Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oprah Gets Highest Ratings In Two Years - Heather Locklear Can't Save Melrose

E! has a post up summarizing all of the ratings numbers for this week and the two I found most interesting were that Oprah had her highest ratings by far over the past two years when she had Sarah Palin on the show. Well, maybe Sarah Palin needs to head over to Melrose Place because it doesn't look like Heather Locklear is going to be able to save the show. In her first appearance the show did manage its highest ratings of the year but they were still dismal and about 30% lower than the 90210 numbers. About an extra 250K people watched Melrose this week compared to last week. Unless those viewers come back again next week and bring five people each, the show won't be renewed for another season.


  1. I will always believe the Vanity Fair Levi Johnston version of the Palin household over anything Sarah Palin proclaims.

    How that woman got on the ticket is inexcusable. John McCain lost most of his credibility on that choice.

    We have REAL issues to address and to elect this twit to any public office is shameful.

  2. What I found interesting about that E! headline was that they claimed that Oprah's ratings meant people LIKED Sarah Palin. Uh, not necessarily. One can find her horrifyingly fascinating enough to watch.

  3. i heard that rush 'i like the peen' limbaugh has much pull over the GOP, and that he is largely responsible for her being on the ticket.

  4. GO SARAH!!! Love you!!! Lots of people are underestimating you! But keep the faith.'ll believe Levi Johnston over her? You should really think a little more about that comment.

  5. I think I'd rather read about the Gosselins, Michael Lohan, and Paris Hilton every day for the rest of my life than have to read any more about Sarah Palin. Actually, that's not true. I've really enjoyed reading about all of the inaccuracies (to put it nicely) in her new book.

    Amazonblue, you are so right about John McCain's credibility. I wouldn't have voted for him anyway, but I did respect him as a person (albeit one I disagreed with) up to that point. After that, even my dad, who wouldn't vote Democrat with a gun to his head, had trouble supporting him.

  6. I have finally learned restraint, and will keep my mouth shut regarding Ms. Palin.

  7. I'm confused. I thought Oprah's rankings were tanking this past year? Shucks.

  8. Good Lord. Sarah Palin and her ilk set women back about 50 years. Hell yeah, I'll believe Levi and his peen over her any day.

  9. Karmen, I believe they are tanking, but in the last two years, that show was the highest.

    With so many talented Republican women to choose from, it was a mystery to me why he chose Palin.

  10. Mooshki - boo! Say it (shakes fist in your direction)

  11. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I don't like Opa and Melrose didn't care to watch it when Ashley came out.

  12. sarah, the sacrificial lamb. didn't watch the show, but meh. the republican party can come talk to me when it cleans up its act.

    hmm. that goes for the democrats too.

    oh, and oprah. she got boring a lonnnnng time ago.

    enough politics. that's not what i'm here for.


    not surprised hl couldn't save melrose...her fan base was probably off at their kid's soccer game at that hour.

  13. Is it me, or is Heather Locklear starting to look a little like one of the Gabor sisters?

  14. Okay @Ice Angel, I thought about it. And yep, I still would believe Levi over Sarah. Or Trig or Trap or whatever the little babies in that family are named--yep, still believe them over Sarah.

    Shoot, I'd believe Benicio del Toro (my chihuahua, not the Oscar-winning actor) over Sarah.

    Sarah Palin: best thing to ever happen to the Democratic party.

  15. F*CK Sarah Palin and her GD "no abortion even after rape or incest" bullshit.

    I HATE that slag bitch.

    Set us back 50 years? How about a hundred years.

    Keep your GD laws off my body!

  16. I think Heather Locklear had the dreaded cheek implants. Those make EVERYone look ridiculous and fakey mcfakefake. She ruined her beauty, what a shame.

  17. @figgy - I love that your chihuahua is named after Benicio!

  18. I don't know about Heather Locklear! I caught a few minutes of MP last night and when did she turn into Donna Mills? It was sad and funny at the same time. I guess the past few years have caught up with her. I agree she has had "the dreaded cheek implants". Makes her look old.

  19. I agree that you could've watched and that doesn't mean you like her. I wanted to watch, but I fell asleep. She is ridiculous!!! I have ALWAYS voted for the Independent (or most popular third party candidate) just because I want three parties in elections, not two. However, on some issues I think I could be classified "Rep". When that bitch got on the ticket, I thought 'there is no way in HELL that I would vote for them now.' I think that a lot of people weren't sure who to vote for until she was on for vp and then that sealed it for them.

  20. Such a ladylike positioning of the legs there, Heather.

  21. I believe Sarah Palin over anything Levi had to say. I'm glad Oprah finally put her on the show but I am not surprised at the high ratings.

  22. There is no way I would ever vote for this woman, and I will vote across party lines if I like a certain candidate, she seems very calculatingly naive in a way, I do not trust her at all.

    My step-mother (who is also my cousin from my mothers side) loves Sarah Palin, she even got new glasses to match hers, un fkg believeable!

    And, yes, skeletons in my family but the only ones who bear the shame are the ones who did not do anything wrong.

  23. Oh yes, and I like Heather Locklear but she needs to leave her face alone!
