Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Today's Blind Items

I almost couldn't write this today. My eyes have been burned for all time. I stumbled on topless pictures of Donatella Versace. Ummm, imagine someone bright orange, emaciated with fake breasts. If you really want to see, then click here. Not only are the photos NSFW but really, don't blame me for your nightmares.

This married A list actress knows she is losing her popularity quickly. So, she has informed her managers to get her in the next Twilight movie. When they told her there were no parts for her, she said, "Well have them make up one or I will find new managers. Who wouldn't want me in their movie?"


  1. Thank god, I've only seen the picture with the band across her chest. And that was bad enough.


  2. I dont think alba is a list... maybe c+.

  3. OMG. That looks like a burned coconut bra on top of an empty leather satchel.

    Natalie Portmant? Time will tell, I guess.

  4. Julia! God she is annoying.

  5. Donatella always reminded me of Janice from the Muppets.

    I'm not clicking...I'm not clicking...

  6. "titty balls" is the only way to describe those things.

  7. Portman is not married.
    And that's not Donatella in the pictures.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I like the Juila Roberts guess.

  10. J-Ro sounds like a good guess. It also sounds like something Asslee would say, but dear God I hope she's not condsidered A list.

    I would say Donatella looks like a burn victim, but that would be an insult to burn victims.


  12. Anonymous2:22 PM

    DV looks like that chick in "Something about Mary". Ick.

    What about Nicole Kidman? married, a-list (for now), losing popularity quickly - box office poison. And she just changed representation this past week to the folks managing A. Jolie.

  13. This made me think of J-Lo.

  14. I was thinking Courtney Cox but I don't know why. I never can guess these things.

  15. Are you sure that's not a mummy?

  16. Oh - I was going to say Nicole Kidman, too!

  17. JLo for #2. Julia Roberts is fine with not being in the public eye, but JLo is desperate.

  18. Ok, despite being a gay man, I had to click. OMG - what's wrong with DV? She needs to stop tanning and start snacking!

  19. I have never felt this good about having some meat on my bones.

    Also, my money is on Kidman. The last three or four movies she was is were disasters, she needs to be in something good asap!

  20. I like Nicole Kidman too. Julia Roberts doesn't seem to care about whether she's making movies or popular or whatever.

  21. How about Buffy the Vampire Slayer heh

  22. Is J-Lo A list movies?

  23. I want this to be JLo because I hate her so and I can hear her saying this. That being said, Nicole K is a good guess too.

    I thought AJ didn't have managers, pr people, or agents?

    As for DV, eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww times 100.

  24. I think Nicole Kidman too. Has she had a successful movie in the last two years?

  25. Sad thing is, Donatella probably thinks she looks good.

  26. Anonymous2:48 PM

    here's the article i saw on NK signing with AJ's people - http://www.deadline.com/hollywood/nicole-signs-with-angelinas-manager/

  27. Julia Roberts is doing another movie with Tom Hanks, and she's part of the gigantic cast of "Valentine's Day."
    I agree with Kidman (and she has reason to be desperate!).

  28. Puke! She reminds me of that old lady Magda in There's Something About Mary. The bones in her chest next to the fake boobs - it just looks bizarre.

  29. Like Robert, wondering if J-Lo is A-list these days.

    Nicole K, maybe, but I was thinking Gwyneth & I'm surprised no one else has mentioned her. Just the oblivious "Who wouldn't want me..." sounds like her.

  30. Oops! Missed your comment Cali Girl. I guess great minds think alike!

  31. Ooooh, Gwyneth is a good one.

    Nicole too.

    My first thought was Julia though.

  32. goopy...yes, that is a very good guess.

  33. Anonymous2:59 PM


    It's either Kidman or HorseFace Julia.

  34. oh yeah, goopy is also a good fit!

  35. My money was on Nicole until Judith mentioned Gwyneth. Nicole seems to be just so slightly more self-aware than Gwyneth and her Goop.

  36. MY EYES! MY EYES!!! Dear God!!!!

  37. That isn't Donatella....btw.

    As for the blind...it can't be J-lo...she isn't A-list. Same goes for Alba.

  38. It's not Gwyneth. She has been working a lot less than she could since her kids were born. With the GOOP thing she makes her own schedule, and can maintain the illusion of happy, happy homemaking.

    This seems like Kidman to me. Maybe Enty's making it obvious with the 'changing managers' clue? This conversation could have happened last Fall, when all the Twi-Frenzy was so huge.

    I can't think of any movie Kidman has been in that has made money. Critically acclaimed, sometimes, but profitable? Somebody enlighten me, she has been B.O. Poison for so long.

  39. I like the goopy poopy guess, but being in the Iron Man movies probably satisfies her ego for now.
    First thought was Kidman. I am sure she thought the Golden Compass movie(s) would be sure bets, but since they seem to be dead, she must be getting desperate - esp since Nine sank before it sailed.

  40. Goopie has the Ironman franchise and will be in the next film. I don't know... in my world Ironman trumps Twilight, so I really don't think it's her.

    I like the JLo guess. She appears to be amazingly unself-aware. Just look at that horrible spangly leotard she wore on TV when she sang on New Year's Eve.

  41. I vote for Kidman. Even if Julia doesn't have current box office success, I would venture to say she's still popular.

    Are you sure that was Donatella or a projected picture of Lindsay Lohan in 10 years?:)

  42. i think its Julia..on the red carpet she made some cracks about Sandra Bullock and her success with movies Julia passed up. that drunk bitch was JEALOUS! JEALOUS, I say!
    not to mention she cam in dead last out of 4 actresses on Who'd You Rather on TMZ. i can totally see her reading it daily and losing a gasket.
    that one's got a lot of EGO.

    Gwyneth is so far up her own ass she probably thinks acting is beneath her now.

  43. It's Nicole Kidman. Karma bit her on the stiff upper lip. ;)

  44. Nicole Kidman - she just got new management in a flailing attempt to save her career.

    Better advice for Nicole: let yourself age a little more naturally and stop demanding roles written for 20-somethings. There's no shame in being over 40 unless you make it so - look at Meryl Streep! And she's 60, for crying out loud! Let yourself grow up and be proud of it.

  45. I agreed with the Julia guess at first, but she seems pretty cool and was out of the spotlight for a couple years having kids. She doesn't seem that desperate for fame, so I don't think it's her. Then I agreed with the Nicole Kidman guess, but when she picks a good movie, she actually can act (God I loved her in 'Dogville'), and can still get good parts. I just don't think it's her. It has to be someone vain and thinks their sh*t doesn't stink, but who is a one-trick pony as far as acting goes. Gwyneth for the win!

  46. Thanks for takin one for the team Enty. I can't see Kidman being interested in Twilight..wrong generation but Goopy, yep..sounds true to me.

  47. Yup Kidman they sure wouldn't have to blow much budget money on makeup to whiten up her non-vampire tan!

  48. Kidman was my first guess. I could see this being her. Plus she's so pale, she'd fit right in.

    I don't know who she could play, the cast is primarily teenaged. And no matter how much botox she injects, she won't look 18. I guess she could of had a shot at Esmee way back when the franchise started, but it's too late now.

    If only she'd let her face move again and stop with the lip injections, I'd bet money that her career would regenerate itself.

  49. Surely this isn't Meryl? Sandra Bullock is usurping all her 'J&J' awards buzz, the last movie didn't do so well and she's not getting any younger. And she's only getting buzz over offbeat roles of late ('J&J', 'Mamma Mia', etc.)

  50. I don't believe Kidman. Before she hired AJ's manager, she was managerless for quite some time.

  51. Julia will be in Eat Pray & Love - that should make bucks. I don't think its her. Sandra - no she' done well this year.

    Goopy is an excellent guess. Nicole too, but both would not fit in that movie.

  52. My gut reaction was J.Lo also. She loves being part of the teen "trends" and now she is past her prime she is a grasping at teen straws.

    Twilight would be a good vehicle to get her back on track. She has dumped and then rehired her managers before for not getting her the "roles" she wanted.

    I don't think her last CD did very well. Lord knows the one before that flopped.

  53. Nicole Kidman seems like a good guess due to her change in mgmt. & her lack of box office success in recent years. However, I am going with J-Lo cuz her so-called music comeback doesn't seem to be working out as she hoped. Also, her comments in that recent interview about getting (rightfully) dissed by the Academy tells me she lives in a world of delusion & would have that "don't they know who I am!" type of attitude.

  54. Oops - I missed the married part. I'll jump on the Julia Roberts train. Can't stand her.

  55. Tenisha, it IS Donatella Versace. Just google her name and see all the other pictures. Here's a full-body shot:


    She looks like she's 65, but the sad thing is she is only 53 years old, three years YOUNGER than Annie Potts:


    The sun and bad plastic surgery can age you so much!

  56. Also, I bet 5 bucks that over the next few months. Jennifer Lopez will start giving interviews talking about her Puerto Rican and newly found out AMERICAN INDIAN HERITAGE.

  57. @ CaliGirl: Thanks for the link to that deadline.com site. I've been on it for the last hour. Love it.

    But back on subject. I would like to think it's that drunk, arrogant Julie Roberts. As if the 300 camera shots of her sitting next to Sir Paul at the Golden Globes weren't enough, she had to announce at the podium that she was sitting next to him. Can't stand her, can you tell?

    And although I think Nicole's career's hit bottom, she doesn't seem the ballbusting type to make threats like that to her agent/manager. Who knows. However, with her pale skin and robotic demeanor, she'd make a fine vampire.

    But whoever this is, maybe the Twilight folks should promise they'll put her in the fifth movie just to shut her up.

  58. It's doubt it's Kidman. She just hired a new manager - Angelina Jolie's manager nonetheless.

    A desperate attention whore like J-Lo, THAT I could see. Although the blind would have called her "singer/actress" and at no point is she an A-list "actress" these days.

  59. It's doubt it's Kidman. She just hired a new manager - Angelina Jolie's manager nonetheless.

    A desperate attention whore like J-Lo, THAT I could see. Although the blind would have called her "singer/actress" and at no point is she an A-list "actress" these days.

  60. I'm wondering if Donatella wasn't a clue? She's friends with Gwyneth/Madonna. Kidman may be as well but I like the Gwyneth guess.

  61. Kate Beckinsale? Is she A-list? Her ex was in the last Twi movie, and her daughter is known to be a fan of the books.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. J Loe is not A-list.
    Roberts is NOT happy about being out of the spotlight. She didn't haul out her carcass for that Clive Owen vehicle unless she thought it would be a Thomas Crown Affair II.

  64. My 1st thought was Jennifer Garner but I think she's still pretty popular.

    That said, I'll jump on the J-Lo train.

  65. Sounds just like Kidman to me. Her career is tanking fast and she is stuck on her self enough to think any one would be honored to work with her. She would be perfect to play a corpse that was drained of blood. She always looks like she's dead anyway.

  66. this could be anyone!

  67. i wish winona ryder was a-list because i'd love to see her stumbling through a twilight film. she looks the part! also, as a twilight fan, the fourth book as parts for all ages. it would be great for an all star line-up (yes, i know i'm a very very sad person)

  68. I also don't believe those pics are Donatella - these look like the pics that were floating around a couple of months ago. Also, to me, the nose and lips are totally different - Donatella's nose is bulbous and her lips are huge. This woman looks totally different.


  70. My guess... Mrs. Tom Cruise, the one and only Katie Holmes.

    Maybe that's Donatella without the injections in her lips.

  71. cricket-funny, she has the pasty white part down.

  72. Anonymous6:04 PM

    No wonder Donatella's daughter has weight issues... look at her mother. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    What about Jennifer Connelly for the actress. It's random but it's been awhile since her Oscar win for A Beautiful Mind. After that Hulk and Blood Diamonds.... He's just not that into you...... not much happening for some time. And she is married.

  73. What about Sarah Jessica Parker?

  74. I just can't imagine it's Julia, in large part because I think she is pretty much beyond worrying about her career being hot or not; she is permanently A list. Julia is in that Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson (shudder!), and maybe Brad Pitt or George Clooney group that has achieved permanent movie star status. She was the pretty young thing in the late 80s and early 90s, has had several major box office scores, and has the best actress oscar. The kids still know who she is. She's not going anywhere, no many how many box office bombs she has. At this point in the game she seems to be picking her work based purely on directors or co-stars, not box office potential. Besides, if she really wanted tabloid-style popularity, she'd be hanging out at Robertson or Saks, rather than the organic coffee place in Abbot Kinney.

    I vote Gwyneth or Nicole.

  75. My first thought was ScarJo, too.

  76. Just throwing this out there....but could Eva Longoria-Parker be considered A-list? She used to be everywhere and her movies pretty much tank..but she is disappearing from covers and commercials.

  77. I agree that Julia Roberts is permanent a-list. It pains me to say it but, there it is. I just remember her being fabulous in Pretty Woman and Steel Magnolias. I try to forget her smug, drunk shenanigans now.

    Anywho, I'm liking the Scarlet Johnannsen guess. Shouldn't the actress in question be a bit young - like in her 20s for a Twilight role? I don't read/follow the films, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

    I wish this blind had a couple more clues. It's so vague.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. I really don't think it's ScarJo because as with Goopie she'll be starring in Iron Man 2. I think she plays the villain, no? Anyway, Iron Man is as A list a movie feature there is, and I still say it trumps Twilight any day.

  80. Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts and even JLO know how to sell themselves very well. I cant see any of them having any interest in being in a Twilight movie.
    I can see Megan Fox being young and inexperienced enough to want to grab that 15 minutes of fame back. Its almost the same audience and is doing for its stars what Transformers did for her.

  81. Whilst I agree Megan Fox is a good fit overall. It can't be her becuase she isn't married.

    This smacks to me as an older A list start that is falling off their A list perch.

    Megan is just getting her career started or stalled however you look at it.

  82. I'm going with Alba.
    She's married and A list in terms of name/face recognition.

    She's young and pretty enough that she won't be overshadowed by a cast full of young, pretty people. However, she's old enough to know that the days of her being cast because she happens to be young and hot are winding down.

    This woman needs a BIG hit so she continues to have options once she's in her 30s. It's not like she can get by on acting ability alone. Plus, girlfriend needs to keep making that money! Lord knows her husband isn't contributing much.

  83. I'm not seeing Scarjo as the answer. She's getting good reviews right now for the play. She is known to be an uppity uber intellectual and no offense to any Twihards, the Twilight series doesn't fit.

    We might as well guess Tom Cruise as the actress.

  84. Last time I've seen more dried out leather was when I was sorting through my late grandma's old purses.

    I've read that Donatella suffered a breakdown at the great loss of her brother, Gianni. As someone who went into a huge depression after the early loss of a sibling, I tend to cut her some slack (and my sister was only 28 v. Gianni's 51 years). What ev.

  85. I'm gonna jump in here with Heigl for the actress.

  86. My first thought was Gyneth P... her or Nicole.

  87. Alba is in a movie that's causing a stink at Sundance because she gets her face punched in. Sounds like she's taking risks to me.

    I say Julia Roberts.

  88. That kind of arrogance sounds like Julia Roberts. I've read elsewhere that her box office numbers have been crap the last several movies. She could be getting desperate to get on a bandwagon.

  89. Should have tagged Donatella Versace as a blinding item.

  90. Please tell me Heigl ISN'T A list...

    Kidman was my first guess.

  91. Too vague to begin guessing....

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. My first guess was Julia, but this seems more like Kidman, after I thought about it. Kidman's been the subject of many box office poison articles. Plus she's looking more and more like an overly Botoxed wax vampire (actually, closer to Nosferatu than a Twilight vampire, but I'm getting off track) every day.

  94. Catherine Zeta Jones!

  95. Portman's not married.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. i could also see Demi Moore doing this....

  98. Looks like JLo is desperately taking guest appearances wherever she can, in order to stay relevant. First Glee and now HIMYM:

    JBlow for the win on this blind!

  99. Thank you Mabel. People, in what WORLD is J-Lo an A-list actress?! Seriously.

  100. What about Demi Moore?

  101. Scarlett Johansson
