Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This Is An Interview - Fergie Talks To The Sunday Times

Over the weekend I saw a blurb about Fergie and how she talked about her past with gang members and guns and crystal meth and then I promptly forgot about it until now. I just finished reading this Sunday Times interview with Fergie and the reporter is the king of snark. While being friendly with Fergie, the reporter is also honest and so it seems natural when he calls Fergie's look, "ravaged." Not ravaging, but as in ravaged like she did meth non-stop for a year ravaged. He also compared Aspen to Switzerland, but with fat people.

Fergie does talk at length about how she loved gang members and show spent every penny she had on meth. She once talked to a hamper for 10 hours and was paranoid that the FBI would come looking for her while she was on drugs. Oh, she also had a gun aimed at her head while she was buying pot. She doesn't talk about how she got out of that one, but she does provide surface honesty.


  1. I say good for her! It is nice to see stars open up about their past additions and tell the story that you can clean up and lead a successful, productive life. Why snark on her? She is obviously trying to be truthful and hopefully help some of the young people that are her fans. If she can reach one person and inspire them to clean up their acts, I applaud her efforts! Go Fergie!

  2. Wonder if she had meth mouth and got her teefs redone?

  3. shit, that's just another day in my 'hood.

  4. I don't get why so many dislike Fergie so much. She seems like a nice lady to me, and I like at least 2 of her songs.

  5. You know, I'm one of those people that just.doesn't.like her. I've seen her in a few "live" or "not on the record" situations and she just seems like a bitch. There are rumours she drinks a LOT and has tantrums and acts quite self-entitled - getting thrown off a flight, anyone??

  6. I don't feel anything about her in particular, good article though.

  7. I agree with Ice Angel...we bitch about "Kneepads" and their "hard hitting" questions....then bitch cuz somebody is being honest.

    What exactly do we want?

  8. Oh, ya know, I totally coulda gone to Harvard, if I just like, applied, you know?

  9. why do we hate fergie?

    2 words.

    Josh Duhamel.

  10. Yeah, Jax. That, too.

  11. I like her okay. Her shoes... not so much.

  12. She sure talks about meth a lot. The "I talked to my hamper" story is old, I probably heard it from her around 2006. I used to admire her for her honesty but now I think she is just trying to sound "bad". Fergie, we know you were a meth addict...we get it!

    I actually like her okay. Haven't heard any diva stories about her. I don't care much for her music but I don't hate her as a person.

  13. i can respect her for being honest about it - unlike some (lindsay lohan i am looking at you!)

  14. black eyed peas would be barely cracking the top 40 if it wasn't for FERGIE

  15. Good for her and the reporter if he actually asked tough questions.

    I wish more stars would say the damn truth rather then they were
    went to rehab for exhaustion.

  16. Jax, are u an eastside girl? I am. The hood keeps it real for me....

    I actually really like Fergie, I can relate to her more than I can to say, Jennifer Love Hewitt or Mandy Moore. Call me Cruise, but she seems pretty real to me. I don't think she ought to be dissed for not telling the whole truth.

    I don't hate Fergie for Josh, I hate Josh for Megan!

  17. I actually met Fergie and she was sweet. It was not a planned appearance, she was walking out of a place in NYC and the paparazzi swarmed her and so did a lot of kids. She was kind and nice and not at all full of herself.

    And she is very cute in person, pics do her no justice. I also always feel she puts up with a lot of shit and many celebs like Kate Hudson look pretty rough too!

    At first I did not see what Josh saw in her, but now I think he's lucky to have her. And if he did cheat with Megan, that is shitty.
