Friday, July 17, 2009

Mischa Barton's Producer Trashes Mischa

When Mischa Barton called the police on Wednesday to come get her from her home she had been due to get on a flight to New York to do some press and attend the premiere of her new movie Homecoming. The movie is not a huge budget flick and therefore any press they can get is going to help the chances for the movie to actually make some money. That being said, the producer of the movie was not very sympathetic to the cause of Mischa last night.

In an interview with US Weekly, producer Bingo (B-I-N-G-O and Bingo was his name oh) Gubelmann said of Mischa's absence, "It's frustrating. And it's not ideal. It's frustrating, but I'm not going to sit here and trash her because we're young as a company and we've got to live and learn...I don't want to be known as the producer that will turn on any actress at the drop of that hat."

So, that sounds like he is upset because the health of his film is on the line, but he isn't really saying anything bad about Mischa other than he will never hire her again. Well, it is about to get much worse.

When asked why he had hired Mischa, he said, "It's hard to remember. Because, you know, she's not here right now." That's a nice little dig at Mischa. Here comes the big dig.

"Now, I haven't spoken to her yet because she's totally unreachable, so I don't know exactly what happened. I mean, I'm not as good at taking the high road a some people and yes, it would obviously be nice if she was here. Even just to hang out."

I don't think she intentionally skipped out on the movie. I think she is sick and the only thing that should have come out of this guy's mouth was his hope she gets better. The other producers of the movie did say those things. Bingo chose not to. I know he is frustrated and I think we all know what the issue is going to end up being and if he wants to trash her later when we know more, than that would be his right. I just think while he even doesn't know exactly what happened that to take some digs at someone who has been committed to a psych ward of a hospital is a little harsh, even for Mischa.


  1. I don't understand Ent sometimes. First he says Rashida doesn't throw her ex under the bus, and she does, then he says this producer trashes Mischa, and he doesn't. Then he says she deserves sympathy because she's crazy, but wasn't very sympathetic to Britney, at a point in time, when she was crazy.

    I. Don't. Get. It.

  2. Anonymous9:52 AM

    B-I-N-G-O, this is one of those situations where if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Dang. now I'm going to have that song in my head all day long...

  3. Sue Ellen, did we read the same thing? cuz that guy was not very flattering to Mischa in what i read. cattiness to the max. not tommention the fact he admits he is not good at taking the 'high road' as some people. tramslation- i'm a big asshole and i know it.

  4. sorry for typos, my keys are rubbing off my keyboard!

  5. Bingo is Ivanka Trump's ex boyfriend.

  6. Jax-

    Sure we read the same thing, and other than that bit where he says, "It's hard to remember. Because, you know, she's not here right now." I didn't think he trashed her at all.

    I don't see the "big dig" he took at her either. He said she's not reachable right now so he doesn't know what happened. How is that trashing her? He's saying he can't reach her.

  7. what a jerk. Another producer was actually quoted complaining about her not being there but then followed it up by saying that he hoped she was okay and get well soon etc. I mean I can understand why they were suspicious at first cause I think Mischa has ditched doing promo work for some of her movies in that past...but even if you think that - its the sort of thing you keep to yourself, you don't go blabbing to the press!

  8. Jax-
    Also, i forgot to mention above, that by saying he's not good at taking the high road, he could be commenting on the fact that he's talking about this in the first place. I think the high road way would be either a) a wish for her speedy recovery, or b)no comment at all.

  9. i was going to say...isn't this bingo guy some socialite's son? and wasn't he part of some douchey documentary about rich kids growing up in nyc?

  10. People like Bingo are the reason so many celebrities are messed up. When they really have a problem, they're still expected to work because so many people are making money off them and they can't get treatment. I usually have nothing but contempt for Mischa, but I can honestly say that I hope she gets well and pulls herself together.

    @Sue Ellen: The dig wasn't so much in what he said as in the context that he said it. She has been committed involuntarily to psych treatment and he's talking about some little movie that no one knew about. They don't commit you for no reason, something is obviously wrong, but all he's worried about is his stupid little flop. Bastard.

  11. So the gist is he suffers from a sense of entitlement equal to Mishca's. Got it.

  12. bingo's pissed...i get it. bad spin on his end, but as he stated, he's living and learning from it.

    i wonder if mischa's really ill...or is she doing this for publicity? i wouldn't put it past her...

  13. no the gist is, she's been committed with a 5150 and this dick is pissed because she didn't show up for work...not to mention saying he doesn't remeber why he hired her??? that's not exactly flattering is it?

  14. Pookie when you are thrown in with a 5150, its not for publicity. i doubt anyone would wave their rights,so to speak, for publicity.
    you have no choice in the matter, you are either a danger to yourself or someone else.

  15. The movie probably received more publicity because of Barton's medical problem. It's a bad thing for her, but him? Not so much.

  16. I wonder how many out of control alcoholics and drug addicts that have been thrown in an institution against their will?

  17. Before this Bingo had no credits to his name only family money. After this, he is even more screwed. Money can't always buy talent, class or tact.

  18. T-A-C-K-Y and Tacky was his name o....

  19. wow, sue ellen, who pissed in your cheerios this morning? :)
    seriously, a 5150 is a legal order, requiring handcuffs if you say "oh, no, really, i'm okay, i changed my mind".
    it's a call code used when an individual is a danger to themselves or others, and involves a mandatory psych evaluation.
    this dude's comments pretty much say that, " i don't give a fuck if she's dead and taking as many people as she can with her, she should still be here to promote my pissant movie".
    therein lies the problem.

  20. If her contract says she is supposed to stay clean and promote the movie, she breached her contract if she did anything otherwise, barring some kind of unfortunate accident or circumstance not of her own doing.

    I didn't realize she was admitted to a psych ward, though. I've been there myself and it ain't fun--you would not BELIEVE the loonies up in that joint!

  21. I agree with Sue Ellen. The guy is just calling it like it is. Better than some phoney "We wish her the best of luck, Godpeed" bullcrap. the whole world has been laughing and burning Mischa for her downward spiral & irreasponsibility. But now, because she actually hit rock bottom, everyone is expected to be 'supportive'? Sad that she is in so much pain, yes, but she drove the bus there herself. And everyone was laughing on the side lines, Ent (& me) included.

    If she makes it out, like Britney, we'll all be ready to pounce once again when she messes up.

  22. Godpeed? LOLOL.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I pretty much agree with Sue Ellen and the director (even if he is a douche!).

    The starlets (or harlots) are so delusional due to all the sucking up and lack of boundaries around them and it isn't until they are in such a bad state that they even consider some form of treatment.

    Where is the professionalism? Or did she think she could handle partying non stop (drug taking) and be her best in front of the camera and fulfil all her work obligations at the same time.

    Hopefully once she gets a bit better she can read what he said and realise what she needs to do to be on the long road to recovery.

    And finally, yes I know this is a gossip site and I love reading this shit, so yes I am a douche myself and I totally justify it by these idiotic morons who put themselves out there for all of us out there to tear them to shreds when they act like complete idiots. But hey, that is what hollywood is for- to entertain us both off and on screen!!

  25. Mental illness, NOT being bratty and 'unprofessional.' I think some of you don't realize that a 5150 is usually because of a suicide threat or attempt. Do you all realize how serious that is? How low you have to be to feel that way? How desperate?

    I don't care for Mischa, but this 'sick time' off work is EXACTLY as justifiable as if she had a burst appendix. She's too sick to even be at home, let alone work.

  26. No one pissed in my nothing. I just have a different view of the events. Is that o.k, or should I just go with the consensus?

    Side note: I had a friend in h.s who was committed to a psych ward, against her will mind you, because she was a bulimic and anorexic. Today she says it was the best thing that happened to her in terms of recovery. Some people really need to hit bottom before they can sort their lives out.

  27. I just think it's really weird he can't remmber why/how he hired her? Sounds like he just doesn't want to discuss why/how he hired her.
