Thursday, November 19, 2009

Next Time W Will Chop Off A Leg Or An Arm

So I wonder what the photo editors at W Magazine were thinking when they started working with this cover photo of Demi Moore. Here is what I think happened. They were playing around with it and had it downloaded into their computer and someone said, "wouldn't it be funny if we took away one of her hips?" So, they did it and someone pressed save instead of save as and this is why you have Demi Moore on the cover of a magazine with just one hip. It could have been worse. How? She could be missing an arm or a leg or have Rumer on the cover with her.


  1. demi prob approved it herself...weirdo.

  2. sadly i bet its more likely someone forgot to remove the other hip ! god forbid a woman has a curve !

  3. Is she really that skeletal looking? Does not look good at all.

  4. Huh? I thought she was just leaning?

  5. Sorry, but it just looks like she is striking the typical teenage one hip stance.

  6. I'm with Jax. As a medical professional, I can tell you that it's impossible to have a hip removed by a plastic surgeon. So Demi saw her one chance at shaving off four or five inches and she took it.

  7. Oh, Demi must be wearing Ralph Lauren!

  8. Aren't most people's upper arms a bit thicker than their lower arms, too? Man, this is out of control. Halloween is over, no more skeletons, please.

  9. of course, having made that point, it would be wrong of me not to point out that most women that age (myself included) would need hip replacement surgery after striking such a pose.

  10. Her eyes are creeping me out! She looks like she wants to devour my soul and then run off into battle. That is if she had enough energy to run. I'm not convinced she eats.

  11. Am I the only one who thinks she looks f-ing AMAZING?!

  12. I saw this last night--what are they teaching these air-brushing kids in school? If this is supposed to sell more issues or more clothing it ain't working.

  13. I sometimes think the retouchers do it on purpose as kind of a wink to the public that this image is not real.
    She looks AMAZINGly retouched is all.

  14. Kate, she was on TMZ recently, and she looked freaking amazing in real life. In this picture, she looks like she'd snap in two if she sneezed. :(

  15. Yes, we are all fucked in the head thanks to the wonderful cattle-driving, brainwashing, self-image-ruining fuckers on Madison Avenue. Who can all go rot in Hell for all I care, I will NEVER buy a mag with that kind of retouching. If I never buy another one again, so be it.

  16. hahah @gladys. Sooo true

    Selenakyle, I understand how you feel. Have you ever checked out photoshopdisasters? It makes me seriously sad to be a in a world where people (esp young girls) read those magazines

  17. *going there now, linnea*

  18. W is the only mag I still look forward to reading. This pic is a disaster. It's photoshopped too thin and robotic looking.

  19. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Would have thought her picture looks weird but that's it.

  20. omg, ditto Beth. too funny!

  21. They also made her look like Courtney Cox---amazing what they teach you in photoshop school.

  22. Wonder what it's like to be hungry all the time for years. No wonder they resort to drugs.

  23. Was this supposed to come out last month- for the Halloween issue?

  24. It's why so many women are hooked on pills--stay effed-up without the calories of alcohol, side-effects of coke or munchies of pot.

  25. I think she looks like she's going to kill someone who's holding a plate of food in front of her...

  26. Demi just posted a link on her Twitter with the original photo... She Tweeted, "Here is the original image people my hips were not touched don't let these people bullshit you!"

    Her Twitter

    The original photo

  27. Hmmm...I don't see a difference?

  28. Am I the only one who sees a little Nicole Kidman going on with her retouched face???

  29. Well, that's one weirdass difference between where her left hip seems to be one size and the leg coming out of the swath of material looks substantially bigger. Whatever, Demi. Maybe they didn't retouch this. She still looks fuxing scary, and if I was her, I wouldn't be bragging about having the body of a dried up old crackwhore.

  30. i have to chuckle every time i see demi moore. shit, i remember when she was on 'general hospital'. she was a little chunky back then and her ass went on for DAYS.

  31. Ugh! Demi Moore, what does she really do?

    I would love a magazine editor to have the guts and yes, balls, to publish a magazine of celebrites without make-up and without touchups, just once. I would buy that issue and I bet it would fly off the shelves. Oh, but who am I kidding....who would have the guts to put it all "out there"?

    Well...the lovely Jamie Lee Curtis did this exact same thing a couple of years ago just to make a point about all of this nonsense. I love her even more just for doing that.

  32. Mouth breather. Dead eyes.

  33. Love Jamie Lee. She is one classy lady.

  34. Why is she trying to pass the exact same photo with slightly different lighting as the non retouched photo??

  35. She's a frozen face whose many face jobs look okay on her -- as opposed to outright turning her into an alien, as most celebrities look -- because she had such a fat face into her 30s. Now she almost looks normal. Not like herself. But it works. However, she's such a loser. She really is. Trying to look 30 years younger than she is and not even like herself 30 years ago.

  36. Amen Lana!!! Look at the Twitter if and see how her leg is totally F-ed up. If that is untouched .. she needs to see a bone doctor because something is SERIOUSLY wrong with her thigh [Femur??] bone then!

    Follow the curve of her leg down to where the fabric starts .. there's a FRIGGIN' GAP where her leg suddenly straightens - both above and below. And .. I could be wrong about this .. but it also seems they removed some of the fabric that should be resting over her thigh in the .. I feel, anyway .. edited area.

    Sorry Demi .. not buying what you are selling. Calling "Photoshopped Bullshit" on this one.
