Wednesday, January 27, 2010

NY Post Blind Items

Which A-list married actor got overexcited filming a love scene with a much younger starlet? The director was forced to pull the actor aside and order him to calm himself down after he made the young actress "extremely uncomfortable" .

WHICH magazine columnist invited mostly billionaires to her birthday party, and after they'd left, opened the gifts and commented on how cheap they were?


  1. I hate to say this, but Ben Affleck? Blake Lively being the young actress?

  2. Ben Affleck and Blake Lively #1.
    No clue #2.

  3. Darn! beat me to it.

  4. #2 Martha Stewart

  5. Anonymous9:33 AM

    1 - Wimpy Affleck
    2 - Opa??

  6. Affleck is the Director in the Lively movie.

  7. since it's a magazine columnist, i'm going with ann coulter for #2.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. forgot to add, coulter's birthday was in december.

  10. Can't be the Affleck, he is directing the movie 'The Town' that they are both in...

  11. Aside from Affleck being the director of the movie, he isn't old enough to fit the tone of the description. If the female costar is a "much younger" actress, I'm picturing the older actor as being 50+ years old. Sean Penn, maybe? Is he still technically married?

  12. someone really pulled a boner

  13. Am I naive because I think the first blind could happen on any set to anyone. LOL.

  14. Jon Hamm. He's married, A-list. The younger starlet could be Rebbecca Hall (from Vicki Cristina Barcelona) or Blake Lively.

  15. Nic Cage just filmed something that co-starred a girl who is in her 20s.

    i dunno if there was a love scene but he seems like a bit of a letch.

  16. #1 - ewww, though i would think that problem probably happens all the time on sets.

    #2 - well they didn't become billionaires by blowing their money on extravagant gifts for their acquaintances!

  17. #1 Nic Cage and Claire Foy, Season of the Witch.

    #2 Ann Coulter

  18. 1# Mark Wahlberg and Leighton Meester in "date night"

  19. Oooh, Pomme, I like that guess.

    Ann Coulter for number 2. TOTALLY.

  20. I like the Nic Cage guess. Mark Wahlburg is neither old nor gross, but Nic Cage rubbing up against me would give me nightmares for months.

  21. @L: LOL on Nic Cage(i hate his hair)

  22. I'd get excited doing a sex scene with Blake Lively too.

    She's pretty hot.

  23. Even though I love love love him, I was thinking Liev Schreiber and Scarlett Johannson (or however you spell her name). They are doing some play in NY

  24. I'll never forget a Rolling Stone interview w/Demi Moore back in the '90s (when her version of The Scarlet Letter came out...), in which she was asked if her co-stars ever became, ahem, aroused while shooting love scenes. The answer? Sometimes yes, sometimes no, and she didn't take it personally either way, because it's such an odd situation and because they can't entirely help their reaction either way. Makes sense to me...
