Monday, July 13, 2009

David Arquette Does His Good Deed For The Day

It is one thing for celebrities to talk the talk, but it is great when they actually walk the walk as well. A celebrity who seems to be always doing something for someone else is David Arquette. Even though he has a past history of helping out others, this latest move of his is probably the one which will garner the most publicity for a cause.

Next Tuesday and Wednesday, David Arquette will live in a plastic box for 8 hours each day. Although it is just for 8 hours and will be inside Madison Square Garden, the fact that he is willing to spend 16 hours in a box for the charity Feeding America is still pretty cool.

David's goal is to raise $250,000 over the course of the two day event. Earlier this year, Courtney Cox announced that she had asked all of her friends to help her raise $1M for research of the skin condition Epidermolysis Bullose.


  1. I know DA does alot of charitable work but I think this one is kind of tacky...

    Maybe if he spent more than 8 hours in the box (and these are 8 hours AWAY from CC -- hardly a punishment)... and maybe if he missed a MEAL?

    Hungry folks spend alot more than just 8 hours being hungry. Just saying...

  2. i think the point is to bring attention and awareness to the cause.

    you put any celebrity in a box for 8 hours and you'll achieve that goal.

    difference is, there probably aren't that many celebs who'd be willing/able to do that so good for him for attempting something different from the usual 30 second video spot all the others do.

  3. The Arquette's attended an inaugural event that I was at that benefitted Feed America, he seemed nervous speaking to the group but you could tell that he cared a lot about the cause.

  4. while his intentions are good, i think he's doing it also as an excuse to get away from his wife, and get some peace and quiet: )

  5. a plastic box for 8 hours? wtf? when I first read this I thought, he's got nothing better than this idea?

  6. you know i feel for people with a skin condition, but damn a million bucks could go for skin cancer?

  7. Kate Beckinsale's schedule also would have allowed for this.

  8. I think its very tacky for anyone to judge someone else's work for a charity. What have you been doing lately for Feeding America? Or to tell someone where they should be donating money to; how do you get to decide what is a better cause?

    Two people are trying to help others. How can you be so negative with something so simple and positive? Before you judge someone else why don't you get off your computer and help others then you can brag about how much better your charity work is.

  9. Good for him. More then 8mins in a small enclosed space and I'd be a freaking mess. I don't do well with enclosed spaces.

    At least he is doing something. He doesn't have to do anything but throw a check at this. He's giving time.
