Monday, January 11, 2010

Sisqo Fathered A Child With A 14 Year Old

One of the downsides to coming out of hibernation and putting yourself back in the spotlight as Sisqo has done in the past week with his Big Brother appearance is that reporters start recycling really juicy stories. Stories which were meh, now become wow because of the attention. Well, News Of The World recycled a story the Swiss papers ran with in the middle of last year that back in 1999, Sisqo fathered a child with a 14 year year old girl in Switzerland. So, basically in addition to fathering a child with a 14 year old, they are accusing him of having sex with a minor. Sisqo of course denies the whole thing.

Last year the woman, who is now 25 filed papers in a Swiss court seeking child support. She won and Sisqo is paying child support payments although the amount is unknown.

The woman described the encounter as follows: "After the concert Sisqo was standing with his band at the bar. We went over and talked to them. Then everything went very fast. I was so young, but I wanted to enjoy my life. Ian (their son) often saw his father on TV. He's very proud of him. It's up to his father to prove he's right to be proud."

Sisqo would have been 21 at the time this happened.


  1. I don't know who Sisqo is. Apparently I'm not missing much.

  2. He should do Big Brother in Polanski's chalet.

  3. What Ms Cool said.

    Wonder if he was drinking the Roman Polanski koolaid in Switzerland?

  4. Whenever I hear of older guys having sex with really young girls I always wonder if they have a small penis, or other mental/emotional issues that result in girls their own age rejecting them.

  5. Did she tell him she was 14 at the time? Not that I am defending him, but he may have thought she was of age.

  6. disgusting. absolutely disgusting.

    so i guess he's not gay then...i always kind of thought he was.

  7. I kinda dont care about this because nobody told her to go looking for him in a bar of all places, and she's not claiming rape so whatever

    and no I'm not condoning sex with minors before ppl start hounding me.

  8. Michael K at Dlisted would love those Swiss eyebrows.

  9. @ those who don't know who Sisqo is - he did "Thong Song". Yeah. That's it.

  10. RQ:

    He was also in 411, I think. I recall something from my teenhood and him being in a song that my friends and I loved, and it certainly wasn't the thong song. Perhaps a collaboration with Erika Badu?

  11. On another note, what the eff is a 14 y/o doing at a bar?

  12. Nice looking kid.

  13. @mygeorgie

    In her own words, she wanted to enjoy life.

  14. Being that she was in a bar, he could of thought she was of age.

    Don't know a lot of the circumstances though,

  15. He was part popular group called "Dru Hill" in the 90's then he branched off on his own and did the "Thong Song" which was very popular for a while.

    Now he's a has been.

    I agree with mygeorgie why was a 14 y.o. at a bar?

    Also how can he deny any of this if he's paying child support?

    And last but not least what are the statutory rape laws in Switzerland?

  16. Y'know, a girl who does that, in a BAR, at 14, come on, what does she expect? Let's be real about what men are and aren't responsible for.

    That boy is adorable, though.

  17. YES! Dru Hill!!!! I knew he was in something like that. Now I can sleep at night.

  18. This is old news! but thanks enty for sharing urban news with the folks! :-)

  19. Also not defending him, but apparently the age of consent in Switzerland was 14 in 1999, but he can still be arrested under a 1997 law that makes it illegal for American citizens who go out of the USA and have sex with anyone under age 18 in a foreign country.

    I don't know too much about this, i just roughly copied and pasted that from somewhere else :D

    Still creepy, but i also reckon she didn't tell him her real age, hence why she was in a bar in the first place.

  20. Thanks Aimee and if that information is correct than he should have been in jail.

  21. I've got to admit: we snuck into a lot of bars from around 14 years old on, especially to go see bands.

    We certainly didn't look 14 and though we didn't sleep with any rockstars (at that time), I don't think it would have been their fault (or a crime) if we had.

  22. 14? disgusting. beautiful child tho...i hope he doesn't end up w/ his father's napolean complex and repeats the cycle. :(

    now why didn't the baby momma come forward sooner? he should've been supporting the child from the get-go.

  23. My sentiments exactly, Genesis.

  24. I'm glad you agree Lauren

  25. Aimee - The federal law makes it illegal to go to foreign countries for the PURPOSE of having sex with minors. If you happen to sleep with someone who is a minor here, that is not a crime.

    But I'm sorry, I don't care. I don't see anything in this story that indicates he KNEW he was sleeping with a 14 year old. I wouldn't check to see if a boy was over 18 if I found him in a bar when I was 21.

  26. The Thong Song was played on repeat my entire my college spring break, so I always giggle when I see him.

    Why did she just recently ask for child support??

    The little boy is cute!!

  27. That kid is far too beautiful to be born of him and her.

  28. I'm Swiss and I think that it's legal here for a 14 year old to have sex as long as her partner is only 4 years (or less, of course) older than her. So this should have been illegal anyway.

    However, it's perfectly legal for a 14 year old to be in a bar as long as she doesn't drink alcohol. Besides, it wasn't a bar, it was a club, El Cubanito. A lot of clubs or pubs or discos only check your ID when you order booze at the bar and not when you enter. I myself never got ID'd until -ironically- I was 18 years old (18 is when you're allowed to drink any alcohol, beer and wine are allowed for 16 year olds). Before that, I was able to order anything I wanted and anywhere I wanted without having to show my ID to anyone. But that was in 1995, so it may have changed until 1999.

    Also, she sounds like a very ehm ... mature 14 year old, so she could've also known the doormen. A lot of girls get into 21+ clubs like that when they're really not even close to 21.
