Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Michael K Got Me A Christmas Present

Michael K told me he had no idea what to get me for Christmas but that he would keep looking. He found the perfect gift. Absolutely perfect. Now I have to redouble my efforts to find the Anderson Cooper blowup doll.


  1. love, love, love michael k. he's hysterical!

    as are you enty!

  2. I immediately thought of you when I saw this earlier Enty.

    I also am in love with Michael K
    Even though I'm not his type ;)


  3. Anonymous1:01 PM

    LOL! love michael k and his "boo" the "silver fox"

  4. Enty,
    I immediately thought of you too when I saw that.

    Michael K is great too.

    Have a great day!!

  5. Every time you mention Michael K, I get all warm and fuzzy. I wrote him a couple of years ago with an item of yours in which you mentioned him--he wrote me back and told me that he had never heard of your blog but would start to follow you. Now look at the friendship that's bloomed!

    By the way, that picture is a complete traife fest. Milk products with meat--and pork, at that. YUMMMM.

  6. Gladys, I really thought I couldn't love and admire you any more than I already did, but finding out you hooked up Michael K and Enty has done the job.

  7. (That's beer cheese soup in there, right?)

  8. Oh I am joining the michael K. lovefest. He's awesome. I'm still on cloud 9 over recently winning my first "Caption This". :)))

  9. Enty, please tell me you're a devotee of! That site was made for you!

    It warms my heart that you two love each other. And that you both have been nice enough to emailed me back a few times, which was really nice. :-)

  10. I didn't know that either Gladys--you put together a shiddach made in heaven.

  11. The comments over there are hysterical. I especially liked, "Pork: the Other White-Trash Meat."

  12. i think it is hilarious that most of us thought of you when we saw that this morning...hahaha! we know you so well!

  13. Enty and Michael K are the only 2 bloggers I read daily. I link to other sites through them, but these 2 are the gold standard for me.

  14. Does it come gift-wrapped?

    (The mug, of course, and not mah-boo)

  15. @sporky....which contest did you win?

    I love reading both of these sites daily...they are by far my 2 favorite.

  16. I want Michael K for Christmas! He's the best.

  17. I'm addicted to that bitch.

  18. GladysKravitz - thank you SOOOOOOOO much! If it weren't for you, CDAN & Dlisted wouldn't have formed this beautiful friendship. And I would've been ridiculously bored at work.

    Sporky - congratulations on winning the caption this! So jealous.

  19. Enty is mah future hubby and Michael K is mah Gay hubby. Does he know he has this many fans? I wrote him a couple months ago and he kindly wrote back. LOVE him.

  20. I'm not bragging. I'm just happy. I love it when friends--even virtual friends--love each other. :-)

  21. Anonymous1:49 PM


    I enjoy reading MK he is hilarious especially when he talks about the cholas so so funny.

  22. Precious redtx: I won the "Caption This" - when Michael K posts a picture and asks the readers to caption it.
    (I'm "Aphid" on there).

    Thanks, Karmen! :)) Only took 2 1/2 years...haha...

  23. I'm "terrapwn3d" on there. Terrapin + pwn3d. I'm awesome. Eyeroll.

    I've only tried a few contests and failed miserably. At least you won, Sporky! I think Precious redtx might have meant which CAPTION THIS contest picture did you win? I'm curious and jellis.

  24. isent Mk the most vile pic of a birthday cake,toally defiled and he LOVED it.
    that dirty whore,god love him.

    but no one compares to our lil bacon puff enty!

  25. @Sporky and Karmen.....I did mean which one....I read dlisted all day long along with CDAN...they are almost always up in my "hidden internet tabs"

  26. Oh! I think it was on Friday - the one with the two people hosing off in the plastic barrel. I made a Twilight reference. ;)

  27. omg, too funny!

    we're so gonna have to help you hunt down a mah boo blow up doll...

  28. Oh clever that one was.

    Also, Preciouosredtx, how do you do hidden tabs. I need to know as I have the silliest job on earth. A rabid hamster could phone it in. That means I only work about an hour a day. Guess what I do the other 7?

  29. You and Michael K are the only ones worth reading!

  30. @sunnyside....which browser do you use?

    FireFox you can open a new tab from the file button or by double clicking the blank space next to the tab at the top of the screen (also on links you can right click and go to open in a new tab)

    Internet Explorer has a blank page tab next to the open tab that you can click on

    I keep the front tab on my work's home page and then the rest are hidden behind it with just one window open

  31. That MK sure is a GIVER! Wow, Enty--he's got you nailed, huh?!

    A good gift from you might include something involving vodka, the good shit and a no-no hole...

  32. I too read only CDAN and D-listed. Joyness.

    But I'm so pathetic that I even read them on my iPhone before bed. *sigh*

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. And yeah, me too--the only things I read online are Enty and MK.

    LOVE all around.

  35. Love Michael K. He is so hilarious!
    dlisted and crazy days and nights
    every day for me

  36. Enty & Michael K= the Gold Standard of Gossip :-)
    My work days would be boring w/o them.

  37. xoxox to sunnyside1213! :)

  38. I love Michael K too. I never thought I'd find a man who shared my eyebrow obsession.

  39. @sunnyside....that was a good one..I have no imagination when it comes to that stuff!!

  40. I have to say that Michael K literally makes me cry my mascara off on a daily basis. He's beyond funny. Would love to curl up with him and his bong some day!

  41. WOW...insane! I've been reading dlisted for many years, and one of MK's blind items linked me to CDAN and I've been an Enty devotee as well, ever since!

    Sporky, I 'know' you from Dlisted (I know you you are, as Aphid) - I used to comment there quite a bit a long while ago, and I belive GladysKravitz is Mrs. Kravitz? Jeesh. Small gossip world, eh? :-)

  42. LOL @ bacon n cheez??? Izzat what that was?

    MK is good peeps, Enty. As are you.

  43. Can I join in the love fest???

    D-Listed and CDAN rule!!!!

  44. MoodyBlue - hi!
    I figured Gladys was Mrs. Kravitz, I haven't seen her on there in a while. I'm only on there on Fridays-Sunday (Dlisted is blocked @ work). One of the other Dlisters who sometimes posts on here turned me on to CDAN, and I'm so grateful! :)

  45. Actually, I NEVER comment on DListed. I think this is the only site on which I've ever commented. I like the interactive nature of the comments and I not only love Enty, but I also love (almost all) of his readers.

    Funny that someone else took the Kravitz theme, though! Someone else who likes Bewitched.
