Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Jaclyn Smith Is Not Dead Or Injured

Yesterday afternoon I started getting e-mails from readers asking about Jacyln Smith and her attempted suicide. Huh? Well I looked around and saw a report written by that Spanish Sheraton guy that Jaclyn had attempted suicide and was in critical condition in Honduras. There were allegedly multiple sources attesting to this fact. None of it was true. Jacyln was actually in Los Angeles and perfectly alive. She had not fired a gun to her head and probably still looked as gorgeous as ever.

Then there were reports that Jacyln's stunt double from Charlie's Angels was the one who attempted suicide. Well, now it looks like her stunt double was injured, but it doesn't look like a suicide attempt but rather an accidental shooting when she was cleaning a gun.


  1. "An accidental shooting... while cleaning a gun."

    Oh, that old chestnut.

  2. Well that was a massive fail.

    I've noticed Spanish Sheraton's sister is attempting to write kinder and nicer posts recently.

    Jacklyn is unbelievably gorgeous. Living proof that if you're going to get work done, get it done right.

  3. "Unfortunately none of it was true."

    Um, WTF? I could see saying something like that about someone hateful, but what did she do to you, Enty?

  4. "Unfortunately none of it was true. "


    pls tell me that's a typo.

  5. I'm thinking the "unfortunately none of it was true" refers to Perez being the unfortunate one.

  6. "Unfortunately none of it was true."

    I'm assuming you meant to say "Fortunately ... " If not, that's rather Perez Hilton-esque of you, Enty.

  7. UGH. And when will Spanish Sheraton admit his mistake? NEVER. He'll blame the Hondurian press saying they should check their sources because in his world, he's NEVER wrong.

    Except when he is.

    And that is why I stopped reading his site. That and because of his f-bomb dropping against Will I. Am. No bueno.

  8. She is lovely, but said to be dumb as a rock.

  9. Didn't the original headline he cut and pasted have the words "body Double" in them? Shouldn't that have tipped him off that maybe it wasn't actually JS that was hurt?

  10. Spanish Sheraton also says he has proof that Fidel Castro is dead.

  11. What irresponsible reporting on Spanish Sheraton's behalf. I am waiting for a huge law suit to be tossed his way--or for someone else to punch his lights out. (not that I condone violent behavior, but just this one time I would make an exception). Maybe Kanye West will use him as his next target to vent his anger on.
