Saturday, July 04, 2009

Blind Items Revealed

May 1, 2009

This B list television actress on a very hit network drama has A list name recognition. She was paid to be at an event for two consecutive weekends for teens and was expected to be a good example for those in attendance. Strict? Yeah, but she was getting paid big bucks and could have skipped it if she didn't want to follow the rules. She chain-smoked her way through the thing, refusing to do most of the stuff she was being paid to do. (this included an argument over her check which she opened up and argued through most of a show she was in the audience for. Apparently she thought she was being paid less than what had been agreed on.)Don't ask me why the check didn't go straight to her agent, but I wonder if she did this on her own without coughing up the 10%.

She didn't want to do opening remarks for a C list male R&B singer with one huge monster hit, and not much else because she thought his people were "ogling her too much" She lied about her age and drank two bottles of wine the first night and ended up drunk off her ass with people pushing her in the right direction of where to go and what to do. If any of the audience tried for an autograph or picture of her while she was walking around, she would put up her hand to block her face and ignore them. These same kids that paid to be at an event she was HOSTING.

Her first weekend there she was with her family. The next weekend, she brought her friends, including this D list movie actor who was in one of the biggest franchise movies of all-time and has really done nothing since, and looked like he was on crack the entire night. She was required to get approval for her outfits beforehand and when the event organizers came to check on it, she ignored them.

On the other hand, this annoying female A list singer (for now), but probably just a one year wonder who we will hopefully never hear from again was headlining the event, was sweet and appreciative. There was bad blood between her and our hostess because they apparently got into it over this A list movie actor who starred in a failing television show before starring in one of the biggest movies of all-time. Our A list singer refused to be drawn into an argument while our hostess tried to bring it up several times by telling everyone that she was dating the A list actor now and that it was a secret. Uh huh. He does so much better than her.

#1 - Hayden Panettiere,
#2 - Lloyd
#3 - Daniel Logan
#4 - Katy Perry
#5 - Leonardo DiCaprio


  1. Got everything right except who the hell is Daniel Logan?

  2. Wow! Now I now why her name is Pantyliner. What a C-word!!

    Who the hell would argue over Leo? He's in supermodel league, he would never look at either one of these two foolios.

  3. I did not guess Lloyd. My guess for that one was NeYo since him and Hayden were friends once.

  4. young Boba Fett from Star Wars ep. II

  5. Good ones! LMAO at the thought of Leo dating Hayden.

  6. Hayden better sit the hell down. Who does she think she is? I thought she was sweet at first but she is going down the drain like blohan

  7. Is Hayden on drugs?! Seriously, she doesn't seem to have a grasp on reality ...

  8. glad this one was revealed, this was a good one!

  9. Wow, a lot of people got all of this! (I was not one of them *LOL*)

  10. So Heroes is a very hit show. I remember another blind about a party girl (at Cannes) in a hit show and there were some people refusing to believe Heroes is a hit show. Good to know. The other blind must be about Hayden too.

    And I loved this blind hahaha

  11. Who would fight over Leo? He's ugly and a bad actor.

  12. Hey, remember me? I was young Boba Fett from Star Wars ep. II.

    No wonder he does drugs.

  13. di caprio with other thing than a blonde model is not Dicaprio! happilly,he said "i want to wed!"

  14. i somewhat agree on leo. he needs a good ass director and good script.

    was 'revolution road' any good? thinking about ordering that this evening.

  15. Southerner - IMDB says yes (viewer ratings) and Rottentamtoes (critics) gave it 69% fresh - not bad.

  16. young Boba Fett? Who the fuck remembers this?

  17. I am so glad this was revealed! Good one!


  19. Revolutionary Road was a big downer. If you're in the mood, it's appropriate.

  20. I watched about 20 minutes of RR before deciding it was probably the most overrated piece of crap of all time.

  21. H is a c-word. Just a c-word. She can't act to save her life and serves no other purpose except as a c-word.

  22. I have no idea who Lloyd is...

  23. Hayden better shape up 5 minutes ago or her star's going down REAL fast. There are plenty of cute(r) girls with more talent out there.

  24. I Love Lloyd...and couldn't care less about anyone else mentioned.

  25. Dayum! Now this is what I signed in for.

  26. Does anyone remember a blind whereby an A list actor who usually only dates models has been linked to a singer that is completely not his blond,model type?
    Leo + Katy Perry

  27. I kinda like Leo, myself. I think he chooses interesting movies and is a good actor. JMO!

  28. SoI got this correct...A Disney event

  29. Difference one between Katy Perry and Hayden whatsherface: Katy's actually talented. Doesn't perform the kind of music I listen to, but I respect her talents and skills and see her going the distance.

    Difference two: Apparently Katy was gifted with all the social graces Hayden wasn't.

  30. That midget better wise up.
