Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm A Little Confused

I read about the whole Cindy Crawford extortion thing last night and maybe I was already too drunk, but I am trying to understand this whole thing. Should we do this together? Maybe it will help if I talk it out.

1. Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber have a child.
2. Cindy Crawford & Rande Gerber hired a nanny for the child.
3. The child, who was 7 at the time gets photographed by the nanny bound to a chair and gagged.
4. Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber have no idea such a photograph exists.
5. Cindy Crawford & Rande Gerber forget they have a child.
6. When finally her parents thought to ask about her day several months after the fact, the child says they were playing cops and robbers.
7. The nanny is lonely at work and has a model come over and spend some adult time with her
8. The model at some point sees the photo and takes it.
9. He also takes a copy of a note the nanny wrote which is a "joke" kidnap note.
10. The nanny is fired for something unrelated.
11. The model meets with Rande Gerber and is paid $1000 for the photo and copy of the note.
12. At some point the model gets arrested and deported back to Germany.
13. From Germany he attempts to extort more money from Gerber and Crawford who notify the cops.

OK, so here are my questions. The guy was arrested for what? Extortion? I know he was deported on an immigration violation. Is Rande Gerber such an idiot that he thinks a photo made from a digital camera is the only one? And a copied note? Really? How is any of this extortion? Is the model going to sell the photos and say that Crawford and Gerber like to play bondage games with their kid? Really? There is waaaaaaaaay more to this than we are hearing right now.


  1. umm yah saw that ....and i didn't understand it either.

  2. There's something off about this whole thing. Why would the nanny take that picture and go out of her way to develop it? I think she's definitely involved and planned that picture.

  3. Was this a botched kidnapping? Is this a cover story for something else?

  4. Have you noticed how much globe-trotting Cindy has been doing in the last months?! From LA to London with stops in NY, she is a regular fixture (and has even been featured here several times). While she's "supposed to be a good mom" why is she at so many events for which she has no professional association or in which she has no career stake?! "Bound and gagged" is the least of what can occur when mom's away...

  5. holy moly, this is disturbing.

  6. Does anyone else remember when Cindy was criticized for dressing her son in a girls bathing suit/summer outfit in an advertisement for her clothing line?

  7. This poor kid is going to need some serious therapy.

  8. I don't trust Rande Gerber. Makes my schkeev meter go off. Cindy left him a few years ago (cheating?) and quietly reconciled. They laid low for a while and now they are everywhere.

  9. The model wants $100,000 because he thinks Cindy and the schkeev got him deported.

  10. On one of the British sites it says that the nanny took the picture and the note and was going to post it on the door of their house as a joke.

    Yeah, we're not getting anywhere with this.

  11. Ummm...having trouble with this entire story. If someone showed me a picture of one of my children like this, they'd still being trying to get out of a choke hold.
    Under normal conditions you'd call the police - not pay the creep.... so the conditions must not be normal.?????

  12. the child tied up and photographed? i'm not a parent, but if i was, i would see absolutely no humor in that type of 'joke'. i hope this isn't them trying to stay relevant at the expense of an innocent child. :(

  13. There has to be more to this story.

  14. Holy shit...again, happy to not be rich or famous. Is Cindy so busy watching George Clooney fuck her husband that she forgot to parent and protect her kids?

  15. Those kids are old enough to know that being tied up & gagged is wrong--I am surprised they didn't go to one of the parents.
    I heard this in the morning, & couldn't figure out why they would pay for the photo, instead of ignoring it, or releasing a statement. Something is up here.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. 5. Cindy Crawford & Rande Gerber forget they have a child.

    Enty, you're in rare form today. Thanks for the laugh.

  18. Screech, back up to Elle Kaye: George Clooney is fucking Rande Gerber? My schkeev meter just exploded.

  19. There's a blind in there somewhere. I would have thought they would be in trouble for covering up a pic like that.

  20. @Elle Kaye:Clooney,Gerber and Crawford love threesome together!
    i can believe on my idea when i see Clooney's new girlfriend younger twin of Cindy Crawford!

    crazy story and very sad for the kid!

  21. Where is Childrens' Services in all of this?

    I'm betting these photos are already attached to questionable websites with other photos.

  22. the blind about the mother forgetting her child was just revealed. And this whole story of kidnapping and the nanny co-operating..and whatev is getting loonier by the minute..too many news outlets too many fragmented facts...

  23. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Kate: When was that blind? Do you remember?

  24. Im very, very confused.

    I am also interested in what blind that was, Kate... You remember when you read it?

  25. The blind was September 24, 2009.

    What upper list celebrity parents have only seen their child/children for a total of five days over the past two months. The parents feel like the child/children get in the way too much and our parents have way too much going on in their lives to be concerned with their child/children right now.

  26. The guy got $1,000 for the photo and the note? That's it?

  27. Yeah, they also said they weren't aware that such a photo existed, then went to pay the 'extortionist' money to get back said photo that they didn't know existed.
    Ms. Crawford is known for letting her little girl take suggestive photos. Remember the ones at the beach a couple of yrs. ago (I think it was for a children's bathing suit ad or something).

  28. Lynne -- I am by no means "in the know." I just am at the point that after reading all of these websites that every one in Hollywood is sleeping with every one else in Hollywood. Plus, I was just being bitchy.

    I really had no idea how naive I was until I started reading the gossip though. Maybe it's all made up. We might just be a bunch of bored dorky types reading between the lines. Who knows...

  29. @bchbum - what was really odd was that it was her son dressed like a girl. He was young, but still inappropriate.
