Friday, January 01, 2010

Blind Items Revealed

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This should be a very interesting divorce. This B list actor on a hit cable show recently separated from his wife. The wife who is also mother to one of his kids. Instead of letting them stay in his huge home, he decided to stay in the house himself so he could entertain and kicked the wife and kid down the road to an apartment.

Kevin Dillon


  1. What a douchebag.

  2. piece of crap! I hope she took him to the cleaners!

  3. Those Dillon boys are just not nice.

    I didn't even know Kevin was seperated. I guess in his head since he paid for the house with the entourage money, it is his house.

  4. My dad did that w.e pops we got the house back!

    And dillon's a jerk.

  5. He probably wants to hold on tightly to everything he has. He had no career before entourage, and he has not been able to parlay his partcipation in Entourage into anything else. Basically, this is it for him and he knows it. Another douchebag.

  6. He has always irritated the bejeesus out of me. I like it when the actions match initial perception. Makes you feel justified.

  7. @David agreed, I knew he was on Entourage and checked imdb to see what else only to see...uhhhhh nothin'.

    oh except Hotel for Dogs! zzzzz

  8. ugh, what an a-hole!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. He was in one of my favorite chick flicks - Immediate Family.

  10. nice!(sarcasm)

    and he's friend with Dicaprio and Wahlberg(actually i do a crush on Di Caprio)

  11. a divorce is not a nice thing. don´t know the reasons, what is her part in that, and i bet you that apartment is bigger than most of our apartments. down the road of a huge home, they do never build some simple trailer homes....

    and maybe the boy choose to stay with mom, and that was the reason for her getting that apartment at all...

  12. what a douche!

    yes Sporky, he was in the Doors movie.

  13. He's a douche, but the wife met him while he was enjoying Entourage fame, got herself pregnant, and then he married her. Doubt she would have allowed herself to get pregnant if he didn't have a big paycheck.

  14. They should change the name of the show from Entourage to Assterage, since it seems like the cast is made up of mostly asses.

    However, maybe the ex-wife chose the apartment? Maybe the mortgage/taxes/maintenance on the house were more than she wanted to take on.

  15. Is it possible to just know someone's a serious creep from their onscreen presence? He's always grossed me out. I read Entourage recaps where certain bloggers think he's the greatest and wonder if maybe he's just such a great actor he comes off as a douche when he isn't. Now I think he's just a bad actor whose douche-ness appeals to douches who wonder why they can't see themselves honored on the screen more.

  16. you guys are so funny, the words "wow, what a douche!" were the first words in my head... and then i pull up the comments and see about 8 other people chose the EXACT same terminology to describe him. i love it. i love that kicking your wife and kid out and keeping the house in a divorce seems to be the universal definition of DOUCHE.

  17. He's actually my favorite character on Entourage....but agree on the douchyness.

  18. It's one thing to screw over your wife, but kids should be different. A divorce is upsetting enough - the kid should get to stay in his/her own house to feel more secure.

  19. oh and cdoo called it:

    cdoo said...
    Kevin Dillon from Entourage

    2:44 PM

  20. Anonymous3:17 PM

    What an AssHoleeeeee

  21. how the eff did she "get herself pregnant" ???

    speaking of douches...

  22. Miss, I was just about to post the same thing re the "get herself pregnant". I cannot believe people still use that line....

    and Kevin Dillon is a douche

  23. right? thanks dr!

    and I am on the KD douche train! I know you google yourself dude and you are going to read these reviews of your behavior and the verdict is? DOUUUUCCCCHHHHEEE!

    ( now give the lady and you child their home back please and make America happy )


  24. He's just class personified ain't he? (eye roll)

    Remember there Kevy, when it comes time to put you IN a home, this child you kicked out of yours, will make the choice where to put you. Ain't Karma a bitch?

  25. You can "get yourself pregnant" by lying about using birth control or intentionally using it incorrectly in the hopes of getting pregnant and scoring a paycheck for at least 18 years. I'm suspicious of every woman who is barely in a relationship with a famous guy and winds up pregnant. Aside from a long, long list of athletes, we have Mel Gibson, David Spade, Jude Law.....

  26. and dudes who don't want babies and don't use condoms are douches...

    If you believe 100% what someone else is saying and don't take measures to protect yourself ( especially a celeb!) then you are a tool and should just get a vasectomy and exit your genes out of the pool..

  27. Miss, even using a condom doesn't always help. There was an NBA player about 10 years back. Hooked up with a girl. She took the used condom (ewww) and gave it to a girlfriend who used the contents to get pregnant. NBA guy never met the woman who had his baby. I think he ended up with custody.

  28. Paisley, I'm guessing that is not an everyday incident.

    Male celebrities could avoid being trapped by golddiggers by not catting around with every easy piece that walks by their dressing-room door - but most don't seem ready to take this drastic step.

    In just a very few years, Dillon's kid won't be taking his phone calls.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.
