Monday, December 14, 2009

Lindsay Saved India

Apparently Lindsay Lohan saved all the children she could save as she is back in the US now. A couple of thoughts. First I want to thank everyone and I mean everyone who sent me the Daily Telegraph article from this weekend. Needless to say there are some people who are pissed that Lindsay said she saved 40 kids in a day. Namely the people who spent two years organizing the raid and oh, Lindsay wasn't even in the country when the raid happened.

Another thought. Dina was quoted in Kneepads saying how proud she was of Lindsay for going. It sounds to me like she got paid to go spend a week in India to film a documentary. Let me know when she goes there for six months with no camera crew and for no pay and we can talk about how proud we all are. Yes, it is better than not going at all, but I swear to you that I will not be able to handle her talking about how when she was in India she saw this and that and have to listen to that for a year. She spent like four days there total.

Oh, and apparently it is not Ali Lohan anymore. Nope. There has been a change. Officially she has to be referred to as Aliana now. Yep, they are going to try and make her a one name star.


  1. Can we just have a "no Lohan" Zone?

  2. God bless this saintly child. She is so selfless and caring - such a humanitarian. We should all strive to be more like her.


  3. i still refuse to hate on her. the bbc's pr machine were clear in pointing out she wasn't giving herself credit for the raid, or was remotely related to it...this is just a matter of 'let's jump on her b/c she's rather dim and isn't clear in what she tweets'. her ignorance is just as bad as the media distortion. girl needs a break. i'm ok w/ giving her one.

  4. I totally agree with Moose. Let's picket Enty to have a "no-Lohan" zone.

    Um, what's that address again, Enty?

  5. the only thing Aliana will star in will be Intervention in about a years time

  6. I'm just glad she is back home and can go and live in the Jersey Shore house now. You know, to class the place up a bit.

  7. Sorry, I can't join your picket line. I love Lohan gossip and snark.

  8. Totally agree with Moose.

    Can CDaN in 2010 be Lohan Free?! Please!

  9. I'd almost feel sorry for her if she didn't lie so damn much.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm still pissed some of my licence fee has been wasted on this sojourn. For what? Those that deserve the credit won't get it, the kids aren't any safer and LiLo's hanger-ons (i.e. Dina) will carry on kissing her arse rather than help her.

  12. "Aliana" sounds an awful lot like "Alien".

  13. Aliana??? WTH...that's ridiculous. A little late to re-brand her.

  14. I'm with Mooshki - love me some Lohan trainwreck stories - no ban!

    If she were so innocent about her twitter about saving kids, she should have phrased it as "40 kids were saved in one day through a raid!" as opposed to "Saved 40 kids today!" She sounded to me like she was taking partial credit.

  15. I, too, love the trainwreck. I refuse to get my info from TMZ or Perez, dammit!!

  16. Over this dumb cunt.

  17. Ugh, I just puked on my keyboard.

  18. Maybe she saved those 40 kids from being sex workers, so they could work in the sweatshop of her "clothing line".

  19. 4 days. She couldn't score any dope so she came home?

  20. Organizing the raid?
    Please tell me that La Linds rolled over on some of her Hollyweird cohorts and the LA police raided a party and took away 40 celebuwhatevers, and thats what "saving 40" was all about?

    Ok,'s a fantasy. Just like La Linds actually being Mother Teresa. (Although give it a little bit, the wrinkles are starting to come in)
    And Dina is now attempting to rebrand Ali into "Aliana" - to disassociate the Lohan name completely? (Not that that's such a bad concept, come to think of it)
