Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Waiter Gets Fired For Twitter Post About Jane Adams

Hung is a decent show and Jane Adams is a decent actress, but since when does Jane Adams have the power to get someone fired? Well if you are a waiter at Barney Greengrass you better be careful about your Twitter posts. Jon-Barrett Ingels was waiting on Jane Adams when she told him that she forgot her wallet. He told her she could go out to her car to get the $13.44 she owed for the meal.

Jane never came back.

So, what is a waiter to do? Tweet of course.

Tues: Jane Adams, star of HBO series "Hung" skipped out on a $13.44 check. Her agent called and payed the following day. NO TIP!!!

Maybe Jon might want to look into a dictionary at some point. Just saying.

Anyway, about a month later Adams finally heard about the Tweet and came back to the restaurant and gave Ingels a $3 tip.

Jon then wrote about that incident.

1.I love Jane Adams (Hung)!! 2.Jane read my tweet about not tipping and came in today to leave me $3. 3. Power of Twitter

Apparently Jon's boss also heard about the incident and fired Jon two weeks later. Jon still hasn't been able to get another job.

The reason for the firing was that Jon had received complaints from customers and from Adams. I'm guessing it was just Adams. Like many people here I was a waiter a very long time ago and if Twitter had been available to me I would have done the very same thing. Come on. She walked out on a bill. When it was finally paid there still wasn't a tip? I would be upset also. In a situation like that don;t you think a $20 tip would have been appropriate? Who do you think probably covered the check the day she walked out on the bill? I'm guessing the waiter. Then to come back and give $3 is kind of an insult. $3? That would have been fine if she had paid the day of the bill, but actress or not if someone does this to you, I think a little extra tip is in order and not complaining so the guy gets fired.


  1. What a snatch!! If court dockets and mortgages are public information then tipping absolutely is, too.

    Rant on bitterwaitress.com next time, Jonny!

  2. Jane Adams = ASSHOLE.

    Okay, so the guy might not have been too bright to Twitter about it, but not sure he deserved to get canned. She DID after all, screw the restaurant and waiter. Most of us would've been walking outta that joint with chrome bracelets. Give some some celebrity and the laws of both legal and social standards change. She DESERVED to have her dumb ass called out.

  3. So is this guy a good waiter? Or is he like the staff at most establishments in my city, who seem to be mostly inconvenienced by your patronage? That's not grounds for walking out on a bill, but it is for paying a tiny (or no) tip that says "you SUCK".

  4. Unless the restaurant has an employee policy about posting on the Internets about the restaurant or clients, can the waiter really get fired? Maybe there's a whole list of reasons he got the boot and this is just one of them?

    I don't watch Hung, but I recognize the lady's face. Skipping out on a bill just ain't right. Tacky.

  5. But for his Twitter post, would she (or one of her people) have ever come back to pay? Doubt it.
    Jane Adams, you're a liar and a thief! Now everyone knows and will be sure to verify that you can pay before you receive any service.

  6. That's just CHEAP of the Hung actress. If she'd payed the bill on the same day it would have been fitting but not weeks later.

    Poor guy for getting fired over the incident. I would have tweeted too about the CHEAP ç*+%*ç!

  7. What a bitch. I'm glad he blew the whistle. Celebrity or not, people always take advantage of servers.

    I completely agree with the $3 being tacky. She should've given him a $20 tip for that fuckery.

  8. While it was certainly wrong for her to walk out on the bill and she should have tipped generously considering he allowed her to go get the money and then she couldn't even bother returning. (Why did her agent call and pay? She can't do it herself?)

    That all being said, he is an idiot to complain about it on twitter under his own name and not expect something to happen. It's like when people vent on FB about work and their employer finds out. Don't be so stupid! The internet is public and it's all out there. Use some sense. She was in the wrong, but he should have let it go and not made a spectacle of it.

  9. Public shaming should be brought back--the situation is ridiculous. #1, Jane LIED about going to her car to get her wallet. Flat out LIED. It doesn't matter that the bill was paid the next day--bitch skipped out on her bill. If she legitimately went to her car to get cash and realized she didn't have any, she had an obligation to go back in, admit she didn't have the money and THEN arrangements for payment should be made.
    #2. The f'n bill was $13.44...I am chronically cash poor, but even I can come up with $15.
    Do these people not know that most places take that money out of your paycheque to make up the difference??
    #3.Dunno what it's like in the US, but in Canada minimum wage for servers is a good $2 lower than regular minimum--which means that if you don't get a tip, you're working for slave wages.
    #4. Even a minor celebrity can't afford the bad publicity.

    Team Jon, all the way.

  10. Just because we have freedom of speech doesn't mean we don't have freedom from consequence. I agree w/ Harriet, show some discretion for Christ's sake. Yes it was crappy for her to walk out on her bill (the establishment could have called the cops, I guess). But he could have just bitched about it to his friends and not twittered about it. The bill was paid, she's not obligated to tip such an ass.

  11. I agree, Beth. Use some common sense when you Twitter. Some things should stay private, ESPECIALLY in regards to your job. This isn't the first time someone has gotten fired for Twittering or Facebooking about work. A renter in Chicago got sued by her landlord after she twittered disparagingly about the rental company in charge of her unit.

    Barneys is an upscale clothing store (of which this cafe is a part of). I'm sure they love their celebrity clientel. Even though Jane Adams is small potatoes celebrity-wise, the management probably didn't want to take any chances scaring anyone bigger away. I also read last night on Gawker that it was the VP of Barneys marketing that asked for the waiter to be axed, not the restaurant manager.

  12. aw shit. can't ONE person i like turn out to be a good egg?


  14. I also wanted to add to my last post. This is precisely what blind items are for. The waiter would have been better off twittering which HBO star of a well-endowed series skipped out of her lunch bill than naming names.

  15. Bitterwaitress has given me an outlet quite a few times when I've had to serve bitchy, bitches who stiffed me because they are bitter. I thought everyone in the biz knew of that site?!

  16. Ha! Enty, I can go you one better. Not only was I once a waiter, I was once a waiter at Barney Greengrass!

    Loved the food, the atmosphere not so much.

  17. Sue Ellen, this is off the subject, kind of, but if you ever want to see a great documentary about the biz, look up American Waitress. It was on IFC or Sundance a few years ago and it was awesome.

  18. Elle Kaye:

    If I can find it online, I'll watch it. Thanks for the info.

  19. Stephani, exact what I was thinking, items are blind for a reason.

  20. The waiter should have done what a friend of mine did... sell the story to the National Enquirer for $200 bucks. That way, he would have stayed anonymous and gotten a hell of a lot more than $3 for his effort.

    (My friend had a run-in with David Caruso when he was filming CSI Miami in HER neighborhood and threw an A-1 bitch hissy fit because her gardeners were making noise that was distracting him.)

    Oh, and fuck Jane Adams.

  21. In many restaurants the server has to pay if the diner skips on the meal. The restaurant may have a policy about servers gossiping about customers but, if she didn't pay, she wasn't a customer! If I was the server and had to pay for her meal, when she skipped, and then got fired I would sue everybody.

  22. Seems to me that was a pretty restrained twitter and he could have posted a lot worse.

  23. Hung was never my fave, but now I will never watch it.

    Oh, and my weekly girls lunch at Barney Greengrass? (the sturgeon and salmon with scrambled eggs and onion is to die!)

    Moved. As of tomorrow.

    Fuckers. :)

  24. Majik-

    1. It is UNLAWFUL for an establishment to take the missing funds ("Dine & Dash") out of a waiter's check. They write it off.

    2. Servers get paid the SAME minumum wage in Canada, not lower than, which depends on provincial standards of course. NO ONE gets paid *less* than minimum wage. Again, it is unlawful.

    Jon is simply out a tip. Sure, it stings a little, but it's not like he can't pay his mortgage/rent for being cut out $3.

  25. mygeorgie:

    You're wrong about the minimum wage in Canada. Server minimum wage is 8 dollars and some change, where the real minimum is roughly 10 dollars.

  26. He got fired for the same reason cell phones aren't allowed in gyms: No one wants their dirty laundry aired.

    Chilling effect, perhaps?

  27. Anonymous2:07 PM

    If you can't pay your freaking bill and leave a tip, STAY AT HOME!. Make a PB&J and drink some damn water.

  28. Majik & Sue Ellen- my apologies. Wow, that sucks that there are even ANY exmptions. Just googled Alberta's page. Farm workers are also exempt & those poor bastards are not making any tips, that's for sure. No wonder you see them by the bus loads, looking miserable, in B.C, which I'm sure is the same standards. Most of them are illegal immigrants, so sadly they are likely paid 1/2, if not less. Deplorable.

  29. I don't see why he was fired. It's not defamation. She acted like a shitheel. He posted what happened in his day like any other twit. Why should he be punished? If this was not a previous job rule why fire him? He's much more polite then I'd have been.I'd have called Jane out BIG time.

    Hung just lost another viewer.

  30. She just so happened to forget to bring cash or a credit card with her to pay, and she just so happened to have her agent call the next day. She was expecting it to be comped. I can just hear the agent on the phone:"Hi, this is Jackass Whoremonger, agent for the actress Jane Adams, star of the hit HBO show 'Hung'. About her meal yesterday...um, can we just take care of this?" Manager: "Sure, you got a credit card number I can charge this to?"


  31. mygeorgie....

    Agree with point number one, but it still happens and most folks will go along with it because they want to keep their jobs, or they don't know it's actually an illegal practice...I filed a labour board complaint against one employer for it, but I was also in my late 20's and knew a little more about labour law than I did when I was 21.

    You are WRONG WRONG WRONG on point #2. Look it up. Here's one site:


    I was a server in Ontario, Canada for over 10 years. They've only recently (since I stopped serving ten years back) upped it, but it is STILL lower than regular minimum...when I was working, it was a full $2 less. If the establishment sells liquor, you're paid less. Period.

    My paycheques went to food, my tips went directly into the bank and paid my rent. If I didn't get tipped, I didn't make rent or I didn't eat.

  32. geez, she should be thanking him for getting her press. ain't nobody caring about her lame hung butt otherwise.

  33. I think she's a great actress but am really miffed that the waiter was fired. If you don't want people saying bad things about you, maybe you should be nicer to others? And honest?

    If she really wants good publicity, she'll give him a job.

  34. I wonder how many times Dear Janey has "forgotten" her wallet? At least she won't pull that scam again now.

  35. How do you skip out on $13.44? I don't carry cash most of the time, but always my debit, and sometimes a credit card. That's dishonest, cheap, and just plain SHITTY. And then to tip $3 after originally leaving nothing? Douche-tastic.

    I don't blame him at all for calling her out on this.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.
