Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Brooke Mueller Back In Rehab

Hollywood really has some problems when it comes to wisdom teeth. Last year you had Mischa Barton get place in an involuntary psychiatric hold after a bad reaction to having her wisdom tooth pulled and now suddenly Brooke Mueller ends up in rehab. I'm guessing she isn't in rehab for drinking Christmas morning. I'm guessing she is in rehab for whatever landed her in ICU. Let me ask you a question because you will probably know better than I would. If you have twin babies, then presumably you are holding them and loving them and spending time with them and interacting with them. How do they not get sick if you get a case of pneumonia that lands you in ICU. How about if there was no pneumonia? Also, Brooke's admission to rehab will also keep delaying that hearing in Colorado. Is there any reason why she couldn't have put off rehab for a week until after the hearing? Well, you would probably put off rehab if it was just a Christmas drink, but if it was something to land you in the hospital then you might want to go straight to rehab.


  1. All I got was a dry-socket when I had four wisdom teeth removed.

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    dang, this just gets more and more tangled. And sordid.

  3. So now when the "truth" (and I use that phrase with serious tongue in cheek) comes out, suddenly Brooke is going to be the villain and Charlie becomes the saint?
    Did an assload of money change hands, to where suddenly she's straight to rehab from ICU, so Charlie's rep is way less tarnished?
    I know that whatever happened or didn't that started this mess, somehow Charlie is going to come out smelling like a rose and Brooke is going to become another Denise. (Not that I'm a fan of Denise, I'm just using her to cite an example)

  4. I had all four of mine out in one go too and I never got a dry socket. You have to be dilligent about that stuff, .robert, otherwise you'll end up in rehab for it.

  5. TMZ is reporting she's not in rehab but is convalescing in NC. What the hell does that mean? THey don't have "convalescing" in Aspen or LA?

  6. They are one f'd up family and it's not just Charlie who's the ass in all this. In this case I'm going with - it's a two way street and they both are asses who seemingly have forgotten the fact that 2 little babies future is at stake here.

  7. Go directly to rehab, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

    Yeah, when I got my wisdom teeth pulled, I was just loopy for four days from all the codeine. And that was after I accidentally took eight in one day, vomited them up, and pulled all the stitches in my mouth.

    Sorry, that was only slightly on topic.

  8. Well, everyone knows Charlie Sheen is not sane person, but i am starting to think that he is attracted to even insane women.

    I remember him saying that she was the one, that he finally had found love with her...and she seemed placid, even tried to be friends with Denise, lots of pic, smiles etc

    And then, after the twins were born, she vanished. She probably resorted to hard drugs right after birth, and Charlie, not being completely normal, didnt dealt as an adult. Probably back to the whores....and the whole Xmas thing, sound pretty much that she was fucked up and he reacted to this like just Charlie Sheen would react. Instead a long talk and intervention, a nice knife pulling...

    And what i REALLY thing is happenning right now, and that is why she and her family are trying to make that go away without making Charlie looking like the bad guy is fear of losing custody of the children to him (and all that comes with custody), in face of hard drug use evidence of her part.....

  9. i don't think her babies have anything to do with it. i think someone else probably cares for them most of the time since she's clearly in no shape to do so, and probably hasn't been for awhile.

    her blood alcohol was very high on christmas MORNING. this chick's a serious drinker.

    alcoholics ARE prone to very severe pneumonia. i don't doubt she had it but it could very well be a byproduct of her heavy drinking.

  10. Well, she sure has the nostrils for some heavy-duty sniffage.

  11. As much as I would like to sympathize with Brooke, she knew what she was getting into by marrying a royal douchebag like Charlie Sheen. You would have to be on drugs to think he would be great father material.

    And as much as I do not like batshit-insane Denise Richards, she was spot on when she called Sheen out for the sleazy piece of shit he is. I just hope Brooke doesn't become Denise 2.0.

  12. Maybe she's going to rehab to really get help and turn her life around?

    I feel really bad for all the children involved in this.

    Parents acting like teens gone wild really annoy me.

    Hopefully, the Sheens will get it together.

  13. Remember the good, old days (before the days of rehab) when celebs went into the hospital suffering with "exhaustion"? That was so much funnier than this. You never heard about plumbers or lawyers or teachers going into the hospital for "exhaustion".

  14. Don't forget the good ol' "dehydration" excuse! "She was so dehydrated that she required several days of hospitalization." Uh huh. Just like "I got so thin because I was just working hard and forgot to eat." yyyyyeah.

  15. Isn't her rumoured drug of choice meht? And doesn't that lead to pneumonia, or is that only if you're cooking? I'm too lazy to google it out today.

  16. Anonymous10:32 AM

    It's possible to have pneumonia and not be contagious. But I doubt Brooke is doing that much holding and loving and spending time with and interacting with her babies anyway.

    When the dentist pulled my wisdom teeth he cracked my jaw AND I got a dry socket, and was never even offered rehab, which I would have welcomed at that point. Life isn't fair. :(

  17. My question continues to be: how in the hell do these (so-called) "celebrity" addicts stay looking so good? I mean, she's like an ad for the benefits of meth.

  18. When I had all four wisdom teeth out at once, a scalpel and a hammer and chisel were involved (no kidding)--those suckers were embedded. I blew up like a chipmunk and all I got was ibuprofen. :-(

  19. very interesting questions, enty. this story didn't interest me that much until i read this morning she took a train to rehab. i'm wondering if she is trying to get everything in order to take the kids and divorce charlie?

  20. I'm suspecting that Charlie's camp is behind all these rumours. Maybe he sent her off to a spa weekend and then had someone start rumours about her being in rehab?He might have, for all we know.

    I'm even beginning to think insane thoughts like maybe Denise Richards isn't batshit crazy and never actually was a prostitute. Did anyone else see her on Oprah yesterday? She sure didn't want to spill the beans on Charlie.

    Charlie Sheen sure seems to be a ruthless, disturbed and powerful man.

  21. I had a feeling she was on some serious drugs. Charlie's no angel, but I also wonder about that "pneumonia" and her apparent trip to a "spa" reeks of rehab to me.
    Those poor kids.

  22. now they say she's NOT in rehab. galanter says she's someplace to rest. and she FLEW there on a private jet, i'm reading now.

    of course, he's a liar...i mean LAWYER.

  23. :::waves::: at Reese's evil bad twin.

  24. I emailed Ted C about this in that there are two sides to every story, and the Truth! I knew that there was more than this whole situation, and I know Charlie, believe it or not, DOESN'T TELL ANY SECRETS. Sounds like he has been holding one all along with his marriage.

    He's no innocent here, but it does sound like it has taken to to Tango this trouble.

  25. Just read on TMZ, that>

    Charlie Sheen's wife, Brooke Mueller, is at a rehab facility but isn't in rehab, according to her lawyer.

    How that works??For real??

  26. this makes me so livid it's hard to comment. here's she's blessed w/ those precious babies and THIS is the type of mother she is?


  27. I don't trust this chick. When I read that she blew a .14 at 6am Christmas morning.. I knew she played a big part in this.

    And, I never bought the whole pneumonia crap...from going to the dentist.. Ugg.. Give me a break..

    @*Girl - I (unfortunately) had a little bit of a Meth addiction in the late 90's to the early 2000's and I never got pneumonia, and none of my "friends" did either. I'm not sure about that...But it wouldn't surprise me if she was on the hard stuff.

  28. Radar says her drug of choice is crack. The pic they have of her is not so flattering. Looks like she busted her snout.

  29. as far as i know, rehab facilites don't double as sanitariums for people recovering from pneumonia. LOL.

  30. I called this one .. she's crack addict drunk. She was at the hospital to detox, and it wasn't pretty. NO ONE schedules the removal of wisdom teeth just before such a monumentally important legal hearing to which you would fly. And, don't tell me the wisdom teeth just randomly flared up in a mid-30 y.o. Doesn't happen. Pneumonia, detox, whatever - she's a drunk and a crack / meth addict. Charlie is no saint; never has been, never will be. But, if this low of a loser took my kids to Aspen from CA and was sh*tfaced on their first Christmas first thing in the a.m., I might lose my cool, too. Not saying I'd pull a knife, but - know your audience! Especially if she's trying to say it happened before ... then why diminish your faculties and tell him you are divorcing on christmas?! Get to a safe place and let the lawyers do the talking. My guess is that the two tangoed - her being belligerant saying she'd take the kids; him being Charlie Sheen and saying no crack addicted drunk wh*re can take my kids / I'll leave you penniless. And, the talk of spas was about as smart as a box of rocks ... REHAB, REHAB, REHAB.

  31. I am pretty sure this has been said before, and can't believe I'm going to be the one to say it now but...

    Seriously someone might consider giving custody of those poor baby twins to someone who can handle it for a while. I am not sure what Brooke Mueller's family is like, or Charlie's (always loved Emilio, though)...but maybe DENISE would be a good, in-the-family support system, here.

    That sounds crazy, doesn't it. But at least her girls look within the normal range of happy and secure.

  32. @Tizzy, Charlie's parents (Martin Sheen and his wife--married forever) are really stable. Dunno how they birthed Charlie. ANYway, they've tried to get Charlie on the straight for years, and maybe they'd be good for raising the kids.

    On the other hand, who wants to start with raising infants at their age?

  33. 1. Whether or not you're contagious w/pneumonia depends on the kind you have. (Had pneumonia for Christmas 1986 after a nasty bout of flu--nothing like coughing up bits of blood on a Greyhound bus headed home for the holidays, eh? My roommates at the time were horrible, though, so I decided if I was that sick, I'd rather be home w/my parents. Good call...)

    2. Had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out at 18 because they were badly impacted; they knocked me out for the surgery, except about halfway through I "surfaced" just long enough to ask "What time is it?" "11 o'clock." "Ooooookay..." and back under I went. (It started at 10, which was why I was probably wondering.) I wasn't sure I'd done it, but my mother tells me that the oral surgeon came out afterwards with a puzzled expression and said "Does she have to go somewhere? She wanted to know what time it was!" 2 of the teeth came out in pieces, 2 whole, and I ended up w/an infection about 10 days later, in spite of being very careful, so it was super duper antibiotics after a VERY painful cleaning-out of the area. At least I didn't have a bad reaction to the nitrous like a friend of mine did, though; she started hallucinating and thought she was in hell ("worse than anything Dante ever dreamed of" she said) and apparently tried to beat up the oral surgeon (same doc I had). When she came to, she found herself bodily strapped into the seat, and the front of the doctor's coat covered in blood--to this day, she's not sure if it was his or hers, but at any rate she had a most unremarkable recovery.

    3. Oh, and for God's sake give those kids to Martin or Emilio or SOMEBODY with some sense, OK?

  34. i've never been sure that charlie is that big of a shitheel. i think he's made some really bad choices, but i'm not quite sure why the blame is always on him.
    yeah, go ahead, blast away, but the guy shows up for work. i have no hate for his show or movies, but i don't make time out for them.
    it's possible the worst thing i might say about him is that he's a little simple. at least about women. at least he played with hookers instead of knocking up 20 sweet young thangs, right?
    sorry. it's just that i don't find this story surprising.

  35. I had all my wisdom teeth out at once, and the worst thing to happen to me was that the dentist kept hitting a nerve, so the novacaine did not do me a lot of good. Oh and I threw up from taking the codeine after. For some reason, I always get sick when I take codeine for more than a day, so I guess I'll never get addicted to it.
    I was kind of believing the pneumonia story, because I know you can get a lot of germs from being around kids; and a lot of my friends have had pneumonia this past year, so it seems to be going around. But her going to rehab does make things seem fishy.

  36. @ Robin the Mad Photo - funny stories -

    When I had my three (never had a fourth grow in) wisdom teeth out, I went in the hospital, had general anesthesia, and after going back to my room, had crazy hallucinations. I still remember seeing big green caterpillars crawling up the walls, and my bf at the time said I was talking to invisible people. Weird!

  37. I had SIX wisdom teeth, all impacted, and all taken out at once. Thank God I chose to be put under! I didn't have a bad time with recovery, I just had a bruise on one side of my face and a little swelling, but it was freaky to have two extra teeth!

    I don't doubt that some 30-something people still have their wisdom teeth...I knew someone who had three and they looked like normal teeth, just farther back, but he got them removed in his late 20's because they were rotting, and he did have to go in as an emergency, so it CAN happen, but I really that's the case here. This woman seems to have serious, SERIOUS problems with some substance, and I hope she gets it together for the sake of her kids if nothing else.

  38. Pneumonia is not necessarily contagious. Actually in a healthy person, it is unlikely to just "catch" pneumonia. Most of the time a person her age, it would either be complications of a cold, or if she maybe had AIDS or she could fallen into a drunken stupor, threw up in her mouth, inhaled that and then got aspiration pneumonia. Actually that sounds plausible. That's the story I'd bet on.

  39. She got pneumonia because of the alcohol habit. I respect her mother for saying it's for all sorts of other reasons because that's what a mother should do, but it's because of the booze and maybe drugs too. And, I think she might be trying to put off the court case because the story about the attack is a little off - there were other people in the house, why didn't she call them for help instead of dialling 911? I bet she didn't think they would check her blood alcohol. The Aspen DA said at the beginning that he had charged people who made wrongful claims so she may be trying to get out of it all. Maybe she thinks if she puts it off long enough it'll go away, cos as a rich girl that's usually worked for her in the past, but this one can't be fixed. She's jealous of Charlie's daughters, which is a sad state of affairs. Daddy issues, anyone?

    I know Charlie did that sort of thing a long time ago, but even Denise doesn't claim he hit her. Two addicts in a marriage isn't a good idea and it sounds like he's the caretaker in the relationship. All very sad for their families and those little boys.
