Monday, August 17, 2009

TLC Executives Have Massive Orgasm - Tunisian Woman Set To Have 12 Kids

So what in the heck is the word for having 12 kids? Apparently it is not insanity, but rather duodecaplets. It sounds like Romeo & Juliet's family, not the name for twelve kids. A woman in Tunisia was given IVF and sometime this month she is expected to give birth to 12 kids. Although neither she or her husband speak a word of English, they did somehow manage to learn the words, "reality show."

The husband, who teaches Arabic at a local high school outside of Tunis said, "In the beginning, we thought that my wife would give birth to twins, but more fetuses were discovered. Our joy increased with the growing number."

Yeah, well wait until you are having to feed and change 12 of them all day and night and then tell me how much joy you are having. Seriously? 12 babies all at once. That is absolutely crazy. How many babies is is actually possible to give birth to? Octomom has the world record with 8 so this is a huge step up. This absolutely blows my mind.


  1. Wait until they have 8 and 12 going through the terrible two's at once ...

    ... muahahahahahahaha....

    I'd like to see that televised.

  2. Let's hope they do give them a reality show, so people can see the dangers of multiple births. I seriously doubt all of them will survive, and if they do, they are sure to have serious health problems. :(

  3. God! There is no way all those babies will be healthy. So sad that they will suffer for her greediness or whatever it is.

  4. I'm starting to think that invitro is a bad idea. Maybe some people can't procreate for a reason? Just a thought.

  5. Kat, there's nothing wrong with in vitro if you're willing to have 'selective reduction' if it's necessary.

  6. Thats just another example how people are willing to do anything just to get on tv....s.m.h

  7. Isn't medical ethics taught to doctors any longer?

    What a nightmare.

  8. And the Americans will be watching them and paying them too for sure.

  9. Nadya is looking an awful lot like Ruth Buzzi's famous character, "Gladys Ormphby" (a spinster ironically.)

  10. It says she just had IVF this month - a little early I would say to be holding the parade. A lot could happen in the next three months.

    There is no way she is going to carry 12 babies until they are viable on the outside - MOO.

  11. True, Mooshki. It's just that I have two friends who tried it and in both cases, it didn't take, and they just resigned themselves to the fact that children may not be in their future(s). I'm all for medical procedures helping people, but there's something kind of Frankensteinish to me about the whole thing.

    I also think cloning is really, really unnecessary, but that's me.

  12. I agree with Mooshki. Sure to have serious health problems is right! I wonder how pregnant she actually is? In reality, the human body can only hold/stretch so much, so you can guarantee these babies will be severely premature and will be facing a lifetime/multitude of problems. This saddens me. How does it get to the point where someone is able to become pregnant with this many babies? Here's hoping their English is poor enough that the translation was actually many less babies than 12!! cheese and rice, people!

  13. Actually, she only took an egg-producing drug, she did not transfer 8 embryos, so it is not the same gross negligence that Octomom was. Having said that, you can't really tell, except on an ultrasound how many eggs you have when you take a fertility drug. How the hell did someone in Tunisia get a fertility drug.

  14. Ugh, Christ, a vagina is not a clown car. Enough with the breeding, people.

  15. I'm gonna call BS until this is confirmed.

  16. jamie's girl, i was w/ you up until the last sentence. the entire first part, i totally agree w/.

  17. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Heartbreaking. I don't understand how this would make the parents happy.

  18. All fun and games until one of these mothers dies giving birth then what?

  19. This is horrifying; women are not built to have litters!!! And that is EXACTLY what Octomom, Kate, and this new woman are doing: having litters.

  20. How can that be healthy for either the children or the mother? What the hell ever happened to AND FIRST DO NO HARM?

  21. Those poor, poor babies. There's NO way they'll all make it. I'm with Laura and WBotW: Humans aren't meant to have litters... It's just not meant to happen.
    The mother going through with this is scandalous and selfish.

  22. I'm with Cheryl -- I'll have to see it to believe it. And if it were true, the chances of survival of 12 must be slim. I'm no doctor but we all know the odds of this 1. being true 2. actually happening 3. all 12 babies surviving

  23. LOL @ " a vagina is not a clown car"

  24. Using ovary stimulating drugs is not the same as IVF, which wasn't used in this case. It's a different situation than Octomom, and while it's somewhat unpredictable most doctors who pay attention with ultrasounds (like they're supposed to) do just fine with these drugs. They are more publicized now but it still really doesn't happen that often. If you release that many eggs doctors cancel the cycle, especially if you are doing IUI and not just trying the natural way. Overstimulated ovaries are a serious medical condition and such.

    Just as an example, I had a cycle of Femara because I have PCOS and I'm pregnant now. With one baby. My doctor kept close track of how many follicles there were and how big the other ones were and such. But I'm not surprised that isn't being done for fertility treatment in Tunisia.

    But yeah, if they just found out, I would hazard that the majority of those fetuses will not make it. I'm surprised that Octomom's did, they are just so tiny and born so early when there are so many of them like that.
