Friday, November 27, 2009

Better Sell More Tapes Michael

To further ruin your post holiday meal, I am forced to talk about Michael Lohan. Well, not forced to really, but there is not much to talk about and I think it is ironic that he makes his living exploiting his kids but according to TMZ is about $15,000 behind in child support. I guess he needs to start making more tapes or start exploiting all his kids so he can pay for their support and his. Wow, he is like his very own economy. Obviously not a very stable economy or he could pay to take care of his kids. If he gets any further behind he might have to bring out his secret tapes or the ones he has been saving when he really falls behind on his Ed Hardy charge card or finds a Lindsay stripper he really loves.


  1. Enty, are you mad at us. This picture is giving me nightmares. Please stop using it.

  2. Enty, hon - seeing Michael Lohan's nipple is enough to make anyone regurgitate their Thanksgiving festivities. Don't EVER show that photo again.

    Thenk yew veddy much.


    Your Future Wife #7. or #9.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love this picture! It's such a turn on!!!

  5. My eyes! My eyes!

    I can't even read after seeing the pic. My retinas are burned.

  6. It's not the nipple shot that's the worst part of this picture. It's the tight jeans that are, ever so sexily, spread just so. Vom.

    I may not have had Thanksgiving and you're probably hungover but please no more Lohan this week, pretty please.

  7. Yah the Meshy Michael it

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Ewwwwww.

    (feels good using that one every now and then)

  10. I love the bird's eye view of his crotch--as if the mesh shirt wasn't vomit-inducing enough.

  11. Poster boy for Loser Deadbeat Dads.

  12. he is so terrible...its no wonder why lindz is a coke fiend...her dada makes me wanna take drugs...!

  13. Anonymous2:04 PM

    YUK! I just lost threw up my turkey sandwich. and it was a damn good sadnwich at that.
    I'm gonna have nightmares for sure after seeing this.

  14. LOL! Thank you, Enty. You should see the grin on my face right now!

    Michael + mesh shirt = Rocketqueen happiness

  15. mesh shirt AND dad jeans, i love it! in arrears. is white oprah suing him or what's gonna happen?

  16. GAH! That shirt again! Must clean eyes with bleach now. Thanks Enty! :P

  17. Anonymous10:12 PM!!!!!

    This photo shows how delusional Daddy is...and possibly explains why Dina's life was so miserable that she had to sell her kids souls. This man offers no possibility of earthly pleasure to a woman...and the fact that he thinks he's so hot in his mesh proves without a doubt that Michael Lohan is the undisputed leader of the teenie weenie club.
    (Sorry guys, size SO does count)

  18. Ugh! After viewing that pic, my "moist-maker" Turkey sandwich is not sitting so well.
