Friday, January 15, 2010

Susan Boyle Sings To A Mop In the Airport

Prior to her flight to Chicago where she will appear on Oprah, Susan was waiting in the VIP lounge in London Heathrow airport. Well, while there she took a mop from a cleaning person and started singing into it. Not a big deal and I think it is kind of charming. A private performance from Susan Boyle would be great. Well, then she decided to stop singing and started using the mop as it was intended. Unfortunately she decided to not clean the floor but rather the shoes of her fellow passengers. At the same time she started singing louder and throwing in f bombs from time to time also.

Well, the passengers complained to British Airways who tried to calm her down. Instead she ran out of the terminal yelling, "I've escaped. I've escaped." Finally a British Airways official calmed her down and sat with her until her flight boarded.

For their part, British Airways would only say, "A customer in the BA lounge on Tuesday was asked to temper their behavior as it was becoming disruptive."


  1. Ugh...sounds like the poor lady is cracking up. It's gotta be incredibly difficult to have fame thrust upon you at that age, when all your routines are hard-coded.

  2. Poor SuBo. She will need a padded room before long.

  3. Revenge of the Crazy Cat Ladies!


  4. I really feel for Susan and agree with Kristen S that she has become really famous too fast. I can't imagine how I would behave if that happened to me. I need quiet and calm and my personal space, something she doesn't seem to be getting.

  5. sounds like someone enjoyed the pre-flight cocktails!

  6. Bless her heart. She's not equipped to handle being a celebrity.

  7. I hope she has someone or people close to her, that she could trust, for support and to help her navigate this sudden fame. She should really have a support network.

  8. see crazy can be funny! you know the women is certified but she is as happy as can be. love it.

  9. Lol - what a kook. I hope it's all in good fun for her.

  10. Tila Tequila must have shared her goodies with Susan.

    It's quite sad. Susan needs help.

  11. I've been to that lounge. It's really nice, she should have focused on the pastries.

  12. poor lady...i hope she travels w/ a psychiatrist or would be the responsible thing to do..especially if she's locked into touring. she obvs can't handle it. god bless her.

  13. Susan is obviously ill, can she sing? Yeah, but she had an abusive life, has mental and learning disabilities which are severe. This music career isn't going to work out, why are they doing it to her, let her record and sell those - but stop the tours and interviews it's cruel and it could do far more damage to her, this is all about money - for other people who are using her even if it's wrong.

    I'd have been pissed if someone was destroying my shoes with a filthy mop during my wait for a plane. Pretty soon it's going to be something worse, much worse.She needs to stay in her village and be happy.

  14. Oh man, this is really sad.

    I thought it had been agreed awhile back that Susan can handle a recording studio, but not public performances or appearances, period.

    I suspect there are handlers involved who cannot resist the opportunity to make some buck$ off her, no matter how much she is hurt by it.

  15. I'm thinking that Susan has sold enough records now that she can live a comfortable life without singing publicly again. Obviously, the strain of stardom is too much for her as it would be for a lot of people. She has talent, everyone knows it, but maybe she needs to withdraw from the insanity of celebrity life and enjoy the success that she has already achieved.

    It's what I would do.

  16. what Momster said.

  17. ok lana's blog you made me laugh out loud - i am all for the pastries!

    and i think she needs a break - she is obviously not handling the pressure of her fame at all (which i can understand) - but she might miss being made to feel special and talented if it all goes away which may actually harm her even further - maybe they should just not burden her with so many appearances.

  18. Kaitx4:38 PM

    Wow, that's very sad. It really was too much and too quickly for her I suppose, and twisted that people around her seem to be focused on money instead

  19. Anonymous5:36 PM

    oh, lord. i kind of think she was like this before. she seems like she has the emotional state of an eight year old, seriously.

  20. @dragonlady - Thanks!

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  22. In all seriousness, I think Susan Boyle is 'slightly' retarded.

  23. This is what I posted at Susan's official website forum..a message to Susan!...but I thought others would like to see it, too! HI Susan!!! I love you and just want to say keep on being your beautiful self!!! I LOVE you for being YOU!!! Don’t let anyone try to change you!!! Don’t take nae cr*p from any fuddy duddy stick in the mud lemon sucking negative stuffy types out there!!! Keep on being that beautiful butterfly that won’t be hemmed in!!! (if the story is true about you being angry at a PA for this…) I would have done the same thing if I had a PA tell me I need to lose weight! I would have told them to “F” off, too!! Susan, don’t let them break you. Go at it! Girl!!! I love you just the way you are!!!! Don’t let them change you!!! (I have similar background as you..born with slight disability, too) We are not retards and we won’t put up with their condescending garbage!! ANd those fuddyduddies ...if they can’t tell that you was just having innocent fun with the mop, then they can go suck on lemons!

  24. SHE'S GOT ASPERGERS !!!!! They really need to lay off of thier expectations of her. She can't help it. LOVE HER

  25. My daughter has PDD-NOS, so I can't tell... LOVE YOU SUSAN, YOU SING TO MOPS AND WIPE FEET IF YOU WANT TO!!!!!
