Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jaimee Grubbs Apologizes To Elin Woods - Says She Would Go Back To Tiger If He Called

Umm, how exactly do you apologize to the wife of the guy you were f**king in one sentence and then in the very next sentence say "I can't say that I would ever go back to him. I would definitely have a relationship with him whether it was friends or just to have him in my life," she says. "But as far as going back to him emotionally like I was -- I don't know if I can put myself through that again."

In an interview with Extra, Jaimee made some bucks and we got to learn such fascinating things as she thinks Tiger is an amazing guy and she isn't sure if she is in love with him or not. She also says they respected each other. Really? I must be thinking of a different definition of respect or maybe she means she respects his ability to play golf and juggle a different woman everyday. Am I missing something here with the respect thing?

Oh, and their intimate relationship? Don't laugh. She called it "very sacred." I know, I know. This is the best part of all these kinds of scandals because you can never get Tiger to say anything.


  1. She is such a dumb broad. What a waste of space.

  2. Cheek implants much? And is that a piercing under her eye or a mole?? weird.

  3. Vile people in a vile situation.

    I can't even comprehend how anybody can live such a life of whoring and lying.



  5. To answer your question, Enty, because she is a self-serving fame whore? Am I right? That was an easy one.

  6. shmooey, i couldn't have said it better myself. how do these people sleep at night? tiger and his harem are disgusting, self-centered, self-serving and these whores are all getting exactly what they want. what's better than fucking a star? why, getting famous yourself of course.

    it does make me laugh to think that at one point tiger probably thought all these "ladies" were loyal to him and would never do him wrong. i'll bet he gave himself a pat on the back everyday for being so awesome. guess he's learning a thing or two about the ways of the famewhore.

  7. I think the saddest part of this entire Tiger Woods thing, is how many women are ready, willing, and able to sleep with a man they KNOW is married. As a married woman, it makes me sick.

  8. She is a dumb ho enty...what do you expect?

  9. Ugh. Our culture is really starting to irk me to no end. Why do we insist on giving interviews on tv and in magazines to nobodies who are only infamous for sleeping with married men and getting caught? When and why did we start glorifying starfuckers?

  10. The worst part for me is that he didn't wear condoms. If you're going to cheat, be safe. It's bad enough to hurt your partner emotionally, but to put their health at risk? Unforgivable.

  11. Well, i always say if you want to be lonely most of the time, and spend all the holidays alone, date a married man.

  12. She kinda looks like a transexual Tiger Woods. Like if he got femalish plastic surgery, hair and all that jazz. Maybe they have the same eyeballs or maybe I am stoned mannnnn. sike.

  13. As much as I selfishly enjoy celeb gossip, she should STFU. She's only making it worse for Elin. She's acted like a complete selfish whore to this point, now STOP.

  14. This story - and others this nature - are truly baffling to me, in more ways than one.

    Let's say they (both Woods and the sluts) are utterly amoral and absolutely unencumbered by conscience regarding sex, infidelity, etc.

    Still, how come it doesn't repulse them PHYSICALLY to be with total strangers that they know not where they've been, what they've been doing and who they have been doing it with?

    This is a sickness, and I don't mean "sex addiction".

    I mean that something has got to be seriously wrong if any rotten piece of flesh off the street is good enough for you to take to your bed and join your body with.

  15. I will preface my comment by saying that the other day I didn't imply that "dark haired women are bad" or however it might have been construed.

    I meant that Elin is "pure looking" because she dresses simply and classily, looks clean and healthy and not so over-embellished like the Uchitel and this chick both look.

    I think he likes his strange to look harder and sluttier, period. This gal is pretty underneath, but is definitely--regardless of coloring!--NOT virginal- or clean-living-looking like Elin is.

    I mean, she just looks like a slut.

    Hey--this is why a married man cheats with her and vice-versa, right?

    Oh--and she is living in a DREAM world, for sure.

  16. One of the other websites I read today insuated that the reason for the original fight is that Elin found about about a "little Tiger" that one of these women is carrying. Whether or not this is true, it could explain her answer about being in the sidelines waiting for him and substantiate her claim of his never using a condom. Idiots, all of them, idiots.

  17. @Kathryn Oh, it's a piercing. If you're wanting a vomit-fest check out the text messsages between these two winners at


  19. I'm at 14 minutes and 50 seconds and counting with this famewhore's time in the spotlight.

  20. What a skank. She looks like she smells bad. Like women do when they wear too many fragrances, you know, one body wash, a different lotion, then a different deodorant, and then the caked on makeup is scented as well and then they just smell like water damage in the "beauty" section of the dollar store.

  21. Oh brother. Yeah honey, it was sacred. And it was sacred half an hour later with the girl down the block. And it was sacred with that waitress and then that other chick and the other one. And so on. And so on.

    Right, right. Of course.

  22. First of all, she looks like a man. Second of all, that dude respected her for all the time he was in her and the instant he pulled out he could care less. He is a narcissist to the umpteenth degree.

  23. Ha Haaaaa, Harriett!

    "water damage in the beauty section of the dollar store."

  24. I think we're up to 13 hos including 2 porn stars and a hooker.

  25. I have to agree-that is one harsh looking female.

  26. I cannot even begin to imagine the rage you would feel finding out this kind of stuff about your husband. How totally filthy would you feel, knowing you had been with him while he was getting all into that kind of mess? Ugh, and not to mention knowing your babies could be carrying some kind of horrible disease that YOU gave them because of what your husband was doing. And does the egotistical bastard even care? Of course not or he wouldn't have done it in the first place. Whatever bad comes down the line for him isn't bad enough IMO.

  27. Anonymous11:59 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I am not wasting my time watching the video. Just by the way she looks you know she is saying stupid stuff.

    These Ho's should be ashame of themselves instead of parading around so proud of being Tiger's Woody Providers.

  29. The closest this got to being sacred, was that the word God was stamped on the $$$ EXTRA paid you to talk to them.

  30. she's also ass ugly.

  31. i'd smack her in the head with my dick

  32. @Harriet Hellfire

    Yes, I know the smell you are talking about. I have an office mate that is messing around with an engaged dude at the place I work. She totally cakes on that nasty smelling body lotion & body spray on top of all the crap she already has on before heading out on thier so-called lunch breaks. And then when she gets back to the office it is even stronger and nastier. I literally end up tasting that nasty smell with the crazy amount she puts on. Freaking gross.

    I call this smell the Stench of the Skank.

  33. Anonymous2:07 PM

    my heart goes out to elin. no adjusted pre-nup or payoff would be enough to make me stay with tiger so HE could save face. i'd take my kids and move the hell out.

  34. we need to break out a calculator and tally all the $$$ tiger is losing this yr...this could get good.

  35. Anonymous3:16 PM

    If Tiger ever had any love for his wife, he'd pay each of these women $1-2 million to shut the fuck up.

    Has anyone noticed that we haven't *SEEN* tired in 2 weeks? Elin must have really fucked up his face.

    I hope she has a good psychologist on call. Her husband is screwing hookers and porn stars with no condoms? Her mother is being rushed to the hospital? How much more can one person take...

    My brother lives in Europe and some news outlets there are reporting that Elin bought a mansion on an island off the coast of Sweden. She apparently paid CASH for it.

  36. That woman is really ugly.

  37. She looks like a broke ass version of LaToya Jackson....

  38. OK-somewhere, not sure, but I heard or read that one of the gold diggers/hookers-he was doing was a 9-11 widow. Not sure if they lost a husband/fiance.
    At work, we are wondering who is going to pop out with the I have Tiger's love child photo spread in OK or People magazine first. As for his wife, I hope she takes everything-including his favorite golf club, pillow, coffee mug.
