Tuesday, February 16, 2010

$2.5M For Love

Katie Price says she married Alex Reid for love. Alex says his family is thrilled that he married Katie Price. I'm guessing if he is saying that then his family probably hasn't had the thrill of meeting Katie Price or her permanent camera crew. I wonder when is the last time that Katie Price actually did something in her life where she didn't think about how much money she would get for that particular activity. Katie, who married Alex Reid a few weeks ago in Las Vegas has told the world she got married for love. That being said, if you are a tabloid and have an extra $2.5M sitting around, Katie would be happy to sell you her wedding photos complete with tears sliding down her cheeks and Alex throwing his own garter. Seriously? Who in the hell would want to pay that much money for any wedding photos, let alone of her? I will say this for Katie Price. As much as I cannot stand the woman and think she is a horrible parent, she certainly knows how to make a great deal of money being a vapid waste of space on this planet and has figured out every angle to maximize her minimal amount of fame.


  1. Enty, if it's any consolation, people like Katie Price are incapable of achieving any happiness. I don't know what kind of hole in her soul she is trying to fill, but clearly what she's doing now isn't working. No amount of attention or money will ever be enough. Sad. She's a hamster on wheel. Pity her poor kids. They're probably going to have big holes to fill, too.

  2. i don't even really know who this piece of shit is.

  3. @nancer - neither does Chelsea Handler

  4. Enty, your last sentence sums up exactly how I too feel about Katie Price/Jordan/Whatever she goes by these days.

    I feel for her kids.

  5. I loathe, detest and despise her.
    Can we ban her please Enty?!

  6. wait, wait....weren't they getting the marriage annulled or something?

  7. Who is she? I see her all over the tabloids and mentioned on here, but I truly have no idea who she is or where she came from. What is she famous for?

  8. @RocketQueen~ haha burn!

  9. Bebedog, she was a "glamour model" in the UK (basically a topless model in magazines and adverts). She then had a mediocre music career, realty shows, etc. Smoked and drank throughout her entire first pregnancy and her poor son is the one dealing with the consequences for the rest of his life. She had two more kids whom she also neglects, unless there is a good photo op, of course.

    She slaps her name on everything from books to styling products and clothes, to (I shit you not) horseback riding gear. All in tacky, glittery, saccharine pink shades.

    Saccharine is actually the perfect word to describe her.

    I am ashamed to know this much about her, but I spend my time divided between New York and London, and over there she is unavoidable in the media. She's like the British Paris Hilton, only more orange and even more vile.

  10. oh, and i am sure someone will actually pay for the pics. Hello! and Ok! give money for celeb pics like there is no concept of A-list celeb and infamous celeb so i'm sure that it will be them

  11. I wouldn't give 2.5 dollars to see those pictures. She gives hoes a bad name.

  12. She's pretty loathsome.

    I tried to find the Chelsea interview online but couldn't for some reason. If anyone has the link, please post! Thanks. :)

  13. That dude she married is a cross dresser who is (allegedly) the answer to a BI about a MMA star who bangs ladyboys in Thailand. So if she doesn't have AIDS yet, she will soon enough. Maybe that's why she's gonna get the marriage annulled? Ugh I cannot believe I am actually giving this any thought.

  14. Katie Price... ugh. A Page 3 Girl who gives other Page 3 Girls a bad name and the ultimate of famewhores. Basically the worst faux celeb Britain's ever offered, worse than Gyles Brandreith (sp?), worse than Kokey Katona, worse even than David "Son of God" Icke. And I know I'm going to get "But she's so shrewd and calculating!" comments about this, but I seriously think Jordan is not even remotely as smart as she thinks she is. I'm thinking she couldn't even measure up to Jade Goody levels of intelligence. Ick. Go away, vile woman.
