Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Tiger Woods Voicemail To Jaimee Grubbs

While listening to Tiger Woods ask one of his girlfriends to take her name off her voicemail and just have a phone number instead I could sense the panic in his voice and at the same time was wondering how many others did he have to call to tell them the same thing and that his wife would be calling. I think Elin found out about Rachel Uchitel when Rachel went to Australia with him. The one who hired Gloria Allred. Elin didn't know about Jaimee Grubbs or didn't care. I think she found out about the newest one somehow and that led to the discovery of all the others.

Did you hear about Men's Fitness? According to a former worker there, Men's Fitness wanted Tiger on the cover so they basically said come be on our cover or we will tell the world about your affairs. Hello cover.


  1. Good grief. Tiger, Tiger, Tiger.. Does anyone know when he left this vm/how long she saved it?

  2. Wooooooowzerz! That is some effed up mess w/Men's Fitness...but I'm sure that happens a lot in the industry.
    Too bad for Tyger, his wife, and his daughter. Hopefully all this will quickly go he can get back to cheating.

  3. Supposedly Tiger is a billionaire or very close to being one so he'll just be another billionaire having his way with people.

    Nothing new here.

    Just another douchebag cheater.

  4. way to get a cover Men's Fitness. But most of all, way to go Tiger...way to represent...another role model who disappoints..."I'm human"...yeah is about choices and you made the wrong choice. Repeatedly.


  6. What I can't get over is that these girls are so willing to be famous for being "the girl so and so cheated on his wife with". They always seem to be waitresses and strippers ("but what I really wanna do is ACT"). If you're gonna be a skank and let a married man hit it, well, first of all you are a bad person who doesn't deserve to be happy, but you need to deal with the fact that you are The Other Woman. He is not going to leave his wife for you. You are a hole, and nothing more. So then when you come out with the emails and the text messages and voice mails to "expose" the married man, all you're doing is make yourself look stupid, trashy and cheap. Or did she think that Tiger will now leave his wife and go be with her?

    Don't get me wrong, I realise that it takes two to tango and that Tiger is just as much to blame for his indiscretions. And I hope his wife leaves him. But seriously, this bitch should just not talk. Go crawl under a rock or serve cocktails or whatever the fuck it is you do and realise that you should be ashamed of yourself.

    < /rant >

  7. @Harriet Hellfire -- Totally.

  8. Is Jaimee Grubbs a great name for a golddigger ho or what?

  9. @Harriet - after the Jon Gosselin/Haley Glassman charade, these women probably do think he will leave his wife for them. Gross on so many levels.

  10. Egh. So sick of hearing about this! There are far more interesting things to read about than Tiger Woods having sex with women.

    I can't believe people are shocked by this. Every major news website has this front and center. Is this really what constitutes news? I love reading this site as a bit of an escape from the more serious things that go on in the world on a day to day basis; but when a story that belongs here is splashed on every new site.. BBC World News excluded of course.. It makes me spin.

    Side note: If he was really contrite wouldn't he of come clean without media scrutiny into the situation? This was a "rumor" last week but he chose to ignore it.

    Here's hoping he accomplished what that act of contrition was meant to accomplish; keeping his sponsors.

    Egh.. that wreaked of bitterness.

  11. @Cheryl - hahahahahaha so true! Jaimee with the double e, of course. And then.."Grubbs"?? Are you even kidding me??

  12. these women could have gotten some major cash, if they kept their mouths shut. hush money can be really long. it's silly to go to the media.

    tiger has been a-cheatin' for a long time. i am having difficulty in believing his wife did not have an inkling of suspicion. a woman's intuition works really well.

  13. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I always wonder why these women think the man will leave his wife for them - or if he does, why they would think he might be faithful to them?

    The cheating doesn't surprise me, apparently the pro golf tour is reknown for that, and after all, he's Tiger Woods, he could have any of those little skanks, it must be a great power trip. But none of them are as pretty as what he has at home, and I keep thinking about those gorgeous little kids of his. It's just sad that he hasn't as much control over his zipper as he does over his putter.

  14. What kind of idiot it this guy? The Kobe special better come from Harry Winston or Tiffanys.

  15. Nothing will come of it. Look at kobe. Heck with the jewelry, I would ask for my own private island and then dump him there.

  16. I just can't picture this man-child having any kind of sex other than missionary-style, half-clothed in the pitch dark, with his eyes slammed shut for about a minute.

    Just can't see it!

    All I can envision is him feeling clever with his made-up word "caublacasian."

    Seriously. Cannot see him as an adult on any level, much less being a father!

  17. ok so this Jamie girl is originally from San Diego where I live. One of the local tv news stations said that Jamie came to them two days BEFORE the crash that led to all of this. The VM was from 11/24, which was right around the time the Enquirer came out with the Rachel story.

    So it seems as if word was getting around to the tabloids about Jamie and perhaps the media incorrectly linked Rachel when it was supposed to be Jamie.

    I can't figure out why Jamie wanted to come clean with this info before any of this other stuff happened? Maybe he called it off with her and she wanted revenge?

    Also, a local radio station here said one of their interns used to wait tables with Jamie in SD and that she used to brag about the affair and show everyone she worked with the texts from Tiger.

  18. *sigh*

    Gross and very disappointing. Shame on you, Tiger. And shame on all the skanks that bumped fuzzies with should not be proud.

  19. Just found this on Blind Gossip...supposed to be Tiger.

    As if this famous athlete didn’t have enough dang problems right now, you can add a couple more to the list. His wife knew that he had relied on a certain substance in the past to relieve his extreme bouts with performance anxiety. However she did not know until a couple of days ago that he has been experimenting with other substances that could get flagged during testing. The second problem he has is his penchant for women who are paid handsomely to be discreet about their extra-curricular activities with him. Word is that he likes to be punished for his bad behavior. He was subjected to harsh discipline from an early age, and he tells the women that he needs them to continue that tradition in order for him to be perfect. But don’t expect either of these habits to come to the forefront in the coming months. Everyone is getting paid off to lie or to keep their trap shut.

  20. Agreed, Syko. Why would you want a man that's financially, emotionally, physically and legally bound to someone else?? I married a cheatin bastard when I was younger, and it never ceased to amaze me the way other women would delude themselves into thinking the cheating was somehow MY fault. It's not hard though, as the wife, to ignore what you don't want to see. Maybe now she'll leave him and find real happiness. I'm sure I could with all that money...

  21. Elin has probably already asked Juanita Jordan for her lawyer's number.

  22. Quintessential Southerner said...
    tiger has been a-cheatin' for a long time. i am having difficulty in believing his wife did not have an inkling of suspicion. a woman's intuition works really well.

    Remember the movie Primary Colors? The Emma Thompson/Hillary Clinton character was so completely in the dark about Travolta/Bill while everyone else knew.

    Maybe it's a matter of not wanting to know.

  23. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Old saying - "The wife is always the last to know."

  24. i think she probably DID have an inkling, hence the voicemail from him about "please take your name off the message, my WIFE WENT THROUGH MY PHONE", but as many cheaters do, they make it look like YOU are the CRAZY one, and you start doubting yourself, etc.

  25. exactly, C dan. I have been in that position, and I was completely in the dark and made out to be the fool until i went through his phone and wooah, there it was... and yes, everyone knew but me.

  26. Based on the reports, it seems to me that Elin recently found out. That probably led to her beat down of her douchebag husband. Not justifying her response, but I can see all that hurt and anger at finding out prompting your inner rage to come out. I mean, jesus is their baby even a year old yet?

    I have to say I am stunned by all the seedy developments today.

    I'm sure Tiger will rebound, but I am curious to see what this does to his image, endorsements and persona now.

    This story is everywhere. It's crazy. I really think Tiger and his people tried to make it go away. Fools...

    The Men's Fitness bit seems very much like blackmail to me.

    This is like a freakin' movie.

  27. @harriet hellfire - DITTO!!

  28. Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame, no matter who they have to hurt to get it.
    Elin stuck by him all of those years & had 2 kids with him, only to have a used model for bad plastic surgery release her voice mails. For what? Money, fame, revenge?
    Tiger is a real ass.

  29. It's called gaslighting, darlings, and it sucks. As C DAN said, the cheater makes the cheatee feel like they are crazy and makes them feel guilty for even THINKING that they would do something like that. *pfft* Whatever.

    BTDT, got a t shirt and it's one of the hardest lessons I've ever learned. It took a long time and a lot of drinking, counseling, and self discovery to realize that it wasn't ME that was deficient, it was HIM.

  30. This girl looks like a much younger version of Danielle from RHONJ. The eyebrows. They seem to have the same personality and morals too.

  31. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Wonder how many skanks will come out this week as Woods flavor??

  32. i think tiger IS a sex addict. look at elin. not one of these women can hold a candle to her. men who do this (and it's usually with whores, like these women) just want 'anybody but her.' it's not about elin---it's about the sex.
    i know some people don't believe in sex addiction but i do----and i think he has it, so i hope whether elin stays or not, he gets help. he obviously needs it.

  33. tiger, you ho. run, elin, run.

  34. LOVE the commentary at the end with the men talking about how all he wants to do is get a little pussy. I for one am so happy about this drama spewing in his face. You know for yrs he thought he was hot shit playing all these women with a gorgeous wife at home birthing babies for him. Even though the shit will die down ala Kobe and go back to normal this is definitly putting a permenant chink in his armour insofar as how people view his character and good guy demeanor~ all that is tarnished now, which is all to the good.

  35. Nancer, I totally believe in sex addiction. I had a best friend of many years who had untreated OCD. In his 20's he became a sex addict, but with OCD so he had to have sex w an EVEN number of women per day before he would sleep. He would troll. It was absolutely disgusting.

    He made very sure I never witnessed any of it, but I was his only real confidante. Looking back, I can't believe how bad off he really was.
    It was not about sex.

  36. i disagree...i think he is one rich muthafucker with a LOT of power and pressure on him. and like most power players..having a little something on the side aleviates, for a moment, all the pressure these high paid breadwinners feel. boofuckin hoo.

    same reason why CEOs like to be led on a leash and spanked.

  37. I just saw old footage on Access Hollywood that showed Rachel Uchitel crying after 9/11 because her fiance was killed in one of the towers.

  38. Man cheats on wife...yawn.
    Skank keeps texts and voicemails...what a surprise.

    He doesn't owe the public an apology. He owes his wife an apology.

  39. That woman is foul and Tiger is a dummy.

  40. Elin needs to get out.
    With her life and with the life of her children.
    Do you know she is totally alienated from her father?
    Wonder what led up to that...
    Betcha he's a OCD control freak who held a gun to her head behind the front door every time the cops came over and made her repeat his rehearsed message.
    You know this mess is all her fault for chasing him outside with that golf club.
    All her fault.

  41. b626 - where did you read that? He is a famous journalist who has like seven kids, but I have never read that they have no contact?
