Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sorry Celine

Back in August I posted a blurb about how Celine Dion was pregnant. I think at the time all of us were shocked that she had announced her pregnancy because it was in fact only a day or two into the pregnancy. Well, it turns out that procedure was not successful and another one in October was unsuccessful as well.

The old dude who is her husband confirmed all of this to a Montreal newspaper. He said the couple will continue trying to have a child and that Celine is more determined than ever. Rene didn't say whether all of this attempting would cut into his gambling or woman chasing time but did say that this weekend they will try again in New York. I guess he wanted to give everyone the exact place and date so they could have maximum alone time.

"I admire all the women who go through such a tough process. Since April, she has undergone numerous examinations, multiple hormone injections and blood tests," Rene told the paper, revealing the couple will go to New York this weekend for a third try. "Celine and I didn't get discouraged ... we put our faith in life and in the stars."

I do hope it works out for them, and although I make fun of Rene, I am sure Celine is going through a hard time. Can you imagine announcing the world you are pregnant and then having this happen? A miscarriage is bad enough without having the world know it.


  1. does she really love him? with his old ass chasing women. i hope she keeps a substantial amount of wealth from him.

  2. So he chases the women, but does he ever catch them? Anyway sorry to hear about their pregnancy troubles.

  3. Not a fan of Celine at all, and I find her husband creepy, but that is still incredibly sad.

  4. Sad for them both. That's why you wait to tell people you are pregnant.

  5. Sorry for them. However, the statement: "...we put our faith in life and in the stars" is pretty stupid, considering he was talking about in-vitro/fertility treatments in the same breath. 'Cause the stars said, "you ain't having no babies."

  6. Does she want a boy to go with her girl? Oh wait he's a boy, he just looks like a girl. NM.

  7. Exactly--this is why you wait to discuss.
    A friend once 'let it out' that she was preggers, but she was only 6 weeks along. We didn't really discuss it further, as I knew it was too early. Unfortunately, she did have a miscarriage, and, she had to 'get the word out' to a lot of people instead of just grieving on her own and with her family.
    Sorry for Celine, though.

  8. Never, never, NEVER EVER tell people you are pregnant until well into it. So much can happen in the first trimester! I know people get excited and want the world to know, but Jeez! Wait to see if everything 'takes' first!

  9. not to be crass, but she didn't have a miscarriage - it sounds like the blastocyst never implanted. Granted, this is devastating to anyone who is trying to get pregnant, but they are the ones who announced to the world that she was pregnant (apparently right after the procedure without waiting to confirm it was successful), found out shortly thereafter that she wasn't and then waited months to tell the world they were wrong about her being pregnant.

    The folks I feel most sorry for are the ones harassed during the baby-bump witch hunts. Aside from making some female celebrities extra paranoid about being fat when the tabs point to alleged baby bumps; imagine how the person that is trying (unsuccessfully) to get pregnant or that has had a miscarriage feels when the tabs/tab tv hosts are going on speculating about them hiding a pregnancy.

    There's a real why most people do not reveal a pregnancy to people outside their circle of closest friends and family until the second trimester. Regardless of how obvious a baby bump appears, let's allow people to wait until they're ready to make a public announcement about a pregnancy before making it "news" and let's hope the celebrities who over share stop making pregnancy announcements too early (I swear, some of them seem to make announcements before the sperm even penetrates the friggen egg).

  10. I'm certainly not a Celine fan, however I wish them only the best in their attempts, and my condolences at their loss.

  11. Why not adopt? She's connected enough here in Canada, the Quebec government would probably speed up the process for her. The love she would get for adopting some poor lil orphan quebecois, would be crazy.

  12. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I don't care for Celine and her husband. What I don't understand is why is she with his perv. Hasn't there been several sexual harassment on him??

  13. not to be nasty, but this is what happens when you freeze your damn kid while you are busy yoddling in Vegas for years. i do feel sad for her, but sorry...children shouldn't be put on ice, if you really want them...HAVE them. Vegas will always be there.

    personally, i would be kinda worried about planting a frozen embryo and not knowing if there could be any birth defects because of it....i'm sure it's 'safe'...but still.

  14. "The old dude who is her husband"! teehee.

    awww, poor celine. i'm sure they've learned from this. i hope the next shot at ivf works out for them.

  15. Agree with Whole_Lotta on this one...stars said 'no friggin way, the two of you are annoying enough'.

    She could adopt from Quebec, but then the kid would have to keep his Irish name.

    All you Heritage Moments junkies know what I'm talking about. :o)

  16. Oh jesusfuckingchrist, just fucking ADOPT already.

    I have no sympathy for people who whine about wanting a bio-baby. Makes me sick in fact, when there are so many children needing homes.

    And no, maybe they aren't infants. Well boo fucking hoo, do you want to raise a child for the child's benefit, or for your own selfish satisfaction?

    NO other subject pisses me off like this one. Fucking selfish fertility-seeking assholes of the world.

  17. Depending where you are in the world, it isn't easy to adopt at all, whether you want a baby or a child that's older. And failed placements happen a lot more with older children. Adoption is no more a certain way of getting a child than IVF. And IVF can help boost stem cell research and so on.

    I hope they have better luck with their next treatment.

  18. Orphan Quebecois babies. Like they're a dime a dozen. I get what you're saying, though.

    Would be nice to adopt from the orphanage, but we're talking about kids (not babies) shuffled from foster homes to the orphanage. If people are kind enough to give a stable home to someone, they need to be present in that child's life and really work through some issues. They don't have time for that.

    Hopefully they'll keep quiet on the next attempt and things will go much better for them.

  19. Big fucking deal. They can't have a second child. Boo hoo. They were blessed to have one happy, healthy kid and it's still not enough. They can go fuck themselves.

  20. Wow, a lot of hatred spewing here. If they want to have a child of their own rather than adopt, that's their choice. I don't think they should be lambasted for not adopting.
