Thursday, July 09, 2009

Teacher Gives Sex Tape To 5th Grade Students

I am trying to remember what my 5th grade teacher looked like. As I recall she was a very nice woman but not someone I would particularly care to see naked on my television. It turns out though that the 5th grade class of an Elk Grove, California class got to see just that. No, not my 5th grade teacher. I don't even know if she is still alive. Now, my 4th grade teacher. Well, lets just say that would have been an entirely different story.

The 5th grade class at Isabelle Jackson Elementary got a DVD from their teacher at the end of the year. It was supposed to be a compilation of everything they had accomplished during the year and photos of their projects and everything else. A nice touch right? Well according to the words of one parent, "The DVD starts with a menu screen that displays various school trips and functions, and when you click on one of them, you see kids in a classroom sharing stories. They start clapping, then the video suddenly cuts to sex.

It goes from my son, straight to her on the couch. My son's reaction was, 'Dad, is that Ms. Defanti?'

We were up till midnight doing the 'birds and the bees,'"

Apparently it was not actual sex, just Ms. Defanti enjoying her own affections so to speak. It was only about a ten second clip and Ms. Defanti says it was a horrible mixup. She is not going to be charged with a crime and probably will not be fired. I guess they believe her. I do also, but it is still something I'm sure none of those kids wanted to see and will remember for a long time.


  1. hehehehe! I actually live Elk Grove and can say that it has been talked about a lot! ; )

  2. Oh.My.God.

    That is too mortifying for words.

    Worst case of drag and drop error I have EVER heard.

  3. I'll never understand why people video themselves doing these things. (*rolls eyes)

    It's pretty narcissistic, IMHO.

  4. Anonymous12:31 PM

    how do you accidentally insert a clip of yourself when you are making the DVD?

    either she is lying OR
    someone else did it without her knowledge.

    and one parent gave her up because the clip is available online in edited and unedited forms.

  5. oh, scandalous. i love it.

  6. Maybe she should get a necklace made for herself.


  7. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I read about this I think last week at one of the gossip blogs. I was surprise to read that they weren't going to fire her.

  8. Those poor kids! *LOL* Scarred for life probably.

  9. i'm surprised none of the parents posted it on youtube as an act of revenge

  10. It's all over the internet already...

  11. Who cares if she was fired. I would DIE of embarrassment. OMG, I could die just thinking about it.

  12. @ girly and harriet

    my bad. i hadn't read girly's post before typing that ;)


    it was probably one of the kids tho, not the parent, lol

  13. If I were her, I'd have to move!

  14. What the hell kind of woman would tape themselves buzzing one out? Weird.

    Me, I'm in & out, done in a flash, Mr. Blue goes back in the drawer...who needs to tape it?

  15. I'm surprised to read she won't be fired, too. Well, I guess good for her!

  16. @selenakyle,
    I thought the same thing: who would tape themselves? Then I figured her paramour would have taped her doing it. For his (or her?) pleasure later on.

    Moral of the story: don't record the act. For any reason.

  17. @Selenakyle: "buzzing one out"? Big LOLs at that term. OMG. :-D

  18. she taped herself masturbating? Huh?

    Seeing myself in the act is about my worst nightmare. Having others see it is beyond comprehension.

    And, sorry if this is TMI, but I'm so jealous of those women like selenakyle who can get it done efficiently with a littly buzzy friend. For me, vibrators do NOTHING. Except kinda annoy me.

  19. Anonymous1:23 PM

    lol@buzzy friend

  20. She was probably going to send it to someone. It's like using a web-cam, except one-way (or maybe not ;)) and obviously not live.

  21. Anonymous1:45 PM

    my local news showed the tape like 5 times, edited, of course.

    at the end, this dude appears and they kiss. so i am guessing he taped her.

  22. Ah, maybe she was just giving him a souvenir.

  23. And here we have the birth of two dozen or so fetishes involving teachers and/or masturbation...that ten second clip happened at exactly the right time in their development.

    Thank god it wasn't something worse...!

  24. Gross. I don't understand the taping of any homegrown sex act either, unless you meant for it to be posted never know where it'll end up.

  25. HA! What a great teachable moment for those parents. Yikes!

  26. wow.
    how mortifying for that teacher.

    figgy- you just need the right one! lol.

  27. God, I once walked in on three of my teachers drinking Black Velvet during school and felt awkward.I can't imagine seeing them "live in technicolor" would have done.

  28. Thanks for the laugh, Ent! OMG. The embarrassment!

  29. Is this a good time to say that I live in Elk Grove? thank god i didn't go to that school

  30. @selenakyle "buzzing one out" serious LOLs here! That is definitely making it into my lexicon!

  31. Well thank G she wasn't doing the belt trick or any other stuff!

    I'd move, and dye my hair, change my name.. seriously!

    As a parent of a child a couple ingoing 7th grader - gross!

    Who does not double check a video before it is duplicated?

    Is she still w/ the guy? hmm.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I was just going to say what Katja said--didn't anyone think to watch it before handing it out to make sure it recorded correctly?
    When my daughter graduated 5th grade, my husband burned a cd for over 60 kids in her grade, & we had a committee to go through each & every one making sure they all copied correctly.
    I don't know how this woman doesn't move the the Artic. I would be mortified.
