Friday, November 13, 2009

Nick Hogan Haunted By Prison - I'm Haunted By His Sister

Nick Hogan must have needed some walking around money this week because he opened his big mouth and decided to go ahead and give John Graziano a good swift kick in the ass.

Nick spoke wot Life & Style about his time behind bars. Yes, that is how he refers to it. Like he is some kind of f**king lifer who gets thrown back inside every year or so. The little bastard spent six months in jail and spent most of it on the phone with his dad trying to get a reality show deal so when I see things like this quote it really, really pisses me off.

"There are moments that haunt me to this day. There are times when I'll be watching a prison movie and hear the sound of a gate slamming, and I get the willies. It was horrible."

It was six months in minimum security. It's over. John Graziano is home now, but is a vegetable for the rest of his life. I bet he would love to have had his nightmare be over in six months but it is going to go on forever. I know Nick served his time and I am willing to stop talking about but not when he makes idiotic statements like this in an attempt to make us feel sorry for him. Where in the f**k was the question from Life & Style about when he saw John last or talked to his family? Huh?

"Time away from my family was the most difficult part of my sentence. One of the things which makes you feel comforted is talking to a family member. But you don't have a phone - you have to wait until it's your time of the day to call. You miss being able to connect with people because everyone there is just cold, just brutal."

Uh huh. Do you think John can talk to his own family? And think of the f**king sacrifice Nick made. He didn't have his own phone and had to wait in line. F**k. I need a drink.


  1. Enty's cranky today. :)

  2. oh jesus, this is truly sickening. when I first read the "moments that haunt him" part for a split second I actually thought he was going to talk about totally ruining his best friend's life, but no, this is a Hogan we're talking about. how the reporter didn't just haul off and hit him is beyond me. I know the mags are kiss asses, but how can they not even mention the real victim here?!

    whew, stepping off my soapbox now

  3. If he had any decency he would shut the hell up and spend his days trying making the Graziano family as comfortable as possible and getting his own life together. But that's not gonna happen! Asswipe!

  4. I can't believe Life & Style catered to this celebutard without an attempt at a real question about the consequences of his crime. Life & Style, you've made my...shit list.
    Has ANYONE asked him that question??

  5. What I don't understand is why he only got 6 months.

  6. he's a Hogan, that is punishment enough.

  7. Not that what this jerk did was OK, but do you honestly think that John Graziano was pleading with Nick to slow down? Or was he egging him on? He may not have been at the wheel, but I think this wasn't the first time Nick drag raced and not the first time he did it with John. They were both being stupid-only Nick was smart enough to at least have his seatbelt on and John wasn't. Just my two cents, for whatever its worth.

  8. Hey, Nick, it could've just as easily been you in the coma. Shut the fuck up and be grateful you're alive and healthy.

  9. "...I get the willies"

    i'm sure he did.

  10. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Can't stand this trailer trash and his family.

  11. Wow. I'm so thankful to be neither rich nor famous. What a douche.

  12. This is the kind of post that makes me love Enty.

  13. God this kid, and this family, disgust me. And Life & Style, I never bought you before but I REALLY won't be buying you after the BS pandering you did to this douchebag. Do you think this is going to HELP you sell magazines? Yeah, we're all dying to read about Nick's "trauma" behind bars. The only way I'd buy your piece of crap rag is if I could win a contest to kick him in the face!

  14. Anonymous1:18 PM

    @Ice Angel: you're probably right about that, but I think we can all agree that John G. has more than paid for being careless (if that's the case). He justifiably gets ALL the sympathy going forward until Nick shows that he has any sense beyond the end of his nose. How every other word out of his mouth isn't about John, and how lucky Nick feels by comparison, is just beyond me. Nevermind the guilt.

  15. Pookie: you are hilarious!

  16. Anonymous3:21 PM

    What happened to his friend was horrible but no one made him get in the car that time or any time before that when those two were racing. I'm sure neither one of them thought they would crash that time.

  17. Anonymous6:45 PM

    That last quote reminds me of how I felt in boot camp. If that's the worst that he had to go through for 6 months... what a pussy. He'd never make it in the real world, where real people don't live their lives on tv and with rich famous parents to buy their happiness.

  18. Anonymous7:07 PM

    The willies! rofl

  19. Little F*cking Jag-off. He basically killed someone. If it was up to me I would retrieve "ol Sparky" from the FDC trash heap, plop his whiny ass into tit and flip the switch.

    Can we ban any mention of these f*cking hillbillies from the blog?
