Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Ronaldo Attacks A Teenager

The Daily Telegraph are reporting that Ronaldo is under investigation in Portugal for kicking in the window of a car and injuring a 17 year old girl who had been filming Ronaldo with her camera. There are two versions to this story. One is that the girl is a huge Ronaldo fan and saw him in the car next to hers and began filming him. The other version is that the car was being driven by a pap and that is why the girl was filming Ronaldo.

Whichever version of the story you believe, both sides agree the girl was filming Ronaldo in his car along with his mother and his sisters as they were driving to an Elton John concert. According to Ronaldo and his management team, "Because of his mother's despair, Cristiano Ronaldo finally reacted impulsively, kicking the car of the individual concerned and his travelling companion."

Ronaldo was quoted as saying: "This persecution caused my mother to be so disturbed and upset that I had to stop my car to try to convince them to leave us in peace. I try to swallow it and remain indifferent. But when my mother is involved, then I'm sorry but I don't let anyone, I repeat anyone, harass her. I regret what I did, but I can't promise that I would not react in the same way again in the same circumstances."

The girl was treated at a local hospital for cuts on her arm. In the statement from Ronaldo and his team they don't say that the driver of the car was acting dangerously or endangering the life of anyone so this seems excessive. Of course since Ronaldo did probably suck face with Paris Hilton I think we can all agree he doesn't necessarily have the best judgment in life.


  1. what a douchebag! now if she were filming him giving a world class blowjob to a dude, then i can see it. no really i could totally see that.
    but just for driving?

    ya i'm sure him kicking in a car window didn't add to his mother being so disturbed and upset at ALL.

  2. I'm going to borrow a headline from the time Eric Cantona struck a spectator at a match:
    "The shit hits the fan!"

    Sounds like someone has anger management issues. And is possibly a mother's boy. What a stupid thing to do!

  3. i dunno. we weren't there.

    all i know is that if anyone- even for a second and no matter how minimally- upset my mom, especially while she was driving,
    i'd snap too

    i think some people just have a more fierce protective reaction than others.

    it isn't always rational but so be it. don't eff with the ma!

  4. Anonymous12:00 PM

    He sounds like a Drama Queen LOL.

  5. I know latin men love their mommas but this one hmmm can you say GAY?!?!?

  6. There is nothing attractive about this guy. On paper, he is everything I like; athletic, dark, Latin. But in reality something doesn't compute. He just doesn't do it for me.

  7. God, I hate this jerk. I know this was last year, but did anyone see the Euro Cup game he played against Germany? He and a German player get knocked to the ground. The German immediately gets up and runs toward the action. What does Ronaldo do? He looks for a ref, then begins crying and clutching his knee. I mean, deliberately looks around for the ref, and then begins his "wa wa I'm hurt" BS. Douche.

  8. He's a complete tool. Prima donna doesn't come in to it; amazing footballer, but his petulance really lets him down.

  9. Anonymous12:54 PM

    the headline is a little misleading. "ronaldo" is the one with the transvestite hookers. so not that i wanna defend him, but this story is about cristiano ronaldo. a bit of a difference. just sayin :)

  10. even i don't carry my purse like that.

  11. So glad he's not going to be playing in the Premiership next season. He has flashes of genius on the pitch, but I just cannot get over the... doucheness of him!

  12. Oh for god's sake. If being taped upsets his mother that much, she needs to not go out in public with him. It's called the wages of celebrity.

  13. His mother isn't a celebrity -- should she have to hide to spend time with her son? Looks like the guy snapped, but is this the whole story?

  14. His mother is THE PROBLEM for him. A little bit of history to give some data to the story.

    Ronaldo was very close to his dad. Unfortunately, when his dad died, his mother took his place (they were divorced) and there's the beginning of the "transformation". And yes, he's completely controlled by his mother.

    So, for me, it's not difficult to believe that his mother "ordered" him to do it. She's that a douchebag of a lady. There's many stories like that here in Portugal, so don't be surprised. I admire him as a footballer (he was a Sporting player and i'm an avid Sporting fan :)) but not as a person. And even in Sporting, people who knew him very well said that he's changed, and his mother is the cause.

  15. Thanks for the background, Bruno.

    Can the guy not afford tinted windows? Even we have them, and we're not famous. Geez.

  16. hooking up with paris hilton was the decision of his mother? i am confused.

  17. The guy can afford it but the mother doesn't know what it is, so maybe she thought that he didn't need to buy it :P

    @Jade: Oh, that was the genes. It was his decision. Remember that a soccer player loses half of his brain capacity in the first years :P

  18. We are The Professionals, and we wage a subversive compaign to bring wit, wisdom, and good cheer to various national and international media. We are occupying this blog. Martial law has been imposed. Habeus corpus has been suspended. Civil rights have been abolished. The brothels are open. You cannot win; you can only submit.

  19. I think that whole paris bit was a bit of bs PR from her camp to piss of that douchebag ex doug whatshisface..every single pic of this dude reaffirms his gay status.. which is a great thing.. I love me some gay man candy
