Monday, June 08, 2009

NY Post Blind Items

WHICH once prominent magazine writer/TV interviewer now appears in elegant homes wearing men's clothes and a fedora? Sighed one jaded observer, "These days, becoming a lesbian is a career move"

WHICH sexy leading man, known for his wandering eye, recently hooked up with a pouty songstress? The raven-haired rocker is a big change from his usual choice of supermodels

WHICH actor is on hiatus due to a drug relapse? He claimed he needed time off because of the heartbreak of his public split, but he's actually headed to rehab.


  1. great minds think alike :)

  2. who is Katy Perry seeing????

  3. #1 - Linda Ellerbee?

  4. Who's had a public breakup recently? The only person I can think of is Owen Wilson, but he's shooting the Reese Witherspoon movie this summer, so it doesn't seem likely it's him.

  5. How about Balthazar Getty for number three?

  6. Is Leo still considered sexy?? never thought he was cute but now he reminds me of a fat couch potato

  7. LOL Michelle, I agree!

  8. funny you said that about leo. to me, he's still a doughy, but rather scrawny kid and ever will be. i just saw 'revolutionary road' and him wearing a suit and hat almost made me laugh. i don't think i can ever see him as a man.

  9. Anonymous1:17 PM


    Is Revolutionary Road worth watching?

  10. Exactly what nancer said: doughy but scrawny, laughable as a "man"!!!

  11. Revolutionary Road is a good movie. Very sad, but worth watching. I agree, Leo looked ridiculous in that hat.

  12. Sean Penn for #3

  13. i liked 'revolutionary road.' very sad, grim little tale but extremely well done by all. michael shannon was brilliant. well deserved oscar there.
    and hey, leo was really good too. but this was almost as unnerving as watching him try to be howard hughes in 'the aviator.'
    the one exception to my 'thing' about him is 'the departed.' i felt differently about him in that movie for some reason.

  14. oscar nomination, i should have said.

  15. You know, I didn't really like Rev Road. I think it was an interesting take on how relationships can come undone, but I didn`t like either lead character. Only the crazy son of the real estate agent was very good. Other than that I think it was rather slow and dreary.

  16. leo in the departed was painful. he couldnt do an accent to save his life, if i was mark wahlberg i would've beaten the sh*t out of him for massacring the boston accent. the movie was awesome tho.

  17. LOL @ Katie
    DiCaprio sounds good for the second one.

  18. Agree with Leo for #2 and Getty for #3. No idea for #1 but Ellerbee sounds good.

  19. Beth Ditto is a big change from Bar, but is she pouty?

  20. Beth Ditto is gay, isn't she? I think this is dicaprio and k perry. There was a blind on here a few weeks back where we all thought Katy Perry was fighting Hayden P for Leo, remember?
