Thursday, December 31, 2009

"Nine" Bombs At Box Office

Nine was supposed to be some kind of Christmas spectacular. I never really saw it as that but then again I am biased against its type. I just don't like that kind of movie. Apparently lots and lots of people decided they didn't want to see Nicole Kidman or Fergie or Kate Hudson or any of the other cast that comprised a good portion of the $65M cost to make the film. The movie only took in about $5M the first week despite getting some Golden Globe and SAG nods. So, what do you do if you are The Weinstein Company? Well, this movie was supposed to be their financial savior. Really? Even if the movie had been amazing it hardly seems like the movie you want to bet the company on. If you want to bet the company on something make some Jason Statham movie that costs $15M and you will get a profit.

Anyway, Nine did so awful that the company said it would be reducing the number of theatres showing the movie by about half. Later the company realized they looked like idiots saying that so said it was all a misunderstanding and they will keep it in every theatre playing it to no audiences because that is how much they believe in it. Uh huh.


  1. Has anyone seen this movie? I wanted to see it initially, but then I read some not so-good reviews...anyone have anything good 2 say about it? Just wondering.

  2. i want to see it for Kate Hudson's number as well as Marion Cotilliard and Penny Cruz...other than that Nicole Kidman was a HORRID choice. don't get me started on Fergie.


  3. If Lainey's latest Casting Couch blind item is true, and Harvey Weinstein is indeed one of the 'players', I say hey Harvey, here's some karma for you.

  4. i'm not surprised this movie flopped. the cast blows beyond belief. it's funny that they think nicole kidman can pull in the viewers... uh hello? she never could! then you throw kate hundson and fergie in the mix?! oh boy. i feel bad for penelope and marianne! better luck next time folks!

  5. It wasn't bad. Penelope Cruz was the best one, I thought. Kate Hudson's song and dance number was indeed show-stopping and I'm not a huge fan of hers. Poor Fergie -- she had to gain weight for this role and ended up looking like a Kirstie Alley Stuffed Sausage.

  6. I just don't feel driven to see this. At this point, Nicole Kidman will keep me away from a movie, and so will Kate Hudson.

    I've been holding out hope that it will be like Chicago--I didn't expect much of CZJ or Renee Z, but they were great and the movie was so enjoyable--but I don't know. I think they should be patient with it, as people get so bored after the holidays that they will go see anything after awhile.

    I think it needs some good word of mouth buzz, and I haven't been hearing that.

  7. yes, let's reduce the number of screens, that's the answer. :/

    well, at least they're leaving it wide and will try to make a few $. personally, i'm more interested in the chipmunks squeakquel...but i'm hokey that way.

  8. i don't get these people. i could've told them this would bomb.
    i think the days of musicals have been over for years. some people (like me) never liked them back in the day either.
    if these brainiacs were in touch with reality and took a good look at who goes to movies these days, they would have saved themselves a lot of time and money.

  9. Maybe the casting directors will realize now that Granny Freeze (a.k.a Nicole K) is box office poison, and stop giving her and her frozen forehead and three lips movie roles. And as jax stated, don't even get me started on Fergie. She pees on everything (pun intended).

    Sorry but I have to yell:

  10. Typically I end up liking what the masses like in way of movies. This movie never even came on my radar, I mean, really? A musical? Maybe other people see it, but I don't see a musical saving a troubled company.

    And according to my almost three year old, the Squeakquel is the greatest movie ever. He sings "all the single ladies" all day long after seeing it (his first movie ever!) with his daddy. I spared myself and stayed home with the baby.


  12. The original '8 1/2' by Fellini was a masterpiece, but Fellini is an acquired taste, like a dry martini- really not for a mainstream audience. The Italian film school isn't all 'up in your face' like American films...

    The Broadway musical based on it was just that, a Broadway musical,
    but not for a wider audience.

    So, although I enjoyed Marshall's "Chicago" (and that was a surprise to me)- the bawdiness of the Fosse play... DID translate, and it worked.

    Fellini? No way. And the cast?
    Oh horrors! Quite a waste of money, and a waste of the talents of some.

    From what I saw and heard, there was very little that was truly Italian in the film, despite its blatant appeal to be so.

  13. Musicals can be hit and miss. I wonder if Harvey's had sex with all of these women (except Sophia and Judi), and my husband wonders if Penelope has had a boob job. He'd see it for her, but only on TMN.

  14. The only reason I would watch this is to see Marion and Penelope. Nicole, Kate and Fergie? No thanks.

  15. I'll still go see it when it's in theaters here though. Wouldn't want to miss Daniel Day Lewis.

  16. I knew this was going to flop. Maybe not as badly as it did, but still.

    There's always one Best Picture contender that ends up fizzling. Like Cold Mountain and Dreamgirls.

  17. i still want to see this

  18. if Avatar can do $ 750 millions in worldwide box office with an unoriginal storyline on idiot blue indigens,Nine could do $50 millions in USA with the great casting(Kidman only has a tiny role as Fergie)!

  19. I wanted to see this movie. I didn't even realize it was out already. Hmmm...

  20. ITA with anniecat. Some of these women are legends, too bad they couldn't bring in new, fresh talent instead of forcing Fergie, Nicole and Kate on us.

  21. I really wanted this movie to succeed. Good concept, poor execution. Kate Hudson? I can't stand Kate Hudson. Big stumbling block from me seeing this movie.

    I heard Fergie was pretty good, actually. I like Fergie (yes, I am a minority) and I was hoping she would do well.

    Who doesn't like Judi Dench? I dare you to show yourself.

    I guess it will go in my netflix queue. Until then, Nine....

  22. I don't get the fergie hate.....she is actually the only singer in the group and she has never been in a film before for some people to actually say that she is a bad or good actress.
    The rest of the people are actually good actresses but some of them aren't exactly great singers.
    I'll probably watch it ...didn't even know it was out on wide released thought it was only on select theaters...oh well.

  23. I do wish Hollywood would realize there are certain "sweethearts" that have a weird cache in that town that just doesn't translate outside of that insider status. Kate Hudson? If she's in it, I won't see it. Same with Jennifer Aniston.

  24. "Christmas spectacular" is what I don't get(not with the subject matter of the movie). How could they even consider releasing this anywhere near the time Avatar or Sherlock ... came out. Musicals are not as popular as they once were. I'm sure each actress and Daniel did their best (They all are talented on their own & no one person caused it's downfall) but this just isn't a movie I would spend my hard earned money on---sorry. The buildup & the hype just didn't seem to match the actual product that has surfaced. Sad for those involved because I'm sure they put their hearts & souls into this. Oh well life does go on.

  25. I wanted to see Nine based on the cast, especially Daniel Day-Lewis. I'm not a musical fan at all and I've only seen part of one Fellini picture, but I was interested. But with the horrid reviews, I'll skip it.

    Ditto on the sentiments about Harvey Weinstein = Lainey blind. I hope he'll bear the brunt of this flop. The cast should be strong enough careerwise to move on.

  26. I wonder what might have happened if they had revamped the story to get it past the Italian setting in order to bring in a set of professional singers who could appeal to a broader audience. If you're going to make a musical AND you want to draw a crowd, hire real singers. People might not like musicals, but they still love watching singers perform....

    (I also assume that this procedure would require more color in the cast -- surely we can be color-blind enough to cast black and latina singers to draw in a truly diverse crowd???)

  27. This is a movie that I'll watch at home. I won't see a musical at the theater. Maybe it will make some money on demand or as a rental.

  28. Anonymous11:29 AM

    So which of these ladies did Weinstein screw???

    I am not into musical really can't stand them. My sister went to see it and she liked it a lot. I still wouldn't see it.

    I liked Avatar because of the special effects and the story. They showed previews of Alice in Wonderland and that's one movie I am looking forwarding to seeing the special effects (3D) are great. I also went to see Sherlock Holmes didn't like it. Again I don't see the appeal of RDJ. My sister thought he had a great body since he had a six pak I thought it looked weird and not something I would say yummy either LOL.

  29. I took my mom to see "Nine" yesterday. I grew up doing musical theatre, but it is rare that I'll go see a movie musical. That said, I enjoyed the movie. It was brain candy. None of it really set me on fire, though Penelope Cruz really did steal the show! She was fantastic.

    I don't understand the whole Fergie thing. Seemed like stunt casting, but I don't think she has any appeal, so...? Something about Kate Hudson annoys me, but I can't put my finger on it. Her song & dance number was really great though! I have to admit it. Does anyone think she was really singing though?

  30. Oh... we went Xmas day to see "Sherlock Holmes" & loved it! Can't wait for the sequel! I thought RDJ looked really hot, especially with the 6 pack, but I like old dudes. :)

  31. I agree with many of your comments. The type of constant, in-your-face publicity that celebrities receive today is both a blessing and a curse. The more I am exposed to the lives and antics of some of them, the less likely I am to see their movies, including Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Anniston, Kate Hudson, Katie Holmes, et al. This is due to the simple fact that I don't like them -- and I don't want to contribute to their popularity or bank accounts. Thus, IMO this movie has a few strikes against it.

  32. I agree with many of your comments. The type of constant, in-your-face publicity that celebrities receive today is both a blessing and a curse. The more I am exposed to the lives and antics of some of them, the less likely I am to see their movies, including Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Anniston, Kate Hudson, Katie Holmes, et al. This is due to the simple fact that I don't like them -- and I don't want to contribute to their popularity or bank accounts. Thus, IMO this movie has a few strikes against it.

  33. Moulin Rouge scarred me for life. I will never pay a penny to see Nicole Kidman sing....I wouldn't pay a penny to see her act either but that's not quite as scarring. Almost as scarring but not quite.

    Personally, I like Fergie and can't stand Penelope Cruz and I have to opinion one way or the other about Kate Hudson. She's a non-entity. But Sophie Loren is a goddess.

  34. I would love to know how Nicole Kidman sold her soul to get as many acting gigs/Oscar as she has.

    She is six feet tall, not sexy, not pretty and acting is cold & icy.

    Dear God I want to sell my soul.

  35. I still want to see it, even if I am a little put off by all the negative buzz. Same with 'The Lovely Bones' which is also getting horrible reviews. Critics aren't always right and are as easily coerced into hating films as people are into thinking certain actors are talented when they're not. It's all a matter of opinion.

    That said, I was really hoping this one would be the tuna. Also, would people have liked it more if the performers were different? Is this more a personal thing or is the film really that bad?

    Like most of you, I want to see Marion, Penelope and Daniel. Plus, Judy. To me, they can do no wrong.

  36. I detest musicals. Maybe when it is free at the library, I will give it a chance. I would rather see The Lovely Bones, but I agree that it could never beat the book.

  37. I saw Nine, and it's not as bad as the negative buzz. It should have been amazing, but it doesn't quite get there.

    Mind you, if you hate musicals, you'll hate this so don't waste your time, lol!

    But for the people who are ok with musicals: the musical productions numbers are all well done and the whole thing looks gorgeous. On the downside, the plot is thin and the numbers are a bit disjointed from it, kind of like numbers performed on stage at a cabaret. It's artsy, and worked better on stage. But worth a look. I think Chicago was better structured with more plot, which makes it more accessible and entertaining.

    By the way, best musical performance is.... Fergie. Best singer of the bunch - but they hired her for her voice, not acting. And although Hudson and Kidman arent always popular, I don't know how anyone could say that Judi Dench, Daniel Day Lewis, Marion Cotillard, Penelope Cruz and Sophia Loren comprise a horrible cast! Is it coz they aren't American? With that cast, film should have been amazing, but it didn't entirely work.

    Anyway, I don't agree that musicals are long dead. They just cycle in and out. High School Musical was a huge sucess, plus Enchanted, Hairspray and now Glee on TV. So, they'll continue to pop up here and there.

  38. for Christmas weekend I saw Sherlock and Avatar. I don't know why they released this against those two blockbusters. I do want to eventually see it, but I don't know when I'll be able to. I do like musicals.

  39. for Christmas weekend I saw Sherlock and Avatar. I don't know why they released this against those two blockbusters. I do want to eventually see it, but I don't know when I'll be able to. I do like musicals.

  40. Is it just me, or does it seem as if every time one of these big movies w/the huge, Oscar-winning cast comes out, it bombs? No offense intended to anyone in the film, but throwing a whole basket of stars in the movie Cuisinart never seems to turn out well.

    On the much brighter side, I saw Sherlock Holmes on Christmas Day, and then again last night w/another friend who'd also seen it, and 2 more friends who hadn't. Have to say I caught a lot more of the little details during Round 2, not to mention more of the dialogue (have pity, I'm half-deaf...). Oh, and one friend's immediate verdict? "Not enough naked Robert Downey, Jr.!" She went on to explain how she'd never cared for him before "until I saw Iron Man--he was REALLY hot in that!" Can't say as I'd argue w/her... ;-)

    (Congratulations, Bob! You're not getting older, you're getting better! Now, are you going to get your kit off for the sequel, or what?)

  41. I can say I enjoyed Nine more than I did Avatar. Avatar was one piece of crap. Marion was the shining light in Nine.

  42. I would see this for Daniel Day Lewis anyday. At the time I heard he was in it, I thought WTF is he doing in this claptrap.

    I would also see it for Dame Judi or Sophia. The rest of the cast I could care less about.

  43. What stinks is that the Powers That Be in Hollywood will use this as another excuse to not spearhead movies with women as the primary leads. Nevermind the movie itself isn't that good. NOOO it's the actresses' faults.

    Actually I heard Fergie was pretty good in her role. I do love her voice in the song used for the trailer.

  44. I thought that this had the potential to bomb but with the cast I figured how could it? I still want to see it. Why does everyone hate Fergie so much? Just because she peed her pants? ;)

  45. Putting Kidman in a movie is the kiss of death. No matter how stellar the rest of the cast people will stay away in droves when that piece of plastic is in a movie.

  46. To all of your movie critics, I encouage you to watch movies before judging them; as well goes to all of you jelous house wives whom have nothing better to do with your time but bash on beautiful actresses, and try to bring your self esteem higher - Get a /Life/.

    From the scenes to the musical numbers, it was awesome. The actors did a wonderful job at portraying the original cast from Fellini 8 1/2. This is by far a movie that should inspire hope and give joy.

  47. As much as I love Dame Judi Dench, I simply cannot imagine seeing a *MUSICAL* version of 8 1/2, let alone one orchestrated by the people behind the overblown spectacle that was the Chicago movie. I'd rather just stay at home and rewatch 8 1/2, really. (Fellini = total genius!)
