Monday, June 01, 2009

MTV Movie Award Photos - Part Four

Sacha Baron Cohen
Mark Ballas & Shawn Johnson
Sienna Miller
Taylor Lautner
Terri Seymour
Tyrese Gibson
Vanessa Hudgens
Zachary Quinto


  1. i'm starting to get a little over sasha baron cohen...

  2. Vanessa Hudgeons always looks like she's trying too hard.

    I finally saw Twilight last night - that's a couple of hours of my life I'll never get back. What horrendous acting.

  3. I'm SO over Borat, I never even watched the Borat movie because I was already sick of him. His whole schtick it to stand around saying penis and vagina to make people squirm, or to try to rub his naked ass on you and make you squirm. I'll take Kathy Griffin any day or his lame ass.

  4. @Pookie - I'm overdone.

  5. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Rocket Queen did u read the book? To me that was enough warning not to see the movie LOL.

  6. @ Sylvia - I had never even HEARD of the book until all this hysteria over the movie. With good reason, obviously ;)

    @ Princess - I think Cohen is doing his "Bruno" character here - very very different.

  7. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I laughed a lot at Borat, mostly from a sociological perspective. People showing their true selves knowing that none of their friends will see it.

    I hope Bruno is just as educating.

    Zach Quinto's pants are awfully tight for someone insecure about his manhood.

  8. i thought brunos stint was pretty funny. eminems reaction real or no?

  9. I think I like the demographic of this blog. I don't like Sascha Baron Cohen's whole act but I can't help but watch, squirm, and laugh.

  10. DNfromMN,
    I thought the same thing re: Zach's pants! ;-)
    Unless he's stuffing, his endowment looks average to me....
