Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Ryan O'Neal Wears A Wedding Ring To Farrah's Funeral

Thanks to the very good eyes of a reader, they spotted the fact that Ryan O'Neal wore a wedding ring to Farrah Fawcett's funeral yesterday. I have gone through hundreds of photos from the past year and even watched that Barbara Walters interview again, and Ryan has never worn a wedding ring before. I find it very strange that the first time he wears one is at Farrah's funeral. Why? I want to believe this is a love story and there are no ulterior motives here, but this is a guy who did meth with his son while Farrah was dying. I don't have a lot of faith in the guy. I want to, because it would be a better ending and I am a sucker for a happy ending. But my happy thoughts of him taking care of Farrah and being by her side are mixed with the thought that he was trying to get more money from NBC to air another episode of Farrah's dying.

What do you think? Is this a love story or just a ploy for more attention and sympathy?


  1. i take your word that he was/is a meth addict. i thought he was a drunkard and just blew up.

    anywho, know anyone who will spill on ryan's personal finances? then we can go from there. although maybe, he may be well off, but just greedy?.

    i can't call this one.

  2. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I don't trust him I feel their is something behind him wearing a ring.

    For some reason Farrah didn't marry him even though they were together for a long time. Also on the news they mentioned that he was the love of her life if that was so why was she involved with other(s).

    I am sure he is waiting for one of the gossip shows or Baba Walters to come up to him and ask him why he was wearing a ring.

  3. I think he's going to claim they married before she died and help himself to her estate.

  4. Sorry but any man who has a threesome with his daughter and Melanie Griffith has no redeeming qualities in my book

  5. Montana..


    I am not a fan of Ryan, any man who punches his 9 year old daughter because she won an Oscar and he didn't..

  6. Montana, say whaaaattt? I've never heard that nasty little piece of gossip. Ewww!

    I think he wants attention, sympathy and if he can, add money to his bank account too.

  7. JoElla great minds think alike. Ha! Ha! :)

  8. Read Tatum's book. I know she's got her problems and having Ryan for a Father probably caused alot of 'em.

  9. It's a ploy. He is a bad person, and Farrah deserved much better. Only IMO of course, I have no firsthand knowledge. But after reading Tatum's book, my skin crawls at the sight of him.

  10. It's all in Tatum O'Neals autobiography. When she won her Oscar, he hit her. He also invited her and her bff Melanie Griffith into his bedroom where he had sex with Melanie while Tatum was in the bed with them.

  11. I wouldn't put it past him to have married her. Either way, he's a whore.

  12. Vomit. I hope she didn't marry him.

    I heard the threesome thing too.

  13. PLOY.

    I vote for all media to ban this slimeball.

  14. I have not read Tatum's book but do see the obvious history of substance abuse in that family.People with substance abuse problems tend to over indulge or relapse in hard times. Ryan and Farrah seemed to love each other but both seemed to think of marriage as something to feeling like a caged animal.They did have an on/off relationship for nearly twenty years which is forever in hollywood so there must be deep feelings there. Also heard that Ryan is a pretty wealthy man do to smart real estate investments. Want to believe the best otherwise so sad.

  15. He's probably going to try to say they were "spiritually married" or some bullshit like that. If they had actually married, he would have been blabbing about it nonstop. Unless he's waiting for the MJ stuff to die down before he does his big publicity run.

  16. of course it's a ploy. the man is vile. he's going to milk this for all he can, he's got nothing else.

  17. I think he is dispicable. I am not getting good vibes from this wedding ring thing.I also would love to believe he did this because of his undying love for Farrah,but I don't.

  18. Pookie i agree.

    Vile is the exact word for him.

  19. F'ing creepy! C'mon Enty... what does Emily say about Ryan? I cannot wait for the reveals...

  20. I read that quite a few celebrities attended the funeral. Tatum was one of them and I'm so glad she attended.

  21. i wouldn't believe anything ryan o'neal does or says is genuine.

    remember he came out with this 'we're getting married' bullshit when she was near death but it never happened because she was in no shape to sign anything. if it HAD happened, he would have called every media outlet on earth to announce it so no, they didn't get married.

    he's a creep and she was a fool to waste 30 years on him.

  22. My first thought was that he is going to try to say they were married before she died, and they were married in their hearts, blah blah blah.

  23. Totally disgusting slimeball.

    But at least now that Farrah is gone, there's no reason to have him in the media anymore. Fade away, jackass.

  24. as icky as he might be, i think this time it's sincere. i really do. i'm sure he'll try to get some money out of it, but he really loved her. and she loved him.

    watching Farrah's Story, it's obvious it didn't start out as a "let's make money!" project, and that dear lady went through some awful times. he was there with her and for her. meth aside, he was there when a lot of people would have bailed. (i've known quite a few men who have divorced or broke off with a woman with cancer because they couldn't deal with seeing her deteriorate.)

    so yeah. ryan's not a classy guy, did some stupid shit in his life, and made some truly icky choices in life. but he did love her, and she did love him, and that's that.

    you know, i don't really care of my actors are scuz bags because i assume they already are, and i'll never hang out with them. they fulfill their requirements in my life when they do a good acting job. that's it. that's all i expect and want from them.

  25. UGH, I do not like him. He didn't feel any need to marry her for all those years. I don't trust him.

  26. I'm sure he thinks the wedding ring will help if he needs to contest the will.

    Griffin wasn't allowed at the funeral. Was it because he got Redmond busted before?

    No wonder Tatum is all kinds of fucked up. That is awful. Why the hell would she stay and watch?

  27. Moosh that's what I was going to say. That RO would say they were "spiritually married".

    The man is a slimeball. It sickened me how he behaved during Farrah's last days.

    The "watching" explains alot as to why Tatum is so screwed up. Good job Ryan way to be father of the year.

  28. If you watched "Farrah's Story" and "Chasing Farrah" you would not doubt their love for each other. A person does not spend almost 30 years with someone in the hopes of possibly cashing in upon their death. A con man gets in and out as quick as they can.

    If you had watched and read the tributes and interviews you would know that Farrah's best friend, Alana, is also friends with Ryan. She and Ryan were a team in caring for Farrah these last 3 years and in making the documentary that Farrah wanted, which could not have been an easy thing to do. A woman's best friend would know if her man was a skank and she would not be as cordial to him as Alana has been.

    Farrah helped Ryan through his treatment for leukemia and he helped her through her illness and death (in good times and bad, in sickness and health). He and their son carried her coffin into the church and participated in her funeral service. They were a family. If Ryan wants to wear a wedding ring, whether they were legally married or not, I say have at it.

  29. Ryan O'Neal is a douchebag of the first order and this is a ploy.

    I found it disgusting that he was selling out the woman he supposedly loved the way he tried to a few weeks ago when it became quite apparent that she would die. Ugh! It just makes me feel horrible for Farrah.

    Here is hoping we never hear about this jag-off again.

  30. We are The Professionals, and we wage a subversive compaign to bring wit, wisdom, and good cheer to various national and international media. We are occupying this blog. Martial law has been imposed. Habeus corpus has been suspended. Civil rights have been abolished. The brothels are open. You cannot win; you can only submit.

  31. I honestly don't know what to think. I don't get why Farrah was with him. He's scum and she never seemed that way.

    The ring disturbs me.

  32. the news said they did not marry, but if they applied for the license, unfortunately he might be entitled to her estate.
    since this was the first appearance of the ring, i think it's a slimeball move. if he'd been wearing it while she was still alive, i might think differently, but i doubt it.

  33. He's not a nice man, he's done some horrible things to people, especially women. He's a narcissist by any definition. He's a bad father, and I for one find some comfort in the fact even at the end of her life Farrah didn't want to be his wife, and she certainly could have been.

    Yes, he tried to make money from her death, thankfully even the worst, most desperate channel didn't fall for his grotesque idea. Silverman must have been sober that day. Ryan will milk Farrah's death for all it's worth if he can do so.

    Rest in Peace Farrah.
