Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Tyler Perry Abused, Beaten, Molested, And Bathed in Ammonia As A Child

Tyler Perry posted an open letter on his website and when you read it you just can't believe that it all happened to one person and that the person it happened to is one of the most gifted people in Hollywood and seems to have overcome all the challenges he faced as a child.

In the letter he says that he thought he would die before he ever became an adult because of what he suffered as a child. His dad would beat him with extension cords until the skin was coming off Tyler's body. Tyler was seduced by a woman when he was 10 and molested by another man at about the same age. Tyler found out his father was molesting one of Tyler's friends and how Tyler's grandmother thought the best way for Tyler to get rid of his germs and allergies was to take baths in ammonia.

Whenever anyone ever complains about crap they went through in their life and how that is the reason they are messed up, I am going to think about Tyler Perry and what he has accomplished and how it is possible to cope and to overcome.


  1. "I'm tired of holding this in. I don't know what to do with it anymore, so, I've decided to give some of it away..."

    *tears* The strength it takes to do that is truly inspiring.

  2. Considering how much he's accomplished after how much he went through, he has just become one of my heroes.

  3. "I have to take on the responsibility of forgiving all of those people. I owe it to that little boy that I was and, more than that, I owe it to the man that I am Think about it, as a child we have no recourse. We have nowhere to go. We have to endure it. But as adults, we have choices. I choose to forgive with all my might. Forgiveness has been my weapon of choice. It has helped to free me."

    Wow! Just wow!

  4. He is my new hero. I always did like him, now I am just in awed as well.

  5. Someone ought to forward Tyler's letter to the Lohans.

  6. He is a really amazing and gifted person. He is also a testament to how people can survive through horrible events in their life and come out being a wonderful person.

    Considering it appears his entire childhood was a horrible event it might be good for others in his Hollywood community to think before they speak. Or, at least try doing it with empathy and humility.

  7. Agree, Caroline. I'm so shocked and upset, I can't even think of any single thought to post.

  8. Amen, Enty. In a society where self-serving bias is king, and so many people want to shift personal responsibility onto everyone and everything else but themselves....it is amazing, touching, and truly inspiring to see someone like Tyler Perry speak out and take the stand that he has. As my dad has always said, "I came from a bad background, but I decided I wasn't going to let that affect me, and I made something of myself." It isn't easy (which is perhaps why a lot of people won't try), but it CAN be done.

  9. Damn. I couldn't even finish reading it, not yet, anyway. My heart goes out to him.

  10. Damn. I have so much respect for him now. I don't know how he can forgive the people who did that to him. I hold very bitter grudges, and I know I'd never be able to forgive those assholes if I were him.

  11. Wow, now that's a very psychologically and emotionally healthy person who can forgive like that. Good for you, Tyler!

  12. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Wasn't he living in a car when he was discovered?

    I wonder if his father has the gall to call him son now?

  13. Holy shit.

    That poor kid.

    I try very hard to believe in karma, and I hope the people who harmed that boy are getting it back in spades.

  14. I don't really know who he is but I've heard he did theatre in some way? Have seen his name connected to Madea...
    Don't know who he is but I'll definitely find out now. He's doing a lot of good for other survivors of abuse.

  15. He is the better human being because I'd want their heads on a stick.
    He must be a very strong soul. First to live thru that hell and then to forgive those whom abused him. AMAZING!

  16. J-Mo, he is Madea, and hysterically funny doing that character. He is incredibly talented and seems to be one of the good guys. I didn't think there were any left.

  17. Oh I believe it. Sadly, it's probably why he's where he is today. You either go one way or the other under those circumstances.

    Kudos to you, Mr. Perry.

  18. Didn't he work on Precious? The main character in that movie goes through horrific things. Granted, it's an important story, but now I see more why he felt it was so important to get it out to the public. Wow.

    Precious is the only trailer that has made me cry.

  19. wow. classy guy! it's so humbling to read that. go him!

  20. So it's inspiring when Tyler Perry airs his family's dirty laundry but not when Mackenzie Phillips does it?
    Talk about a double fucking standard

  21. Love him, love him, love him. He's incredibly talented and appears to be a beautiful person on the inside as well as the outside!
