Monday, January 11, 2010

Arrested Development Movie Shoots This Year

Will Arnett gave an interview yesterday to In the interview he said the Arrested Development movie would start shooting this year. He also said that Jason Bateman was in rehab though so I hope he is at least serious about the movie.

"I'm so glad you asked that. It's very refreshing. We are working on the movie right now, yeah... We don't have a completed script yet, but it's forthcoming and we're going to make the movie this year."

"We're hoping once Jason Bateman gets out of rehab. I think that we're going to start shooting. Oh, was I not supposed to...? Please don't air that."

So, another tease? It seems like they have been teasing us for years now. They keep writing this script. They have been writing it forever. I don't even care. Just start shooting and let them improvise for two hours.


  1. I wonder if that rehab thing is a joke or not? Bateman had been sober for years.


    can't wait!

    i'm pretty sure the rehab thing was a joke, bateman's been working very steadily the last few years and looks great! (though in that town i suppose you do never know....)

  3. Finally! Woot!

    Look at us, Michael, crying like a bunch of school girls

  4. I can't wait for this movie, and I hate the movies.

  5. Justin Bateman was in rehab?? For what???

    This makes me sad. I thought maybe he was one of the few celebs able to avoid addiction. Sigh.

  6. YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! Soooo excited!!

    Let's hope this isn't a trick. Err, illusion.

  7. A trick is something a whore does for money Karmen

  8. Taste the happy, Michael. Taste it!

  9. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Or cocaine, Genesis!

  10. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Also, figgy, I'm pretty sure the rehab thing is a joke. Its Will Arnett, talking about AD, after all.

  11. good one bad fish.

  12. Haha, thanks, Genesis. I was hoping someone would say that.

  13. Figgy, dude, he was totes joking.

    Also, where once there was a yacht, now there is naught!

    Love that picture. Love you GOB. And Enty.

  14. Justin Bateman may be in rehab but I seriously doubt Jason Bateman is.

  15. I cannot wait to see this. Now I'm going to have to go home and watch some AD DVDs.

  16. Finally my homemade banana stand will be relevant. I don't know what it is about Will Arnett - just listening to him makes me laugh. He brings the funny.

  17. You give the suitcase to the man in the thirty thousand dollar suit??

    Bateman's not in rehab, 's a joke...

    will always love AD

    always always

  18. YES!!! Finally. I hadn't heard a good AD update in awhile. Thanks, Enty!!!

    I just hope they get their stuff together and finish it! This has been dragging on for too long.

    Chaw! Chee-chaw!
