Monday, June 01, 2009

Richard Dreyfuss Is A Tool

This is not the first time I have used this headline or something similar and I know for sure it won't be the last. Richard Dreyfuss has again shown why he has very few bridges left on which to walk in Hollywood. Next year is the 35th anniversary of Jaws and so there are going to be lots of celebrations and promotional stuff for the movie. All of the surviving original cast has agreed to help out and promote the movie except for Richard. It seems that Richard only wants to help if he is paid lots and lots of money to do so.

In an interview with the NY Post he said, "They asked me to come do the anniversary of Jaws. I said, 'No'. They said, 'Well, it's the anniversary.' 'Yeah it's the anniversary of you making a lot of money. And now you are going to make a lot more money. When are you going to make me an offer I can participate in?'"

Now, I am not going to begrudge someone the opportunity to make money. Everyone wants to make money. At the same time however, I think Richard should think about his reputation in Hollywood and the last time he generated any positive publicity for himself. Second, I think he should take a long look in the mirror and wonder what his career would have been without Jaws. It is because of that movie that he was ultimately able to earn millions upon millions of dollars for doing absolutely nothing but standing in front of a camera.

I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say that if it had not been for Jaws in 1975, Richard probably would not have got the lead in Close Encounters and instead would have been doing lots and lots of theatre and lots of smaller roles which he had been doing prior to getting Jaws. So what if the producers made a lot of money. They also took all the risk when they made the movie. If Jaws had lost $50M, I doubt Richard would have been lining up to help pay back some of his salary. Sometimes you have to celebrate something for things other than money and be a good person which of course is something Richard has shown he knows nothing about.


  1. Perhaps but it goes back to sharing the wealth. It's always the little guy who gets left out. I can't blame him. He's made money for many organizations and put lots of people to work. He should get his share.

  2. Also, some good publicity at this point could only help his career.

    Does he really want to piss Spielberg off? That can't be good for one's career.

  3. wow, the guy can't see past his bank account at the greater good. tool. this would've been so good in getting his name out again. fool. ain't nobody missing you richard, so step to it.

  4. Makes me wonder how much Seth MacFarlane et al paid him to do the voiceover in the recent Family Guy take on Stand By Me. It sure was nice to hear him on it.

  5. I don't think it was wrong for him to want to be paid to promote the anniversary for the movie. It's not like he can command that much money anyway so what would be the big deal?

  6. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Wasn't the last time he was on this site when he sued his son or grandfather for money he loaned out?

    That said, we don't know what he was offered. Or, maybe he just wants to be left alone and knows the negative publicity will keep people away.

  7. Jaws is one of my all time favorite movies. Thank you for informing me of the anniversary!!

    I would be honored to participate...generate a little promotion and have a few free drinks. Why not?

    Seems bitter to me- he could be THE STAR of the reunion- as the Captain and Roy are DEAD- why miss that opportunity Richard??

    DUH. Oh well, still one of my all time favorite movies!

  8. Well then "they" should give all the money it generates for them to charity. They should just do it for good will like they expect him to.

  9. Hmm. I don't know how I feel about the situation. But I love Jaws and I love the movie Let it Ride with Richard Dreyfuss.

  10. He's always thought way too much of himself. I think the anniversary will carry on just fine without him. If they've got a "Bruce" mechanical shark to show-off, people will be happy.

  11. SO sad to hear that Richard Dreyfus is a tool! I always liked him.

  12. Mr. Holland's Jackass.

  13. Come on. Universal made boatload of money. Boatloads. Richard retired/ semi-retired from films to teach. If the producers forgot about him, an Oscar winner for Best Actor, why not let them the studio pay him good bucks. They are going to be earning alot of money on the re-relase. And is he getting of it? Of course Lorraine Gary, a terrible actress, who played Roy Scheider's wife will be there. She's the widow of Sidney Scheinberg who ran Universal. Really, who else is there with name value to show up? Michael Caine from JAWS IV?Like Cuba said SHOW ME THE MONEY.

    They call it the film industry. It is a business, not a charity. Give Richard Dreyfuss a break.

  14. Personally, I liked Roy's wife in the movie. I know it's a business, but I'm still not giving Richard a break. I might not be a movie star, but I've done plenty of things to promote my company and haven't expected to always be paid. Personal choice I guess.

  15. didn't dreyfuss blow all his "Jaws" money to become an addict? maybe he's having flashbacks.....

  16. Enty, this post exudes why CDAN is a must read. Your smart, thoughtful, insightful, humorous, authentic voice... and your willingness to call out the nonsense and put a spotlight on Hollywood's ingrates, liars, cheaters, poseurs. Please, one day have a CDAN premiere party!

  17. I have no love or loss for the guy but it was a HUGE movie. His first big role and he made (I'm guessing scale) maybe $50k in 1975 (huge then) for a nobody lead. That could be to high. I've heard he is an ass but, if someone made millions off of me and didn't give me a bonus (hello toys!!) I'd be upset too. But if me I would have worked it out by now but, I dislike conflict. G*D hate me -I've been given a plate full recently in my business community, it's gone to slack and people are shocked that we used to have standards 4 years ago. wtf???

    if any of you are foodies and live kitsap/seattle send me a resume! we are in poulsbo/98370

  18. i think he gets no residuals from the movie. he may be an ass, but i love him, or at least his movies. jaws is one of the greatest movies ever made, and made tons and tons of money. i'd probably be a teeny bit bitter, too. damn thing's on the idiot box somewhere at least a couple of times a week, and he gets nothing.
    i'm sure he doesn't have the same warm fuzzy feelings about the movie that we do.
    heh. i used two different music tracks for skating programs back in the day. i loved it!

  19. Sorry, I am with Richard on this one. People in the business, that are serious about acting, would love to keep doing small movies and theatre, and don't give a rat's ass about the blockbuster. Seriously, if he generates bad publicity, then it's because he was not goaded into playing the game their way all the time. He's always gotten work and will continue to do so because people want to work with him.

  20. ^^ Agreed, Monalisa.

  21. i second richard. a gazillion years ago actors did not make that much anyway. and they did not have merchandising percentages and / or other endorsements.

    that said, richard should get some fresh money, since it would be just a really tiny piece of that what they will get out of this release.

  22. If Dreyfuss hadn't have blown his sizeable amount of money on drugs, money wouldn't be such an issue for him.
    No pity.
