Friday, January 15, 2010

Kelis Takes A Shot At PETA

Apparently Kelis received a letter from PETA the other day about Kelis' habit of wearing fur. Well, Kelis decided to not stay quiet and fired off this missive back to PETA. Well, maybe it was to them and maybe she just posted it on her site. Same thing really. Whether you agree with Kelis about her fur stance she is pretty funny. She also needs spell check as much as me. Oh, and when I think of high fashion, Kelis is not the first name that pops in my head. What I like about the letter is although she disagrees with PETA she doesn't do it in an angry way. She lays out the reasons she thinks she is right and what people should be focused on other than fur. PETA supporters would argue they believe the same things Kelis does but have different priorities of important things in their lives. Both are valid. I wish all people could argue like this.

Good morning all!

Ok, so you’re gonna love this. The other day I got a personalized letter from PETA! Lol so after some thought I've decided to write one back. Goes a little something like this:

There is no humane way to kill anything, let me start there. It’s unfortunate but it’s part of life. With that being said, I would eat pterodactyl if you found some and you told me it was meaty and delicious. And after doing a very minimal amount of research....... I found out that the founder Ingrid Newkirk is completely batty. I had a feeling but she far exceeded my expectations. I mean certifiably insane! Lol this chicks will is nuts, google it – it’s a riot! Beyond the fact that I think she's a diabetic, which means she needs insulin, which is taken from lab pigs (I know this because my sister happens to be in veterinary school), which would be completely hypocritical. It’s like don't abuse animals unless it can help me.

I feel very strongly about a lot of things such as the sweatshops that spin cotton and the blood on their hands. Btw it’s not just the look of fur. It’s warm as hell and feels glorious, ever rubbed faux fur on your body? Nothing luxurious about that. Then the letter proceeded to name artist and designers who don't wear real fur. Great! More for me! I don't judge them, don't judge me.

If I started wearing endangered animals like polar bear or orangutan then talk to me. (Which btw for the record I would not - I do believe in the preservation of endangered species) But the minks and chinchilla that quite honestly are rodents and if weren't in the form of a coat I would demand they be put to death anyway are not an issue to me.

The death of high fashion. Ugh.

I eat meat, and in fact my mouth salivates as I type the word meat! And the paint throwing that's just ridiculous! What if I was hurling Loubitons and Pierre Hardy's at every sad poorly dressed person on the street? As right as I may be it’s just fanatical and crazy. And people have the right to feel as they please. What about art? Survival of the fittest. Natural selection? No let's just let all the rodents run free and over take our cities. Oh wait they have, NY and LA in particular are infested! Why don't u save them all from scavenging on the streets and ruining my evening strolls, take them home. Make them pets! Get off my back! Pun intended!

Underpaid minorities picking your vegetables, now that's fine for you right? Please, fight for their rights. How about the poverty in the communities of brown people around the world. She had the nerve to say (and I quote) "get over it" talking of the issue of black people and slavery in this country verses cows being slaughtered. Is she kidding me? Lol yes she must be. Actually, she's lucky most black people have real issues to worry about in the U.S and don't give a crap what her delusional privileged opinions are. But she should try saying that again just for kicks n giggles on the corner of Adam Clayton Powell Blvd in Harlem n see how well people "get over it" lol.

If u want to preach do it about something worthwhile don't waste my time trying to save the dang chipmunk.

Find a worthwhile cause like the women being maimed in these Middle Eastern countries. Or female circumcision. Or women's rights here in America, we still get paid less for doing the same jobs as men. Quite honestly if you hate the world so much go live in the forest where no one else has to hear you complain about the perfectly good food chain the good Lord created. Everyone has the right to an opinion, and that's mine on that! xoxo


  1. I will defend to the death your right to say what I totally disagree with regarding this matter. Just slightly disappointed at the cavalier attitude to an issue many take seriously. Thanks for this forum where we all can have our say.

  2. I now, officially, love Kelis.

  3. i gotta agree on most points there kelis. well said. while i care about animals,i'm not a fan of Peta.

  4. Yeah, Kelis!

    I'm with Jax. I love animals and care about their well-being, but I don't like the way PETA forces the idea on you.

  5. Jax is right, just like the humane society that takes your money but doesn't actually help any animals (they were sued post-Hurricane Katrina-look it up), Peta is run by hypocrites.

    For further reading try, this site:

    Oh and if you really care about animals donate your $$ to the ASPCA. They actually try to help the creatures the claim to be protecting. What a novel concept.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I will go naked before I wear a hide of an animal - but I love her rebuttle. She makes great points. (And I am no fan of Peta either.)

  8. Team PETA and Team ASPCA and Team all other organizations that help animals.
    Anti Team-Anyone that Wears Fur. For Kelis to say the killing of animals for meat (which I don't eat before Babs brings that up) is the same as killing animals for fur is outrageous.

  9. TopLevelExecutive12:14 PM


    After months of being POd at her re: the child support money-grubbing, Kelis reminded me why I fell in love with her 11 years ago. She's one of the most original fashionistas out there (since I find the current fashionistas to be contrived) and she's witty as hell.

    Bless her for telling PETA to kiss her black ass, for I wouldn't have said it better myself.

  10. PETA is a murderous organization, as Belle points out. You want to help anmals? There are so very many worthy organizations other than PETA.

    PETA is one of those organizations who have come to the point of existing to exist. They don't do anything of substance to help animals and every action they do is simply for PR. I used to give generously to the ACLU, but now I perceive they are in the same league as PETA, and I give my money now to The Inocence Project instead.

  11. That was Fabulous. Go Kelis.(Although I do think Chipmunks are pretty darn cute)

  12. Anonymous12:17 PM

    (This and the post above that was cut off are from RocketQueen - for some reason I can't get into Blogger):
    Team PETA and Team ASPCA and Team all other organizations that help animals.
    Anti Team-Anyone that Wears Fur. For Kelis to say the killing of animals for meat (which I don't eat before Babs brings that up) is the same as killing animals for fur is outrageous.
    I'm not exactly sure why people who hate that fur is fashionable means we hate the world or why caring consistently for animals means we don't give a shit about Haiti or women's rights, Kelis. Please explain that one to me.

  13. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Good for her!!! Happy someone put them in their places even if it was for a brief seconds. I don't agree with everything she says but she still has valid points.

    I do think that we put a little too much importance on animals when millions are dying of hunger and/or are working in sweatshop. The "pets" industry in North America is worth billions. People who spends over $300 for a doggy haircut/massage but wouldn't give $5 to their local shelters. That's just wrong.

  14. that was awesome!

    while i wish she wouldn't wear fur, and i'm totally boo hiss on anyone that does...go her.

    peta is full of crap. maybe once upon a time they stood for something, but i am a first-hand witness at their horrible tactics, tying up 911 ambulance/ems services (in a MUCH needed area of l.a.) at picket lines when then fake out being hit by police. vile, vile organization.

  15. I'm in love with Kelis. Two favorite lines:
    "What if I was hurling Loubitons and Pierre Hardy's at every sad poorly dressed person on the street?"
    "If u want to preach do it about something worthwhile don't waste my time trying to save the dang chipmunk."
    "Quite honestly if you hate the world so much go live in the forest where no one else has to hear you complain about the perfectly good food chain the good Lord created."

  16. "why people who hate that fur is fashionable means we hate the world or why caring consistently for animals means we don't give a shit about Haiti or women's rights, Kelis"

    She did exlpain it, quite clearly. She said PETA founder Newkirk said to "get over it" when asked about non-animal related issues. Quote: "She had the nerve to say (and I quote) "get over it" talking of the issue of black people and slavery in this country verses cows being slaughtered."

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I am IMPRESSED. Very nicely done, Kelis!

  19. This reminds me about the "What do you think?" Enty posted about the fact that people give more to charities for animals than charities for people.

    Here is the link:

    I think it's wrong that people would rather give their charity dollars to homeless animals than to children dying of cancer. To me, there's a clear distinction between humans and animals.

    I'm not an animal person in the least, though I don't have a completely black heart. I do love pugs and other cute little city dogs.

    Another thing -- why don't you ever see PETA or other animal charities throwing paint on people wearing leather? FAR more people wear leather than fur, from shoes to purses to briefcases. But you never hear anything about that.

  20. i still dont like her cocky ass...

  21. Love how Kelis made her point. While I don't wear fur, nor do I agree with people harming animals for kicks or to test cosmetics etc, the wearing of fur is not illegal. Throwing paint at someone is illegal, and how these organisations get away with that I do not know.

    I also agree that I would rescue my fellow human beings first over animals. If I could rescue the animals as well, great. I too believe that many people have become obsessed with animals to the detriment of rallying against atrocities committed against their fellow human beings i.e. child sexual abuse, human trafficking, child soldiers, lack of support for the mentally ill, to name just a few.

    Lastly, I think it is great we can have debate on these issues, on this site, whilst keeping it polite and intelligent.

  22. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Go Kelis!

  23. So much love for Kelis right now.

    I'm certainly pro when it comes to treating animals humanely but PETA rubs me the wrong way. I feel like the ways they send their messages are often really heavy-handed and smack of this holier-than-thou attitude, like you're an evil person if you've ever tasted a porkchop. Members of PETA seem to be really close minded when it comes to the opinions of others and, if they aren't going to have enough respect to listen to carnivores, why should meateaters give them the time of day?

  24. OMG I had no idea who Kelis was before this, but she's now my idol!!!

    Mmmmmm MEAT! It's what's for dinner.

  25. I agree, I never understood the need to protect rodents and vermins, endangered species, yes!

  26. Great letter.

    I'm a firm believer that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but no one has the right to impose those opinions on others, whether it's about religion, politics, the wearing of fur or eating meat.

    Life would be really boring if we all agreed on every topic.

  27. Ah, working again.
    I'm sorry, as a member of PETA myself, I take offense to those generalizing about PETA members. My bf and all my friends eat meat and I certainly don't think they're evil. I respect everyone's choice and would appreciate the same.
    For the record, I give a HUGE shit about what's going on in Haiti and other places in the world and know that most members also do.
    No matter what you think of PETA, the good it has done for animal welfare worldwide far outweighs the sometimes-crazy members. I certainly agree that sometimes they go too far, but I KNOW the work that they are doing and KNOW the cruelty that they have managed to halt.
    Can we stop generalizing now?

  28. Go Kelis! And Back Off judgy people! Unless you wear hemp, are a devout vegan, live in a grass hut & ride a bike everywhere......shut the fuck up!

  29. i had no beef (PUN!) with Peta until they pulled that vile stunt comparing the murder and beheading of that guy on the greyhound to butchering cows.
    they tried to get it in the local paper where his family lived.
    fuck them.

  30. Like I said, I'm with you on some of it, Jax.
    Is it me that should STFU, mygeorgie?

  31. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Just a little fact checking, a lot of insulin is produced by bacteria now using human DNA.

    And not all diabetics use insulin, but most are on medications that were tested on animals (a required phase of the FDA approval process).

    That said I'm glad someone finally stood up for themselves and didn't pander to PETA.

  32. PETA is the Paris Hilton of charitable organizations.

    Props to Kelis for calling them out. I'm not a fur-wearing person myself, but everyone has the right to choose for themselves.

  33. Team Kelis. She is full of awesome.

  34. rocket, i know this is a passion of yours. i would never suggest you did not care about other things,that's just wrong.

  35. Wow, @jax, I just read the link you gave.....that is horrible that they tried to capitalize on that tragedy. Shameless.
    And to clarify, I do love animals ,all of mine are rescues, and I donate regularly to my local SPCA. I just really enjoyed the tone of Kelis' letter, and I've never been a fan of most of Peta's tactics.

  36. Jessica1:04 PM

    I believe is OUR responsability to protect animals. Killing for meat is very different than killing for fashion purposes. As much as I hate it, people WILL continue to eat meat... is tradition, is easy, many don't have access to a vegan/wathever diet ( wich is expensive, at least where I live). So my only wish was that people respect animals enough so they wouldn't kill them on a whim. Fur IS cruel, nothing more.
    And go on streets throwing paint on everyone who uses leather ? C'mon.

    Life would be boring ? Sometimes people have to wake up ! This is a serious matter.

    And no, I'm not defending PETA, ( I don't even write correctly for that ) I've just read some sad things here.
    And sorry if I'm being rude,I'm not eloquent in english.

  37. I agree with PETA about wearing fur. I'm a bit hypocritical because while think it's wrong to wear fur when an animal is raised just for that purpose, I'm happy to eat meat and wear leather shoes.

    However I could never support the organisation as some of their publicity stunts have been downright offensice. It's not cool to treat women like pieces of meat while protesting about how animals are treated:

    Jax - I had no idea about the greyhound murder stunt - that's just sick.

  38. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Cheap deflection by Kelis. Concern for animals doesn't prevent anyone from also working on other social problems.

  39. Anonymous1:14 PM

    The comment Kelis made would have merit of the ap called rodents were being trapped in the cities and killed for fur however since they are bred for this purpose killing them does not help infestations. She is a moron.

  40. Rocket Queen,
    I'm right there with you, although I am not as eloquent. PETA can be a little crazy, but someone has to do it. I also am very concerned with many non-animal related issues, but I feel that I must speak for animals (who cannot speak for themselves.)

  41. I really like her letter. It's not some pointless rant, it's rather amusing and relevant. I don't wear fur, but I like meat.

  42. That was great and I am now a fan. I personally don't wear fur and don't want to, however, when people start skinning PETA extremists for warmth I will totally buy one.

    PETA lost all credibility with me when they did their no fur ad and in it was a picture of Oprah wearing a leather skirt. I mean, are they serious?

  43. Extremists want to take away our rights. Environmental extremists want us to live without fur, leather, meat, dairy products, air conditioning, personal automobiles, fresh produce if it wasn't grown locally, and more than one child per family, and that's just for starters. Maybe they're right, I don't know, but I don't like people telling me what to do. So screw 'em.

  44. @RocketQueen: "Judgy People" I said, not "Rocket Queen".

    I should be able to wear what I want, eat what I want & not worry about someone throwing shit at me or spitting on me. To each his own.

  45. let us not forget that peta also believes that animals should not be kept as pets.
    todays domestic and companion animals have been bred over decades to be such, and could never survive in the wild.
    and i love the letter!

  46. Anonymous2:08 PM


  47. "Cheap deflection by Kelis. Concern for animals doesn't prevent anyone from also working on other social problems."

    You rock, Anonymous, as does RocketQueen.

    Bionic Bunny, I can't count how many times I've heard that "PETA does not believe in people keeping pets" thing -- but it's Simply. Not. True. (I want to emphasize here that I'm not a member of the organization but that I sympathize with many of its goals.) Visit the organization's website to see what they have to say about companion animals:

  48. I hope she accidentally gets maimed by a rapid animal. Now that would be something I would cheer on!

  49. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I love her, love the letter, love her wit. I remember when PETA took to task the fur industry and the outcome of their highly successful campaign - the unseen human cost - nearly an entire industry was shutdown, placing entire villages and First Nations communities onto the welfare lines. I am responsible for one media outlet having a no fur policy on air, I was sent to cover a PETA protest, when I shoved my hand with a microphone through the crowd surrounding the PETA spokesperson, clearly for all to see, including the viewing audience was my beautiful hand beaded deerskin mitten with rabbit fur lining, loving made by my grand-aunt.

  50. I found nothing funny in that. But she's entitled to her views, I'm entitled to call her a f*cktard.

    I hate it when people compare eating meat to wearing fur (I don't eat meat but to each their own). I can appreciate that meat-eating is a natural/necessary thing (esp. in less 'developed' countries). Skinning animals alive for an ugly-ass product that, in the modern world, is completely unnecessary doesn't make sense, no matter how much ignorant snark you dress it up in.

    I'm not condoning Peta though, they're massive tools as well.

  51. I love animals, I hate PETA.

    GO KELIS!!!!

  52. If I could afford fur, I'd wear it. The temperature drops to extremes here and fur is so warm! Yes, I know there are many manmade fabrics that work also but do you really want to pollute the planet with chemicals when Mother Nature has provided?

  53. Put that lady in a Blackglama ad!

    (Does Blackglama still advertise? For that matter, does Blackglama still exist? I am an old.)

  54. Anonymous2:54 PM

    You have to be crazy to support those PETA fools. I wish more celebrities would call them out on their bullshit. They're effed up in a big way.

  55. Anonymous3:09 PM


    Perhaps you could tell us why you're a member of an organization whose funds go to TERRORISTS--aka the Animal Liberation Front. Remember kiddies, every dollar you spend on PETA helps fund the terrorists!

  56. Anonymous3:10 PM

    BTW love her letter (though I hate fur wearers) but seriously, "the death of high fashion"? What, 'cause you can't wear fur? Whatever.

  57. didnt read the comments yet... BUT I LOVE IT!

  58. Anonymous3:15 PM

    "If slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be vegetarian." - Paul McCartney

  59. Anonymous3:27 PM

    7 Things You Didn't Know About PETA

    1) According to government documents, PETA employees have killed more than 19,200 dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens since 1998. This behavior continues despite PETA’s moralizing about the “unethical” treatment of animals by farmers, scientists, restaurant owners, circuses, hunters, fishermen, zookeepers, and countless other Americans. PETA puts to death over 90 percent of the animals it accepts from members of the public who expect the group to make a reasonable attempt to find them adoptive homes. PETA holds absolutely no open-adoption shelter hours at its Norfolk, VA headquarters, choosing instead to spend part of its $32 million annual income on a contract with a crematory service to periodically empty hundreds of animal bodies from its large walk-in freezer.

    2) PETA president and co-founder Ingrid Newkirk has described her group’s overall goal as “total animal liberation.” This means the complete abolition of meat, milk, cheese, eggs, honey, zoos, aquariums, circuses, wool, leather, fur, silk, hunting, fishing, and pet ownership. In a 2003 profile of Newkirk in The New Yorker, author Michael Specter wrote that Newkirk has had at least one seeing-eye dog taken away from its blind owner. PETA is also against all medical research that requires the use of animals, including research aimed at curing AIDS and cancer.

    3) PETA has given tens of thousands of dollars to convicted arsonists and other violent criminals. This includes a 2001 donation of $1,500 to the North American Earth Liberation Front (ELF), an FBI-certified “domestic terrorist” group responsible for dozens of firebombs and death threats. During the 1990s, PETA paid $70,200 to Rodney Coronado, an Animal Liberation Front (ALF) serial arsonist convicted of burning down a Michigan State University research laboratory. In his sentencing memorandum, a federal prosecutor implicated PETA president Ingrid Newkirk in that crime. PETA vegetarian campaign coordinator Bruce Friedrich has also told an animal rights convention that “blowing stuff up and smashing windows” is “a great way to bring about animal liberation,” adding, “Hallelujah to the people who are willing to do it.”

  60. love the letter.
    i wear leather.
    i would wear fur if i could afford it.
    i love to eat meat.

    and now i love kelis. this letter to peta almost makes up for milkshake.

  61. Anonymous3:28 PM

    7 Things You Didn't Know About PETA; con't.

    4) PETA activists regularly target children as young as six years old with anti-meat and anti-milk propaganda, even waiting outside their schools to intercept them without notifying their parents. One piece of kid-targeted PETA literature tells small children: “Your Mommy Kills Animals!” PETA brags that its messages reach over 1.2 million minor children, including 30,000 kids between the ages of 6 and 12, all contacted by e-mail without parental supervision. One PETA vice president told the Fox News Channel’s audience: “Our campaigns are always geared towards children, and they always will be.”

    5) PETA’s president has said that “even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we would be against it.” And PETA has repeatedly attacked research foundations like the March of Dimes, the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and the American Cancer Society, solely because they support animal-based research aimed at curing life-threatening diseases and birth defects. And PETA helped to start and manage a quasi-medical front group, the misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, to attack medical research head-on.

    6) PETA has compared Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust to farm animals and Jesus Christ to pigs. PETA’s religious campaigns include a website that claims—despite ample evidence to the contrary—that Jesus Christ was a vegetarian. PETA holds protests at houses of worship, even suing one church that tried to protect its members from Sunday-morning harassment. Its billboards taunt Christians with the message that hogs “died for their sins.” PETA insists, contrary to centuries of rabbinical teaching, that the Jewish ritual of kosher slaughter shouldn’t be allowed. And its infamous “Holocaust on Your Plate” campaign crassly compared the Jewish victims of Nazi genocide to farm animals.

    7) PETA frequently looks the other way when its celebrity spokespersons don’t practice what it preaches. As gossip bloggers and Hollywood journalists have noted, Pamela Anderson’s Dodge Viper (auctioned to benefit PETA) had a “luxurious leather interior”; Jenna Jameson was photographed fishing, slurping oysters, and wearing a leather jacket just weeks after launching an anti-leather campaign for PETA; Morrissey got an official “okay” from PETA after eating at a steakhouse; Dita von Teese has written about her love of furs and foie gras; Steve-O built a career out of abusing small animals on film; the officially “anti-fur” Eva Mendes often wears fur anyway; and Charlize Theron’s celebrated October 2007 Vogue cover shoot featured several suede garments. In 2008, “Baby Phat” designer Kimora Lee Simmons became a PETA spokesmodel despite working with fur and leather, after making a $20,000 donation to the animal rights group.

  62. I'm pro-people, pro-animals, pro-plants. It just seems to me that once you hold the conviction that one living thing is superior to another or has a greater right to live than another - well that's where discrimination and judgment starts, from there that attitude, that mind set, that sense of entitlement pretty much allows you to treat someone or something inhumanely and potentially lead others to do the same.

    I did enjoy reading Kelis' statement, she made some great points and seemed to speak from the heart, which I respect.

  63. When mother dies, I hope I get the furs. I will wear them proudly.

  64. love it and agree with all of it

  65. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Great letter Kelis! Never been a fan but am one after this. PETA can go die.

  66. Never realized what a hypocritical organization PETA is. Hypothetically speaking, if they throw paint on people wearing animal skins, I suppose it's OK to throw paint on their cars if you belong to an organization that doesn't promote the burning of fossil fuels?

  67. i really don't like fur - the feel, the look or the thought of it - i believe everyone looks bad in a fur coat.

    but the letter is well written and a humorous light rebuttal which makes a few good points without being preachy or rude.

    my problem with peta is that most of their campaigns objectify women - it seems like they need women to be naked to make a point - i am not sure why as i dont think this gets across an animal rights or welfare message - its just a bunch of "naked chicks" again.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. I think Kelis' point - she has a list of priorities that she focuses on in the world.

    Coats from rodents that she wears isn't one of them.

    Pretty clear.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Kaitx4:35 PM

    I agree with most of what she says, and I've always had a real problem with PETA. Their tactics border on extremism, in my opinion. I'm against cruelty to animals, and make donations to animal cruelty charities. But I will always, always wear my grannys fur coat with pride, and if anyone dared to come near me with paint, they'd be facing a lawsuit!

  72. Can't agree with Kelis here, whether or not PETA's founder is off her rocker. They're totally right about wearing fur, though I don't approve of personal attacks against those who do.

  73. Adventurous Kate... Because little old ladies wear fun and Hells Angels wear leather?

    (I know it's a gross oversimplification, but it's still a valid point--Peta's so riled up about fur, but not about leather).

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. With regard to her comment about minks and chinchilla's being rodents "who not in the form of a coat she would demand to be put to death anyway." As someone who has actually been to a functioning mink farm (my friend's dad was a farmer when we were kids and we went along with him on a run one day and he had shady business with them - what business I have no idea and honestly would be scared to know - but what I saw at 12 years old was enough to convince me that NO living creature deserves to die in this way. They kept them in floor to ceiling cages for days without water, food or light, stuffed to capacity before throwing them into a gas drugging chamber and while they are drugged (but not fully dead), they hung them on a clothespin type of deal on a conveyor belt, where they rotated the animals and workers skinned them alive. Once the pelts were off the body, they threw 100's of carcasses into dumpsters out back. This was in rural England - the locals were up in arms because of the smell of rotting flesh.

    I'm not on board with PETA or their tactics but I also can't high five Kelis for her response. Sure, take on Ingrid Newkirk and her hypocrisy but that particular statement kinda disturbed me a little.

  76. I love animals, but like most of you, I'm no fan of PETA either.

    My mom has a fur coat, which my dad bought her back in the days when fur wasn't an issue. If someone threw paint on it and scared the shit out of her to make their point, I'd get right in their face.

    I'll participate in an intelligent, informed discussion about fur. Extremist tactics just get me pissed off.

  77. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Anonymous@3:15 said:

    "If slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be vegetarian." - Paul McCartney


    I go by the 15-second rule when my food falls to the ground.

    And, my dad would go to cock fights and bring home the losing birds for us to eat. Saved on grocery $.

    So slaughterhouses actually butchering their meat in unsanitary conditions don't faze me. Meat is delicious.

    Yay, Kelis! You've done more to expose the hypocrisy and douchebaggery of PETA than any of their vapid, celebrity spokeswhores.

  78. I barely know who this person is, but my hat is off to her - it's about time somebody stood up to these nimrods.
    If you want a good look at PETA, go to youtube & look up Penn & Teller's Bullshit! show about PETA - how anyone can take them seriously is beyond me.

  79. I heart Kelis FOREVER!!!! She's one witty dame!

  80. I completely disagree and don't consider this to be a witty rebuttal at all. I think its steeped in ignorance and she is using the ridiculous tactics of PETA to support her belief that wearing fur is perfectly legitimate and fine.

    Its a shame that PETA plays hypocritical games just to bring attention to something that is VERY REAL and needs to stop; i.e the continuous and brutal treatment animals who have no means of defending themselves. And for what purpose? To have something feel "luxurious on your skin"?? That seems to be a pretty pathetic reason.

    Also, as someone mentioned before, just because there are people out there that are passionate about animal causes that doesn't mean that they don't care about other causes as well(including giving aide and support to children with cancer). Having a heart big enough to care about one important issue would surely suggest that there is room to care about another one?

  81. Those arguments were retarded. PETA makes retarded arguments, but that certainly doesn't make her arguments smarter by default.

    Ok, she starts with an awesome ad-hominem. Fine. This then goes into her diabetes argument, which is wrong, considering that not all diabetes medicine is gathered from pigs, nor is it hypocritical, because getting insulin to keep you alive is nowhere ethically close to killing a hundred rodents for a fab coat. Kellis is calling her a hypocrite b/c she's diabetic!

    Then she goes on to say how synthetic fur won't do; "it’s warm as hell and feels glorious, ever rubbed faux fur on your body? Nothing luxurious about that." So it's ok to be cruel to animals for the aesthetic glory and luxury. She even admits to the cruelty when she say "there is no humane way to kill an anything."

    And then, this beauty [are mine]:
    "If I started wearing endangered animals like polar bear or orangutan then talk to me. (Which btw for the record I would not - I do believe in the preservation of endangered species) But the minks and chinchilla [both endangered and have had species go extinct for their fur] that quite honestly are rodents [Minks are not rodents] and if weren't in the form of a coat I would demand they be put to death anyway are not an issue to me [so you demand all wild foxes, minks, and chinchillas be culled?]."

    "No let's just let all the rodents run free and over take our cities [you're not wearing rats and mice, lady]. Oh wait they have, NY and LA in particular are infested! Why don't u save them all from scavenging on the streets and ruining my evening strolls, take them home. Make them pets [how did we get from "don't wear fur" to "why don't you take all the rats home!"]! Get off my back! Pun intended [What pun?] !"

    The rest is deflection. This was about as unintelligible an argument you can make, and it ridiculous o see people think this was something special because PETA SUCKS. They do. She's still a moron.

  82. I love when anyone stands up to PETA.

  83. She's certainly entitled to her opinion, and at least she's not throwing paint (or worse) on those that disagree with her. For the record, I eat meat but own no fur. I wear leather, and own leather whips. (Whoops. That might have been TMI.)

    PETA is scary.

  84. Not a fan of Peta. I find their ads offensive. But I also don't have a problem with people wearing or eating animals even if I've recently embarked on a Vegan diet.

  85. @Badfish - despite the hostility in your comment/shout-out to me, I would be more than pleased to explain to you why I support Peta, if you have the time. Feel free to contact me - my email is in my blogger profile.

    As you (and others here) may or may not be aware, when one is a member of an organization, one does not always have full control over the direction of that organization. Thus, as I described earlier, although I am sometimes disappointed by the tone and targets of their campaigns, I believe in the group overall and know first-hand the improvements they have made that many (if not all) of you would agree have been beneficial to animal welfare. I am more than happy to send on examples to anyone that asks.

    And for the record, I also support the ALF to a large degree - you call them terrorists, I say they liberate animals from horrible testing and research facilities and do so with the express aim of NOT HURTING anyone. They sometimes damage the facilities and equipment in the process - but I say fuck that. If you're going to torture animals for a living, you shouldn't be in business.

  86. @Badfish - despite the hostility in your comment/shout-out to me, I would be more than pleased to explain to you why I support Peta, if you have the time. Feel free to contact me - my email is in my blogger profile.

    As you (and others here) may or may not be aware, when one is a member of an organization, one does not always have full control over the direction of that organization. Thus, as I described earlier, although I am sometimes disappointed by the tone and targets of their campaigns, I believe in the group overall and know first-hand the improvements they have made that many (if not all) of you would agree have been beneficial to animal welfare. I am more than happy to send on examples to anyone that asks.

    And for the record, I also support the ALF to a large degree - you call them terrorists, I say they liberate animals from horrible testing and research facilities and do so with the express aim of NOT HURTING anyone. They sometimes damage the facilities and equipment in the process - but I say fuck that. If you're going to torture animals for a living, you shouldn't be in business.
