Friday, November 27, 2009

Do We Care About Avril Lavigne Or Is It Slow?

Sometimes I worry whether I am missing out on some trend or some new wave of celebrities. There is so much out there to be seen and heard and discovered and I am just one man. A very large man to be sure and wearing Zubazz until New Years for sure, but still just one man. So, I worry that I may have missed something important or that people care about someone more than I thought. I was under the impression that most people though Avril Lavigne was kind of a waste of space. She is to Gwen Stefani what 98 Degrees was to N'Sync. I was going to use O Town instead of 98 Degrees but to be fair Avril has actually sold a few records and I blame O Town for the fact that Diddily Piddily is on MTV 24 hours a day.

If you were too late or too young to hop on the Gwen Stefani train you could hop on to Avril Lavinge's train and she would provide you with pop music and a clothing line while wearing things you have never seen anyone else wear in public that didn't charge by the hour.

So, that was my general impression of Avril. Sure it is nice to talk about her divorce and random hookups with celebrities, but I saw a report in Radar that said she was making out with a guy no one recognized at a bar in New York while the guy kept ordering her bottles of champagne and vodka. So what? I didn't really care but at least 20 sites including that Holiday Inn guy all wrote about her and the story. Really? Do we care about her? Am I missing something? Am I going to see a bunch of people in plaid skirts and a tie and purple streaked blond hair storming my grocery store?


  1. I was going to ask who is the 'holiday inn' guy, but my brain finally clicked. Doesn't he accept payment in kind for coverage? Or maybe he just hates her. It's one of the two: lucre or vitriol

  2. "Holiday Inn Guy", hehe. God, I love you :D

  3. I'm not real sure I CAN care about her less.

  4. NOPE; Don't give a dead rat's ass about her! (or the holiday inn guy)

  5. Some bloggers seem to think we care. We do not.

  6. I think there's an ebb and flow of celeb gossip, and we've been in a slow period ever since Britney got sane. In a couple of years when the current crop of tweeners get a bit older, we'll start seeing some serious public train wrecks again. Meanwhile, we have to talk Gosslins and non-Lindsay Lohans (I still am fascinated by her, but to hell with her useless parents). Heck, I'd still rather talk Avril than Paris or Speidi. Blah! Oh, and speaking of 'Blah,' the Twilighters are just not living up to their gossip potential the way they should. C'mon Kristin, get back out on your doorstep with some more pot! Throw some drunken orgies! We need you!

  7. I think she's making news because her antics as of late seem to support the theory she was skanking around before she announced she was divorcing Deryck. I also think she's on a train speeding towards drugtrainwreckville, so it's nice to have updates on the way ;)

  8. Nope, I don't care.

  9. If Avril were pole dancing in my front yard I wouldn't even care enough to turn the hose on her. I think we just all have to bide our time. Miley will be 18 in a year, and boy-howdy that will be a trainwreck worth watching. She's going to make Britney look like the Queen Mother.

  10. you're wearing zubaz? omg, the 80s are going to be on your ass and they're gonna want answers for such blasphemy.

  11. According to the Post, the guy she was with looked a LOT like her ex (but wasn't), hence all the hubbub.

  12. LOL @ Mooshki

    see, this is why i thoroughly enjoyed your last Twilight post ;)

    so true!!!
