, if someone will just kick ror in the balls for me and get him to shut the fuck up.
    small wonder he can't get a job, if even that part was true.

    LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, we need to ignore him, and his alter egos. we've proved this week what a good-hearted COMMUNITY we have here (yeah, notice how quiet he was when we all needed to band together to keep our little virtual group together). he never has fit in, why he wants to be here is beyond my imagination. he's already confessed to torturing a cat to death, among other hideous things, which puts him beyond sociopathy, right into psychopathy.
    there, ror, max, (and your friend molly and her alter egos) and imaginary friends, i've given you your 15 minutes of attention.
    so take your little group of anal warts with you, and kindly fuck yourselves out of dodge.
    you wanna come back with an apology and PLAY NICE, we'll think about it, but i wouldn't hold my breath.

    may i suggest perez' site? he seems open to homophobes and psychotics. i'm sure you two could be the best of friends.

  193. Yup, some like to post crap all over the web and then sit back and watch. Voyeur. Sh*t stirrer. That's the only purpose they serve in life, which is no purpose at all. Let's not feed the trolls.
    Peace, everyone.

  194. One interesting angle on his ownership of the Beatles catalog is that it isn't going to be worth very much for very long. In 2013, the rights start reverting back to McCartney and Yoko Ono...the songs were deeded to the publishers for only 50 years, starting in 1963.

    My guess is that McCartney, with his (relatively) healthy lifestyle and positive attitude, will still be around by that point.

  195. Ms. Leigh--I haven't wanted to say anything because I don't want to support Ror/Max's psychotic rants on here. But I am afraid that by staying silent I am also lending my support to his mentally ill diatribes.

    You don't deserve to be singled out by him and I'm sorry that he decided to do so. Everyone knows that he is crazy. I am sure that every one of the CDAN readership, except for Ror/Max, supports you.

    And thank you for handling him with so much grace and compassion. I admire you for that.

  196. What about these kids' parents? I don't see anybody calling them out for pimping out their children for $$$$'s from Michael. I've read tons of shit about the families and for the right gifts they were more than willing to let their sons spend the night at MJ's and they even let MJ spend the night with their kid at their house. I'm not defending a child molester, but I'm just pointing out that some of these parents had dollar signs in their eyes as soon as Michael befriended their kid. Ya, I think Michael was guilty and I'm not defending his sick ass in any way. I'm just saying that he's not the only one to blame. Like my son says "I loved him when he was a black boy, not a white woman." Most of us have fond memories of Thriller or Off The Wall because of what it meant in our youth. Let's face it, the last several years of his life have been shit. Karma anyone?

    I would appreciate the f'in N word being deleted. Thankyouverymuch.

    Michael Jackson was about as much an N word as Elizabeth Taylor.

  197. This comment has been removed by the author.

  198. Max/Ror - seriously, you are repulsive. Were you abused as a child? That is the vibe i am getting. If you were then i am truly sorry, because so was i. But there is NO excuse for wishing such a unforgivable thing on Ms.Leigh's child - HOW FUCKING DARE YOU. You need to see a psychiatrist immediately, because you have some serious issues that you need to try and sort through. you're a racist fucker, and that won't change unfortunatley. But do yourself (and those around you) a favour and and get some professional help. Because you need it, buddy, big time.

  199. Enty, please remove Max/Ror from here.
