Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Kevin Federline Depressed?

Kevin Federline is making the rounds doing publicity for Celebrity Fit Club. In one of his interviews with Access Hollywood he says the reason he got really fat was that he was depressed. Really? I understand clinical depression is a serious thing, but he never really appeared to be depressed to me. Lets talk about what he had to be depressed about. Four healthy kids. Umm, didn't have to work because Britney paid all his bills, the kids bills and he could earn extra money by babysitting. Oh, and he had the huge settlement. Time for golfing? Oh he had that. Girlfriend? He had that too. Travel the world? He had that. I think the reason he was fat was he is a lazy doesn't have to do anything except play golf, eat, smoke cigarettes and pot all day. How is that depression? He says the divorce caused him to be depressed. Really? Now if he said he was depressed because he felt like less of a man for living off Britney and not getting a rel job then I would believe him. Oh, or if he said he was depressed because he realized he was the worst musician that ever lived. I would believe him. I don't buy the rest of it though.


  1. if you'd released popozao you'd be depressed too.

  2. Clinical depression (or major depressive episodes) have nothing at all to do with what you have. It can often be a chemical imbalance. I was in an apparently loving marriage, had 3 wonderful children and I was still very, very depressed and to have someone say "what do you have to be depressed about?" doesn't help at all. Not only that but living off of Britney probably fed into his feelings of worthlessness. I didn't get better until I went on meds but a good therapist can help too. Rant over. Thanks for bearing with me.

  3. I couldn't agree more, JB.

  4. Pookie, I was going to say the same thing! *L*

    And yeah, depression doesn't really need a reason, does it? It can be a helluva crutch though. I speak from experience.

  5. Agreed! It seems a little ignorant to say this can't be true because of "all that he has."

  6. Also agreed with JB. Depression is horribly insidious.

  7. I think he gained the weight so that he could go on Celebrity Fit Club to lose it. He's depressed because he's not in the spotlight anymore.

  8. Anonymous11:33 AM

    like the others, totally agree with JB

  9. :( i like to make fun of k-fed just as much as the next person, but i think the attitude you've taken in your post is the reason a lot of people who are depressed don't get the help they need.

  10. Amen, Jingle Belle.

    Enty, if you'd ever experienced clinical depression, you wouldn't be taking this so lightly.

  11. if you have ever been to fresno, let alone lived there, you'd be depressed too.

  12. Just so we're all clear, I love Enty and I love making fun of KFed. It's just that depression is a much maligned disease. :)

  13. and yes, i've been there, lived in the central valley, and been extremely depressed, so i would know.

  14. If I were as appallingly lazy with my grammar and spelling as Enty I'd be even more depressed than K Fed.
    I mean, seriously, if you're still trying to maintain the fiction that you're some sort of lawyer you MIGHT want to take the time to proofread. Just a thought!

  15. Bullshit. It's all that pot smoking that made you fat, FedX.

  16. It's all the cakes and pies that made him fat, Sporky, not the pot.

  17. Sue Ellen, yeah that's what a I meant...the pot smoke itself didn't do it, just the mega munchies. Speaking from personal experience here, btw.

  18. Note to Icecat if you read this re: see what I mean about WBotW?

  19. @kitty liter - I've only been robbed once and never been shot at, so I like Fresno. I'm going shopping at River Park on Tuesday. =]

  20. You can't always tell when a person is depressed. I have suffered from severe depression and friends kept saying, you can't be depressed you're always smiling. You can't tell who is suffering from depression or not.

  21. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I would suspect that lack of cocaine has something to do with it - isn't he supposed to undergo regular drug testing?

    WBotW - I have worked for lawyers for 40 years and many are atrocious spellers. The partner I currently work for sends me into fits of the giggles with her spelling (in her mind, "strategy" is spelled "stadgey" and no, it never occurred to her that the word might have an "r" in it). The associate I'm assigned to hands me documents she drafts and asks me to "grammerize" it for her. Attorneys don't have to spell well, they have secretaries.

    And depression CAN happen to anyone. I am currently dealing with it, not for myself, but for my grown son, who fell into a pit of depression so deep last summer that he was virtually immobile. He's been on meds and undergoing therapy for several months, but it's a long hard road, not helped by the fact that he can not find a job and support himself and has to rely on his elderly mother to pay his way. It's a horrid disease. I can well believe that KFed was depressed. Has to be hard to have your life fall apart in public.

  22. @ Syko

    Couldn't agree with you more, depression can happen to anyone.

  23. I really wonder if watching Brit Brit kinda triggered it. I imagine that her breakdown started before the marriage crumbled. That must have been hard. Now I am not the biggest Kfed fan, but he has been there for the boys when Britney couldn't. And he has had to make some tough calls regarding her visitation and other things.


    For all we know, she could have been ill for quite some time. And that has to be a very tough thing to watch someone go through.

    It's not like he can come out and say "I loved her, she went batshit crazy and I just couldn't be there anymore"..

    I hate to say it, but I am giving him the benefit of the doubt on this, but can totally see Enty's POV on this.

  24. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Syko sorry to hear about your son. I hope he will get better and hopefully things will get better for him.

  25. Fat people are depressed.

    The End.

  26. Thanks, JB, Ballyhoo, & Bella for saying all the things I was thinking while I read this.

  27. I wonder if WbotW criticizes their doctor for penmanship and then accuses them of not really being a doctor?

    It's not that I don't question Ent's true identity, I just think that is a flimsy reason to do so. I'd boo you in person for that one, for serious.

  28. Actually, I kind of resent this item. Depression has nothing to do with your situation in life. You can have everything in the world and be clinically depressed, just as you can have absolutely nothing and be deliriously happy.

  29. WBotW, Enty's explained this before. If he proofread his posts, he wouldn't have time to write as many as he does. I'd rather have more posts, myself.

  30. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Thank you, Sylvia, that's nice of you.

    I don't think depression has anything to do with weight, either.

  31. Thanks so much, friends, it's so great to read that you all respect what depression actually means.

    One of the stupider reasons I've been told I shouldn't be depressed b/c I "look so good 'for 38'". I would so much rather be wrinkled and not have had to fight this disease every day of my life. (I was a very depressed child, too.)

    After trying about 30 different meds in 20 years of therapy, I am finally taking something that seems to be working. Depression is not a trifle. It's like being stuck, wailing and panicking, in quicksand while the rest of the world goes by.
    It seems like maybe my life is beginning at 39. As bad as the disease is, though, I NEVER thought I would live this long.

    My heart goes out to everyone here who's been touched by this horrifying disease.

  32. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I know exactly what you are saying, Libby. I look at my son and emotionally, he is about 20, even though he's nearly twice that in physical years. He's been stuck a long time. I'm glad you have finally found medication that's helping, and hope you start to unfold and blossom soon.

  33. I came here to talk about depression, but saw that you guys made a great job. Enty, do some research about depression, sweetie.

  34. Well said Jingle Belle. Depression has NOTHING to do with the things in your life, it has everything to do with the things in your head. So few non-depressed people understand. Good life does not always = happy.

  35. It's nice to see such a sharing and supportive community here. You make me proud CDANers. I, too, must disagree with Enty, but it makes me feel good to see most people (ahem, WBotW) being so respectful in their disagreeing. I have my bouts with depression as well and I appear to have a lot. I know I'm lucky to have the life that I do but I also know that sometimes things in my brain misfire and I shouldn't be ashamed, just reach out to friends, family, my therapist, my dog, etc. for help. Hope KFed can do the same.

    Though Pookie, your comment made me LOL for real. HILARIOUS.

  36. oops, I meant: in life, I appear to have a lot. Roof over my head, car, job, friends and family, etc.

    Not to mention my ravishing good looks. HA!

  37. isn't it funny (not funny ha-ha, funny bizarre) how many of us cdaners have such close relationships with depression. i, too deal with it, am probably bi-polar, but the psychiatrists up here suck. i have a good shrink and gp, and we deal with it, because my ups aren't too bad.
    on topic, i used to hate kfed. but he DID step up to the plate, money or not. so i AM going to defend him.
    syko, i have a son who is DEFINITELY bi-polar, he sometimes scares me, and now he's a father. your son may have been experiencing this for many years, psychotic breaks can happen in the
    mid-thirties-mid forties. i hope things get better with your son. come find me on facebook, okay?

  38. What Syko said, esp. the part about lawyers having secretaries to spell/correct their grammar. ;-) (In all fairness, the attorneys I work for are a pretty bright bunch. College professors, on the other hand...well, one in particular...*shudder*)

    Count me in as another of the "fighting depression every damn day" contingent, who knows just how much it can suck. I'm not exactly a big K-Fed fan, but I can say that it doesn't matter how well your life seems to be going on the surface, and there are plenty of people with "no reason to be miserable" who are. I have no doubt he can be a complete ass; I also wouldn't be surprised to hear that he really was depressed. (One of the things they don't always tell you just how bitchy you can get; even if you don't go off on people, there's still that undercurrent of "grrrrrrrr...." to be kept under control.) And no, being fat doesn't automatically mean being depressed, although it sure as hell doesn't help if you're the kind of person who eats when you're in a funk (like me, although if I'm REALLY upset, I can't eat, which is a Very Bad Sign) or sleeps a lot (as opposed to those depressives who can't sleep and/or eat; it varies a lot in individuals). There are definitely aspects of being fat, particularly in this culture, that certainly don't help depression, but I'll spare you all the big size-acceptance lecture...for now. *evil smile*

    In short, depression is a big old nasty tangle of psychological and physical causes, so yes, K-Fed could indeed have been clinically depressed, and yes, seeing Britney's downward spiral no doubt didn't help; living with anyone whom you care about to any degree and dealing with then while they're spinning out of control probably didn't help. Be careful what you wish before, because you just might get it?...

  39. Count me in as another person who has dealt with depression and supports K-Fed on this. I would imagine seeing Britney spiraling out of control, always trying to protect and constantly worrying about their boys, and trying to keep a stable home for the kids could contribute to his depression. And who knows, maybe he does feel a sense of inadequancy about not being a big breadwinner for his family. We don't know what goes on in his mind.

  40. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Someone needs to do more homework on the MANY TYPES of depression!!!!

  41. If you're struggling with depression &/or weight issues, I HIGHLY recommend the book "The Chemistry of Joy," by Henry Emmons. Food can have a huge effect on your brain chemistry, either negative or positive.

    Robin, I once worked with a college professor who needed my help figuring out how to mail a letter. My theory is that they store so much academic knowledge in their heads that there's no room left for common sense.

  42. I have suffered from clinical depression for most of my life (and a therapist I once saw told me that I would have to take meds for the rest of my life because I had basically used up my well of serotonin) and have also dealt with various additions. I have gone through periods with no health insurance and without the means to pay for meds and counseling. What bugs me about Kfed is that he must have all available resources and doesn't tap them.

    I'm sure that if I'm wrong about that someone will set me straight.

  43. I'd boo you in person for that one, for serious.
    HILARIOUS Sue Ellen!

  44. @ jax - I hope you are joking???

  45. Mango, get that book I mentioned. There ARE ways to rebuild your serotonin levels! :)

  46. @ Mooshki - that book looks interesting. I'm going to check to see if my local library has it.

    Also - your comments re: the college professor are right on! I work with several, and while they are brilliant in their own fields, some of them can't seem to tie their own shoes. There is one school of thought that many academics have a slight degree of Asperger's syndrome, and may be a bit autistic. (See Sheldon, of "Big Bang Theory".) After working with academics for 10 years, I think it's entirely possible.

  47. Sorry. I just cannot muster the courage to feel sorry for him.

    I agree with Enty. And @ Nosey Parker i heard the same thing about the weight gain.
