Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Lindsay Lohan Tapes - Day 5 - Suicide Watch

Before we get started with today's tapes, many people have asked about the actual tapings and whether they are illegal. California along with a few other states have two party consent which means that both parties need to consent to taping. Most states are one party consent which means that only one party (usually the recording party) has to consent. New York is a one party consent state. The one with Lindsay Lohan crying was actually a voicemail and not a conversation between daughter and dad. The conversation between the assistant and Michael was in New York and I am presuming the Dina ones are as well. Now, on with the show.

Michael: I know it is my fault that Lindsay is what she is. I am the one who let her down. I am a martyr.

Dina: Yes it is your fault and you know how Lindsay cuts herself and hurts herself?

Michael: (cash register) Yes

Dina: It's bad Michael, real bad right now

Dina: I know she is going to kill herself one day.

Michael: Well it won't be my fault.

Dina: Oh yes it will. I won't blame myself at all. If she kills herself it will be all your fault. It's not on me, it's on you.

And there you have it for this edition. Parents bickering over who will be blamed when their daughter kills herself. Perhaps if they both took some of the blame and worked together and didn't try to use their daughter every second of the day for the past ten years, much of this could have been avoided. However, as you can see they plainly haven't learned any lessons which is why Ali will be round two.


  1. I really think that anything to do with the Lohans ought to be banned at this point. It's all redundant and it's more detrimental to Lindsay's health than anything. Both of her parents are fucking morons, and it's a shame that stupidity isn't a crime else they'd would have been locked up eons ago.

  2. Why isn't someone intervening? The whole world is watching this girl's life fall apart and not one single person has done anything but observe and talk about how awful she looks. It's like standing in a circle watching someone get beat up and not calling for help. I just don't understand.

  3. Agreed. Everytime I read a new "tape" (btw, slow week at the office). I want to drive over to the Gosselins and hug them for being great people. Because of that I say these posts are hurting my mental wellfare.

  4. blog hopper, I agree. Doesn't anyone really care about this girl? She must have some friends.

  5. she needs help!
    can any one help this girl? she needs rehab,therapy,a new relationship,a new familly!
    it's so sad!

  6. This is horrible. It breaks my heart. There's a special circle of hell for parents like this.

    Why can't someone hire a social worker or therapist to help Lindsay?

  7. I must say these posts are really depressing. Both "parents" are pathetic and should not have any responsibilities raising any children. They are both unbelievably selfish, immature, and really disgusting human beings. I just feel like those people who can actually do something to help her are just going to stand by until it eventually comes across on the news crawler that the girl was found dead. I've never seen anything like it, and I find it disturbing.

  8. Can they force Lindsay to go to rehab. and stay there against her will until she's clean?

    If they can't do that then I don't know how anyone who cares about her can help.

  9. I think they should both kill themselves, then Lindsay will be cured!

  10. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I don't see how anyone can help, if the two people who might be able to are too busy fighting over whose fault it is. Lindsay is a legal adult. Unless she is a danger to herself or others (which she undoubtedly is), nobody can force her into a hospital. And that's only for a short period of time, they can't make her stay there until she's clean. Not that forcing rehab would work anyway, the addict has to want to get clean. The scary thing is, she has to hit rock bottom, but apparently her rock bottom is much further down than the average addict's, and she's likely to die before she hits it.

  11. NOMD, they can't force Lindsay to stay in rehab against her will - it is EXTREMELY difficult (she should have to be a danger to others or completely deranged.

    I have a cousin who has signed herself out of rehab 4 or 5 times.

    She's an adult, and will do what she wants.


  12. Seriously, if she's such a destructive threat to herself with the cutting and the drugs, why don't they seek a 5150 for her a la Britney?

    I just don't buy that her crappy parents give a damn about her as anything else than a meal ticket.

  13. I'm just gonna call bullshit on the whole thing. If the wrist photo is supposed to show Lindsay is harming herself, she's not really hiding it, is she? And the parents are so self-centered, I can't imagine them finally acknowledging that their daughter is in trouble, even if it's just to throw blame at each other. I think this is all about keeping all THREE of their fuxing names in the news.

  14. Wow he's really hellbent on taking Dina down with him, isn't he?

  15. so....on a scale of 1-10 how surprised would anyone be if it turns out this whole thing is just for publicity. i mean, is it outside the realm of possibility that the parents and/or lindsay (all total famewhores) knew this would get all of their names in the spotlight and are in cahoots in all this? it is a pretty good way to turn the public opinion of lindsay into a more sympathetic one...

    just a thought...

  16. Sadly she isn't acting as crazy as Britney did.

    Heck at this point I think people would be thrilled to see Mel Gibson jump in and help out.

  17. Thanks Melinda and Syko for answering the question.

  18. This is remarkably similar to the situation with the English royalty... "an heir and a spare".
    After Lindsay destroys herself, there's Ali (the heir) and then there's the son... (the spare).

  19. I doubt Lindsay has anything to do with this. I think you can reach a point where not all publicity is good publicity, and Lindsay is far beyond that point. Is she really getting any work anymore? The best thing she could do for herself publicity wise is completely cut her family out. Excise them like a tumor I say.

  20. you can't just get a 5150. you have to have cause for it. just being a general fuckwit isn't going to do it.

    Britney,spinning her head around 360o and speaking in tongues...did.

  21. I still say if dina and michael put their shared brain together with Jaime's Spears, they could find a way to assume control of their adult daughter and save her life. If she dies just watch how these idiots will make the rounds of the talk shows crying about how they tried to help her. But they are too self-absorbed. How is Michael Lohan sharing these tapes with the world helping her? Uh, we all get it, Michael, Lindsay's on the fast train to the grave. Now DO SOMETHING, you retard!

  22. wow...these two are a piece of work. dina cuts him off over and over, and michael doesn't listen to what she's saying. if that's any indication of their communication skills while lyndsay was growing up....eeek. someone help her, pls. :(

  23. If it turned out to be a publicity they would be operating under the premise that Dina was so selfless, she'd go down in flames for Lindsay, and I just don't think that's possible.

  24. I actually felt bad for Lindsay after reading this post. Who argues about who's to blame for your daughter's impending suicide?? Do something about it to prevent it (hint: "leaking" tapes to the media that show how f*cking stupid you are isn't considered suicide prevention). Someone needs to put a cease-and-desist on Michael Lohan's entire existence. Ent - is that a legal possibility? That might make law school worthwhile.

  25. She's doin' it wrong. You gotta cut the length of the wrist, not across.

  26. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Some lame ass "cuts". If anything she's more of a scratcher than a cutter. Has anyone thought she might have fleas?

  27. klm...I felt bad for her too after reading this. Her parents have accepted that Lindsay will die, are taking no steps to prevent it, and instead argue about who fucked her up more.
    Although, Brooklyn...what if? Lindsay had that run of bad publicity where she wasn't showing up for work, producers and directors were saying publicly they wouldn't work with her because she was a evil plan to make her sympathetic to the masses? I wouldn't put it past any of them. Even if the parents know the tapes put them in a bad light, it would be worth it to have Lindsay working again, and the money flowing.

  28. Ha...those have to be the two biggest parasites on the planet. Who has this conversation and actually releases it to the media.

    If Lindsay does end up dead they deserve it.

  29. LL needs to go to rehab until it sticks, and then she needs to disown both of her epically toxic parents.

  30. For the record, anyone encouraging parents - even in jest - to commit suicide is fucking OFFSIDE. If you had a parent who committed suicide like I did, that would be painfully obvious. Offside. Suicide is not a joke.
