Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rebecca Gayheart - Pregnant And Smoking

Apparently Rebecca Gayheart can't quit the nicotine even though she is pregnant. Yesterday paps from INF Daily spotted Rebecca leaving Bristol Farms which is a grocery store here in LA. As she got into her car she lit up a cigarette and then drove away. Maybe she was just stressed out because the people in front of her had more than the 15 item limit for the express lines. I mean that would make anyone smoke right? Oh, or someone who is actually cutting coupons while standing in line. I have had that happen before. The person couldn't remember what they had bought either and was flipping through the section and then had a pair of scissors just cutting away while the line grew steadily longer behind them.

I'm just hoping that Rebecca has given up her other bad habits. For more pictures of Rebecca's baby bump and her smoking, click here.


After reading your comments I went back to look at the pictures and I think they are real and from yesterday. Two things make me say this. The first is that she is wearing the same sunglasses in both pictures. Yes, someone can keep sunglasses longer than a couple of months, but in my experience, celebrities tend to get new pairs almost constantly in gift bags and I doubt she would use the same pair for very long. Second, judging from the strap of what she is wearing in the pictures of her smoking it looks like the dress that she is wearing in the head on pictures.


  1. but enty, if she quit smoking she'd have to start eating silly! and there is no way she's going to be pregnant AND fat!

  2. The link shows pictures of her with her hair down looking pregnant, but in the pictures of her smoking her hair is pulled back in a knot. Sure, she could have pulled her hair back when she got in the car.

    When my sister got pregnant and tried to quit smoking, she started gaining a lot of weight, and her ob/gyn told her if she was smoking less than a half a pack a day, it was less dangerous than the rate at which she was gaining weight.

    And considering her driving history, it's probably safer for everyone out there that she's smoking rather than driving angry.

  3. she's a sad, sick POS.

    god be w/ that baby.

  4. Did she go to the Britney Spears School of Parenting? Disgusting.

    Especially with documented proof such as this, smoking while pregnant should be considered child abuse and should be fully prosecutable. There's just no excuse to knowingly endanger your child, regardless of whether it's unborn.

  5. It really effing infuraites me that people who are blessed with the ability to have children (I am not)would not be taking their health, and their child's health more seriously. Boohoo, quitting smoking is hard (I have done it), but I imagine the asthma your child will suffer from is even harder on them.

  6. I am pregnant for the third time. While I am a weak person and smoke when I am not pregnant, I will say this. I do NOT smoke when I am pregnant, I do NOT smoke in the car with my kids, I do NOT smoke in the house, and I do NOT smoke where they can see me. The upshot is that I don't do alot of smoking and I probably won't smoke again after this child. Didn't really smoke between this one and the last. Besides, I am too old to think that just smoking period isn't selfish because I am risking my own health. My philosophy, however, is that it isn't my childs fault I have a filthy habit. She needs to quit and concentrate on having a healthy child. They are gifts, not accessories.

  7. I read on Gossip Cop that the picture is months old, so I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt until I see further proof.

  8. I have had several friends over the years whose Ob/Gyns must have either given up or didn't care, because the women all smoked before they even knew they were pregnant and said their Drs. told them the damage is already done so no sense quitting now!

    One smoked like a fiend the entire pregnancy and ate nothing but candy and sweets the entire time. I don't think a vegetable or fruit touched her lips the entire 9 months. Her skin was a mess and she barely gained any weight. And she was an otherwise clean-living lawyer with a steady, great job and home life.

  9. Here is hoping that it is an old picture. I'm going to assume it is because it pisses me off that I did everything possible to be a healthy pregnant woman yet my son was born with a birth defect. I cannot understand how you can willingly get pregnant and not do everything possible to have a healthy baby.

  10. People who abuse the express line should be publicly flogged.

  11. ...what Caroline said...

  12. Better cigarettes than crack. It's a shame. She seemed like such a nice girl on 90210. Did she start going to shit after she killed that little kid? I'd be a crack smoking fool if I killed a little kid but I'd have the sense not to reproduce.

  13. While I am in no way defending her, I have heard of drs who have advised women who are heavy smokers that quitting while pregnant could have a worse effect on the pregnancy than cutting back. So they advise the women to cut back but not quit.

    I quit for both of my pregnancies, although I was not a heavy smoker, just a social one.

    That said, I sure hope she is not continuing to smoke heavily, how sad.

  14. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Okay, I'm old. I had my kids before we knew about second hand smoke or the dangers of drugs while pregnant. My OB/GYN used to examine me, then invite me into his office, while we would have a cigarette together and discuss my progress. Then he'd give me a prescription for amphetamines to keep my weight down (Black Beauties) and I'd come back in another two weeks or whatever. While in the hospital, we were allowed to smoke in our rooms. Hospital provided ashtrays for each patient who wanted one.

    All my kids were in excess of eight pounds at birth and nobody had birth defects, and nobody has asthma or heart problems today.

    I'm not condoning smoking while pregnant, but just pointing out that for years and years we did so, and I don't think we had any more defective babies than we do now. I think the growth hormones and pesticides in our food probably cause more problems for children's health than nicotine inhaled by the mother during pregnancy. And as whole_lotto_love pointed out, a few cigarettes a day is probably less harmful to the fetus than the stress caused by trying to stop smoking.

  15. i have two kids, one pregnancy i didnt smoke and one i did. my kids are both healthy and happy. no real difference in them at all except for my emotional health during my pregnancies.

    i would really have loved someone to tell me off for smoking while pregnant. i would have kicked their ass. its your body and your child and your life. no one else gets to make those judgment calls for you.

    sometimes smoking is the only thing a person has control of.

  16. for the record tho, i hate this bitch.

  17. Syko,

    I'm old too. I don't believe in smoking while pregnant or around children but I get your point. When I was in elementary school in the 70's, most of my teachers smoked in the classroom. My teacher would even send me with a note to my sister's teacher asking for cigarettes, which I would deliver back to her. I don't smoke and I don't like cigarettes and I don't like Rebecca Gayheart and my dad died of lung cancer, but I can't get too upset about this.

  18. i can't remember the exact decade, be it '30s '40s or '50s (i believe it was both '40s and '50s), but OBs actually encouraged their patients to smoke, and even to pick up the habit in order to keep their weight down (in those days a 15lb. weight gain was considered optimal).
    i was never told to stop drinking, something i've always wondered about (i had a friend who was a nurse at children's hospital/orange county who was always telling me about the babies she'd seen born with FAS), towards the end of my second pregnancy, i was encouraged to have a stiff drink and also prescribed phenobarbital because i couldn't sleep at all (this was 1986) and had terrible sciatica.
    the only restraint i remember being put on me was to take tylenol instead of aspirin.
    my MIL and FIL both smoked throughout both pregnancies, and up until daughter bunny was about 10, maybe older. mister bunny has had asthma all his life. daughter buns has worse asthma, allergy, exercise and stress induced. and i'm allergic to tobacco. we had times where we had actually just come from an emergency room visit with DB, and son bun would need to use MIL's bathroom. they would insist we all come in, and then would smoke around the barely breathing DB.
    never understood that.
    oh. also, the only food i could keep down when i was pregnant with her was sushi. i only gained 5lbs with her, but she was 8'3".
    things change year to year. i'm certainly not defending her smoking while pregnant, because NOW we know it's harmful. i'm just always amazed at how things change over the years.

  19. Props to both Syko and Oryx for having the guts to buck the trend and speak up here.
    Obviously smoking at any time is a bad idea, obviously smoking while pregnant is not good for you or (more importantly) the baby.
    But then... neither is tuna, sushi, hair dye, artificial hormones (which are in so much of what we eat), pollution, etc.
    I quit smoking when I was pregnant with my daughter; she ended up being sickly, weighed 6 lbs 12 oz. WIth my son my doctor told me to simply cut down, NOT QUIT, and I gave birth to an extremely healthy 7 lb 13 oz boy.
    I'm not going to judge a woman I don't know for smoking while pregnant; maybe her doctor figured that if she smokes she may not go back to the drugs whilst pregnant. I think that it's none of our businesss, especially none of a MAN'S business.
    Give up the food that's killing you slowly Enty and then wag your finger at Rebecca G.

  20. I didn't quit, but cut down on the cigs while I was pregnant and my kids were healthy. I'd be more concerned with her weight and what she eats, or more like what she's NOT eating.

  21. I'm older too. With my first child I smoked--drank too, although not much cause that did make me sick. My daughter was born in the early 70 way before they knew about risks etc. She was small, just over 6 pounds and has never really had many health problems other than some food allergies and excema. I didn't know I was pregnant with my second, and while I cut down after I did find out, she too was born healthy, but earlier than expected. Do I regret not quitting then? Yes. However, there is a day care center I used to do cleaning at not far from where I live. The women are all suburban mothers who did everything right before and during their pregnancies--and every single one of those children has a medical condition or allergies that would stun you. Everything from red dye number 6 to fruits and veggies. I was shocked to hear of so many allergic children in one community.

  22. Thank you guys for the comments and for sharing your stories. It made me think about the Mad Men episode from a couple of weeks ago - when I saw it I just thought it seemed outrageous, but I guess it wasnt...

    My friend, who has serious mental disorders (some kind of depression with an added borderline, or something like that) smoked throughout her entire pregnancy. Her doctor told her (and this was NOW) that it was better than being on her psych meds, and as long as the baby kept growing the way it should it was ok.

    Im not saying its ok, Im just saying some people dont seem to be able to cope without it.

  23. hey the silver lining in this and it might be stretching is at least it's not crack or heroin

  24. Yes, I am one of those mothers who smoked during my pregnancy. I was young and stupid, besides in those days no one know talked about the health risks associated with smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol. Today we are aware of the risks of alcohol consumption on the fetus and the life long impact of FASD and the effects of second hand smoke on children. My daughter is thankfully a healthy adult with two beautiful girls of her own..I am thankful and forever grateful my reckless teenage judgement did not have a profound impact on her life or the lives of my granddaughters.

  25. Gawd, half the reason I decided not to have kids is that I'd have to give up smoking. Fuck that. Stupid woman.

    I'd say it's the same day in those pics...same earrings (gold hoops). When my hair was as long as hers I would regularly tie it back when driving--gets caught in the door when you close it, the window when you close it, not to mention it blows all over the place (and gets fried on your ciggie).

    Can't blame the girl for falling into the bad stuff after her accident, but it's been long enough and she has a hubby and a child on the way--time to give her head a shake and snap out of it.

  26. I remember the days when you could smoke in the hospital. LOL When I had my oldest, they didn't let you smoke in the rooms--you had to go to the smoking lounge down the hall. That was in 1986. That isn't that long ago. Shit, my brother was in the hospital when I was like 10 yrs old with a broken femur. I found out years later that his stupid friends and he were getting high in his hospital room. They just did one hits, opened the window and smoked cigarettes to cover up the smell. How fucked is that?

    Yeah, a lot of things are bad for you and I agree with the poster that said that the preservatives in our food are prolly more dangerous today than some of these other things. How did we all make it to our middle ages with all this chain smoking, drinking, no anti-bacterial soap having, no bike helmet wearing and lawn dart throwing going on?

    With that being said, if she is smoking in public when she is pregnant, she is a moron. She is a celebrity and she knows that she will get crucified for doing it. She's a dumbass. If she is dumb enough to do that in public, it's scary to think what she would do when people aren't looking. With all the shit that has been out there lately, you would think she would be a tad bit more careful. I guess she's not that bright. Be concerned about the kid inheriting that off of her.

  27. Uh .. maybe she saw January Jones smoking on Mad Men?? I don't know ..

    But I will say this .. in the INF .. that looks like a major blunt she is smoking and not a cigarette. JMHO ..

  28. This just makes me sad. I suspect that Eric Dane is hoping that maternity will clean up Rebecca's act. (Heck, even Angelina Jolie cut back on Adderall and opiates when she was pregnant. And then ...)
