Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Victoria Beckham Wore A $20,000 Outfit To School Fair

Back in the day when I went to school fairs with my parents I remember cake walks, dunking booths and games where everyone won a prize. I believe the dress code for parents was something along the lines of, "OMG do I really need to go spend two hours doing this why can't I write a check and honey don't forget to bring the flask, I guess I will wear shorts and a t-shirt." Times haven't changed much, but Victoria Beckham has not seen the memo. Yesterday she attended a school fair, but unlike the other parents who were attired in the aforementioned t-shirts and shorts, Victoria showed up in an outfit that costs approximately $20,000. You would think that if you spent $1500 on a pair of pants, they would at least fit.

Just once I would love to see Victoria dress like other people and not have to be the center of attention wherever she goes.



  2. And people bitch about $200 for a dress that's flattering and not atrocious. Sheesh.

  3. do you think the other mom's thought about forcing her to do the cake walk, knocking her down later, sitting on her and making her actually EAT some of that cake? or is it just me? hmmmmm cake.

  4. why should she dress like other people...if what she is wearing makes her happy...so be it.

    Why do people have to conform just so they can be NORMAL.

    I don't understand.

    Plus she looks good...would look better if she gained max 10lbs but you can't have everything.

  5. ugh...shoulder pads are atrocious!!! but I love the shoes!

  6. Bleeeccchhh. I can see the dark, soulless holes of her eyes from behind the shades. Greasy, malnourished and overall unhappy.

  7. To be fair to her, I do recall pics of Victoria walking around Disneyland with her kids while wearing what looked like a pair of David's jeans, a t-shirt, and flips flops. Regardless, I think she should wear whatever she likes, as should everyone else.

  8. Meh. I'll hazard a guess that there would be many other moms at this school who dress to impress each other every chance they get. I mean, it happens in normal (non-private) school yards all the time - you know the moms who have to have their Louis Vuitton (sp?) purse right front and visible, or their designer labels visible or if it's here dressed in Lulu Lemon from head to toe.

  9. OMG, I loved the 80s, but those are some ugly-ass shoulder pads.

    ...or maybe those are her shoulder bones, she is skinny enough for that to be the case.

  10. She looks good?!?!?!

  11. This reminds me of how out of touch Marie-Antoinette was, hanging out playing peasant in her hameau just months before the Revolution. Not that Posh is really posh but in our weird celebrity royalty world, she's at least a minor princess. The complete detachment from reality will at least lead to the undoing of her clothing line... no one will have the money to buy her copied dresses.



  14. She looks like a cartoon.

  15. I wonder if she's clawing at her middle due to hunger pains. You'd think she'd be used to that by now.

  16. She looks deformed. Is that the new style? If so, count me out.

  17. She looks (and is) utterly ridiculous. Always looks so fackin' miserable, too - prolly cause she's so HONGRAY

  18. shame she forgot to take the hanger out of her jacket b4hand.

  19. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I doubt that she has any "regular" clothes. You may not like her taste in clothes but she never goes out in public looking a mess.

  20. The shoulders are horrible, but the rest of the outfit is nice. It really doesn't matter what she wears, somebody's going to bitch.

  21. She doesn't have to dress like everyone else, but she could at least dress appropriately for the occasion. A pair of her ugly DVB jeans and a designer sweater with those wedgie sneakers she has, would have made more sense for a school fair. She could wear a really nice upscale version of what parents wear at these things. It's not a red carpet.

  22. Anonymous1:32 PM

    She looks very strange in that jacket. If those are shoulder pads they make her look like her bones are sticking out just like a skeleton. Very weird.

  23. Come on, Victoria, you are with your child on a fair! Smile! Take those shades off and show some emotion! Why bother attending, if you look like you don't care? That picture where she is swinging with her high-heeled shoes on and and totally expressionless face is still bugging me. I wonder what her children think about her...

  24. AND it's very awful!

  25. All I ever hear about this woman is how much money she spends on things. Must be nice to be famous and admired just for that.

    I think people should dress how they want to. However, I don't think Victoria is dressing this way for that reason. I think she only wants attention. If the paparazzi suddenly disappeared I think she would wear jeans and sweats like everyone else. In her interviews she never seems to have any enthusiasm for fashion, and she never seems to mix it up, she just wears one designer head-to-toe, straight off the runway. This makes me suspect she cares more about getting her picture taken than about looking original or creative.

  26. She does dress "normally" sometimes, but I'm not going to begrude anyone on their fashion sense. I may not wear it, but I can't deny her right to. If she went, say, the Pam Anderson route and something was in danger of popping out and scaring me then I would be worried about what she wore.

  27. i dont know why, but i have always liked her. i was posh spice for halloween 2 years in a row when i was 12 and then 13.

    ive seen/read interviews with her and she can poke fun at herself. i like that in a person.

  28. i think it's a cool outfit. i can't stop looking at the shoulders. it's just her----we'll never see this woman schlep. i don't really give a shit what she does---or wears.

  29. I think she is so out of touch with reality that she doesn't really know what is appropriate; she just puts on whatever she wants to wear that day. (Or she uses a Magic 8 ball to choose...)

  30. What designer used tennis balls as shoulder pads?
    Otherwise, she looks fine.

  31. Wow. She is physically imploding. I bet if she could tell us what she really, really wants it would be dinner.

  32. Is her belt unbuckled?

  33. I actually kinda like Posh, but I still wish she would eat a french fry....or two

  34. If someone gave me that I would wear it too. I suspect some designer gave her the clothes and she's doing them a favor?? That would work for me. The jacket is really outrageous! And I love the detail on the pant legs. Good for her!

  35. What jlb said. Women out here (and I'm the the middle of nowhere, East Coast version) go all out with the boots, sunglasses, pocketbooks, etc. to go pick pumpkins at a muddy farm. I don't understand it. Are they trying to impress the other moms, or are they looking for a hookup in the corn maze?
