Monday, August 24, 2009

What Do You Think?

So, if you are a woman and you had to choose someone to portray you in a movie version of you life, who would you pick? Well, whatever the name you are thinking, I highly doubt it is Robin Williams. Apparently though, movie executives have Robin Williams as their number one choice to play Susan Boyle, who is the British woman who took the world by storm earlier this year after appearing on Britain's Got Talent.

"I've been asked if I want to play Susan in the movie. I think she's incredible. That clip of her singing on Britain's Got Talent was extraordinary. So inspiring. It was quite a shock when she began to sing. I saw some other clip of her singing 'Cry Me A River' a few years ago. It was incredible. She's got a really great voice."

Umm, they couldn't find anyone else? The only person they could come up with was Robin Williams? I'm sure hew would do a great job, but as a woman how would it make you feel that the number one choice to portray you is the hairiest man on earth.


  1. I think that would be hysterical. :)

  2. How quickly we forget the early Boyle photos. She was quite hirsute, particularly around the brows.

    Jack Black would be amusing in the role too.

  3. I guess it depends on who you are. If you are an American woman, you have been taught that unless you are beautiful and perfect, you are basically worthless, so a Robin Williams choice would be an insult. Any other woman from any other country would probably be honored to have a world-famous actor portray them.

  4. Oh, my God. I'm dying over here. There are no words.

  5. Kate Blanchett played Dylan and I didn't hear him complaining. In fact, she was great in that movie.

  6. Mrs Doubtfire the Musical!

  7. I hope it was him making a bad joke...

  8. it has to be a joke, but then again, Johnny Depp said he wanted to play Carol Channing and she apparently said that was cool. Then again, Johnny Depp playing you as opposed to Robin Williams....

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. LOL @ Ms_P.

    BTW, is anyone else having trouble with this site freezing for about 30 seconds when opening this site or its pages? I can't even minimize it. I've been putting up with it for over a week. It's only this site :-(

  11. hotchacha, Jack Black...that was nice.

  12. Oh, and Lisa-O, it is working fine here (as opposed to Verizon-versus-Florida weather).

  13. @Brendalove: I'm a Canadian gal. People call us "hefty & big boned". I still would be insulted to have Robin Williams play my character. Sure, he's funny, but not attractive, even playing a man. It is not an "American thing".

  14. If it can't be Uma Thurman, I'll pick Gary Oldman to play me. As far as Robin Williams playing Susan Boyle, she should be honored.

  15. I think I'd be insulted if Robin Williams had been selected to play me. Craig Ferguson has been playing her in skits for months now.

    I think if I was Susan Boyle, I'd hope for Salma Hayek. She's shown that she is willing to do overgrown brows for a role.

  16. Original lisa - yessssssss. This site is so slow to load for me. I keep my trigger finger on my home page button so if I see that nothing new has been posted I can immediately click the home page icon - that way it won't freeze for me! LOL.

  17. Are we sure he wasn't just being sarcastic?

  18. this has to be satire..must. i'd roll up and die. i thought will ferrell as janet reno was bad! lol..

  19. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Yes, I'm having trouble with the site too, at least a couple weeks now. Takes forever to load and freezes up my whole work computer which is not a good thing.

  20. I swear.
    Do one movie in drag and another as a gay man and you're typecast.
    All that aside, do you think Williams is honestly capable of putting in a legitimate performance as Susan Boyle?
    Think about it. The only similarity to Doubtfire would be the prosthetics - he'd literally have to play it straight.
    Think he's capable?
    Personally, I think that if, and I stress *IF* he does the project and pulls it off legitimately, (ie strictly drama, no comic bits) he'd walk off with an Oscar.

  21. I'm not having the slowness/freezing issue, but I hate this bing crap and wish I knew how to block it with firefox. I can block it with IE, but I hate using IE. The bing stuff seems to have happened to me a couple of weeks ago, so maybe it's related to the slowness some of you all are having?

  22. what an odd combination of incredibly flattering--i think he'd do a GREAT job as SB--and unbelievably insulting! eep!

  23. I would be insulted.

    Brenda Blethyn.

  24. It could be worse. I'm picturing the Monty Python boys as the Pepperpots.

  25. It makes sense when you think about it. He's already portrayed a woman and he's sung an Oscar nominated song. It almost sounds like typecasting.
